1046 -
"Come out with your hands in the air, now!"
Blood Wolffe bristled up and started growling.
"You better hurry up you giant ballroom decoration, the cops are here. They dont like you and they certainly dont like me. But dont hurt them they are innocent. I hunt the wicked to protect them."
Blood Wolffe began to search for another exit but it wasnt promising, usually when the police announced their presence they were already swarming all over the place.
"There is something else in there with your amulet, be careful. I am going to distract the police to buy you time."
He was really doing it because he knew the beast would crush anything in its path, maybe even innocents.
So he burst through the window and onto the street with a loud crash.
"Blood Wolffe, put your hands in the air and-"
Before he could finish Blood Wolffe sent a wave of energy to a squad car which crumpled it and sent it over the police officer's heads. It landed far from anyone but it was a mangled peice of metal now. Then he set another squad car ablaze by pointing at it, sending the police taking cover by it running for cover as it exploded.
With enough damage done to distract some he then leaped away, bounding from roof top to roof top.
"That will destroy whatever reputation I have left." He thought.
"Hopefully someone understands what I am trying to do. That thing looks determined and hardly stoppable. I hope it can handle whatever is in there." -
Their attention fully on Ice Bloc Blood Wolffe was able to position himself well. He let loose a wave of energy that sent the hellions flying. He then proceeded to blast one with a crushing burst of energy that sent him through a pipe and hitting a wall with a sickening crunch. Hellions didnt make for challenging prey but this curious creature was intriguing to Blood Wolffe, he wanted to see what this thing was all about.
Blood Wolffe sniffed the air for a moment...
"More are coming." -
Blood Wolffe was jumping from roof top to roof top looking for something to hunt. He was no ordinary hero, he was a failed Crey experiment discarded in the wild to die as many failed experiments before him. He would have to except a mortally wounded wolf fused it's soul to his, giving him power. The wolf and he were one.
Blood Wolffe was hunched over the edge of a roof when he smelled something peciliur, a magic he had not yet seen. He bristled up and growled. Then he set off stalking this new prey.
He came upon the creature quickly, looking down on him from above, judging his movements. He was quite a curious creature. Oblivious to everything around him, trampling down whatever was in his path.
Blood Wolffe cocked his head to one side like a confused wolf would. Apparently he did not care for this society, something Blood Wolffe felt as well. He was an unpopular hero because he killed the villians he fought which did not sit well with the "saturday morning cartoon ethics" heroes as he came to call them. They didnt understand that it was his instinct to hunt, to kill. He did not live by the same moral codes as humans. They would not bother to understand him, but maybe this hero would.
"Hey you Ice hero!"
still no response. Blood Wolffe bristled a little, he did not appreciate being ignored. He jumped down in front of the Hero and suddenly saw he was completely made of ice.
"What is your name? Do you have one you giant Ice Block?"
"Where are you going? Do you need help? My name is Blood Wolffe, if you are going to accomplish whatever it is you are trying to do, you will need someone who knows how things work around here. I can help. What do you say?"
Blood Wolffe could sense something about this creature that was similiar to him. No one understood him and no one understood this thing, not even Blood Wolffe. His pack instincts were taking over giving him a desire to help this poor creature.
"I will come with you, you dont know what the hell is going on do you?" -
Someone will build a Japanese Schoolgirl SG.
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There already is one. Aoyama High on Justice. They don't ook very Japanes, but they have the uniform. Found them through my search for other players in Japan. That's my story and I'm sticking to it . . .
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Hey! I am in japan. I live in Tokyo. Whereabouts are you?
EDIT: *looks at location* oh, Tokyo also. Well, thats still cool that I found someone who lives in Japan and plays this game too. Dont waste time trying to speak japanese to me, I dont know but three phrases. -
I'm guessing that Accuracy will be nerfed.
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Think of it in a more twisted sense.
Statesman could be saying the players accuracy in guessing the date could be nerfed because the prediction was so darn close. Well, that was the first thing that came to my mind.
[/ QUOTE ]
That is what I thought when I read it. Again, he posts and people interpret it in every possible way and argue and bicker until it comes out. Are you sure you are not a villian states?cuz yer pretty diabolical
Forgot a good one of mine. Atheum, he was a warrior who challenged the god of war and lost, sent to the underworld, and in exchange for all his power he was allowed to return. I was playing around with the word atheism until I got a name.
Blood Wolffe
well, first a mortally wounded wolf fused its spirit with him. (wrote a story about it, you cant make some heroes=shameless plug)
I think I couldnt get wolf so I made it wolf, not sure though, so I adapted the story, since he is part human, part wolf I gave him the name wolffe, kinda human, kinda animal. Wolf Blitzer was considered, but he would be a joke then.
Blood just sounds cool, its one of my favorite words, it has impact, gets attention, and his costume is red.
What I want to know is whats the story with COW god? -
Hmmm... How about instead of showing fights going on inside the arena, have pre-recorded fights on the screens? Kind of like advertising for the arena. You could have to T-1000 looking heroes running at each other and collide in a giant fireball while playing the monday night football music.
seriously though is pre-rendered fights possible? Fake ads would be cool too, like the ones in Robocop except for Crey industries and Up and Away Burger. -
I sure have seen alot of "the game engine wouldnt support it" responses to ideas. Just curious Posi, what does this game engine support? (j/k)
IV. Vengeance
Blood Wolffe was running through the woods towards the facility. He had been given a new life, and with it, new power. He felt revitalized and had a killer instinct in him now.
He was on the facility now, and he could smell Jen from outside. He crashed through the wire fence without slowing down. He leaped into the air all the way to her office in the third floor crashing through the window.
Jen screamed in horror and hit the panic button. Three Crey guards came in with two Protectors.
The wolf in him growled and they could all hear it. The rage built up in him now he pointed at one of the guards and a burst came out of his hand sending the unconsious man like a ragdoll into the wall. Quickly dispatching the protectors and all but one guard whom he grabbed. He wasnt sure what he was doing but the wolf was more in control than he was. He stared into his eyes, burning into his soul. Tears were coming out of the guards eyes when he let him go and the man merely whimpered and balled up.
"Its your turn Jen." Blood Wolffe said.
"How? What did you do to him?" She said stunned and frightened.
"It looks like your experiment needed one last thing. I found it."
He grabbed her and began to burn into her soul. She was more innocent than he wanted her to be. After all, he needed someone to blame after a life time of torturous experiments. A slight smile came to his face. She could see the bite marks now. Jen was tearing up from his gaze.
"Where is Keith?" He said.
"He went back to his office... in Paragon City." She gasped.
"Please let me go." She begged, tears running down her face.
"There is chance for redemption in you Jen. Do not waste it."
And with that he lept out of the office.
No longer a weary, defeated, project. Now he was a hunter, and his prey would be those that made others suffer.
Possibly to be continued... depending on reader review.
(Be gentle, not much experience at this)
III. Potential
As he laid there bleeding thoughts came to him.
"I can let go." kept going through his mind.
Every time he tried to close his eyes though he kept snapping them back open. Like someone was calling to him. He knew this place. It was the very woods he ran through in the trance.
He sat up to get a better look at his surroundings when he heard it. A distant howl, like a wolf. He figured they smelled his blood, but that explanation didnt settle with him right.
"This is as good a place as any to die."
And he fell on his back again. When he looked up a unusually large wolf was standing over him. Looking into his eyes. No. Looking into his soul, seeing everything he ever saw, judging him like a guard at the gates of heaven... or hell. It paralyzed Blood Wolffe, and he was more afraid that this supernatural beast would dissaprove of him than anything he had ever been afraid of before.
It was an old wolf, mortally wounded. In the stomach. Just like he was. He could sense that there was something special about this wolf. Apart from it burning through his eyes into his soul, he could see into the wolf. It was a true warrior in its time.
They were staring at each other for what seemed like forever. When the wolf suddenly bit him in the mouth.
"AAAAW! WHA... What are you doing!?" Blood Wolffe screamed as the wolf's teeth sank into his cheeks. The wolf was still staring at him, eyes burning deeper and deeper into him, growling now. Breathing into his mouth, forcing the wolf's breath into him.
It was getting brighter. Very bright and the wind was suddenly very strong. It was so bright it was painful but Blood Wolffe could not shut his eyes because of the wolf. He felt light headed and blacked out.
He woke up and was alone. His shackles were gone somehow. But most curious of all was his wounds. They were gone.
The wolf was gone and the paw prints were covered by now, although if it werent snowing he doubted he would see any.
He felt his face to see if it was just a dream. There were bite marks. He felt the crust of dried blood on his face.
Then there was something behind his eyes. Very subtle, but it was there. It was the wolf. It was part of him.
He jumped to his feet. He could smell the forest and hear the snow falling. His senses were extremely sharp.
Blood Wolffe tried to doubt himself but he couldnt. He just knew he and the wolf were one now. Maybe the experiments had done something to him. No, it wasnt that, this was beyond science. Maybe their souls were on the same wavelength.
"Souls on the same wavelength? I must be crazy." He said to himself, or to the wolf. He didnt know. But he trusted the wolf.
He knew what he wanted to do now. He had to go back to the lab to find Jen, and give her a peice of his mind.
More to come soon...
(by the way, I used human preservation league as an nod to another story, "The Rose Blooms", because I liked it, by RoseCross) -
II. Realization
"Blood Wolffe, come with me, the experiments are over." Keith said.
"Forgive me for not believing you. Who the <bleep> are you anyways?" Blood Wolffe was not one for being subtle.
"You can come with me in shackles or you can come unconsious again."
"Good point." He was curious anyways, and what more could they do to him?
Keith and his entourage led the shackled Blood Wolffe to a black corporate helicopter.
Such heavy shackles too, did he fear him that much? It was widely believed, even by Blood Wolffe, that he was a failed project. Which was a success in his mind.
In a few moments they were flying over the Alaskan forest and Blood Wolffe was staring out the window.
"You know, you are an interesting case." Keith said.
He continued to stare out the window.
"Do you know what you do when you go into your trances?"
This got his attention. "What? What do I do?"
"You growl. Like a dog. Can you believe that? How stupid is that? Some of the scientists say the noise even matches growling exactly. You are very good at it. Growl for me now."
"Why would I do that?" Blood Wolffe replied. He didnt know he did that.
"I can think of something that will do it. I read your record, the one you have broken out of to find so many times." Keith said snidely.
"I have seen it." He said. But Keith could tell he wanted it badly.
"You saw some of it, and misinterpreted the information. You know how you were taken from your parents?" Keith's smile was sickeningly vicious now."
"I was stolen at birth." Blood Wolffe said.
"Wrong, did you know they were members of The Human Preservation League? A union against heroes" Keith said, he was relishing this.
"So" Blood Wolffe said.
"During the pregnancy they found out that they were going to give birth to a meta-human, as it were. They abhorred this. They were going to get an abortion, but we intercepted the information and switched the doctor to have you surgically removed and sustained by Crey until you could breath on your own. You were stolen, but they didnt even want you born. Even now, we are the only family you have and you failed us."
He had his heart ripped out. The one thing he always hoped for, to have his family back, could never happen. They wanted their own blood destroyed because it was different.
"You dont even have a power that is super human, you have even managed to fail at the very thing that caused your family to discard you like trash. Crey does not except failure."
With that, Keith pulled out his pistol and shot Blood Wolffe several times in the stomach. He then opened the door and pushed him out of the helicopter.
He tumbled through the air for a moment his stomach queasy and in pain. He crashed through branches, bouncing off some and finally hit the frozen ground. If it wasnt for the experiments his body wouldnt have been reinforced and he would have died quicly. Now he was just going to lay there shackled, and helpless, and bleed to death.
Still more coming... -
My first attempt with this character, please bear with me...
I. Failure
In a Crey Ind. lab hidden in Alaska's wilderness...
It was time for today's experiment and the subject referred to as project Blood Wolffe was being particularly uncooperative. Jen, the lead scientist was fed up with him.
"Send in the protectors." She said unenthusiastically.
The Heavy door opened and in stepped two protectors, both quite imposing. Picking the close one Blood Wolffe lashed out, and smashed his fist against the visor, sending the now limp protector to the floor. The other one shocked him with an electric blast and he was immediately unconcious.
"See, he is improving." Jen said.
"If you corner any dog it will bite" said Keith, the Figure Analyst sent from Crey HQ to supervise the project.
Well, officially sent to supervise, but his real purpose was to see if this endeavor was worth pursuing any further. The subject was being highly resistant, even after they stopped anesthetizing him for the experiments and surgeries to break his will. Some of the more painful ones got results out of him, but it seemed like he went into a trance for most.
Jen knew why he was here and was taking Blood Wolffe's stubborn behavior personally. After all, this was her life's work and would be a ticket to a top position at Crey.
"He knocked out that protector cold, thats a little more than just a bite." Jen said defensively.
"Its not enough." Keith added "You need results soon."
Blood Wolffe woke up on the table in the lab alone. He had been here many times in the course of his life. He was stolen from his parents as an infant, and experimented on his whole life. That was all he could gather from his numerous breakouts and attempts to find files on what little history he had. He hated them so much he wished he did have powers to destroy the whole compound.
"Are you ready Blood Wolffe?" Jen asked through a loudspeaker.
"No, I think we should postpone doctor, I dont feel well today." he said sarcastically. He hated her most of all.
"Very funny. Xenon exposure in one minute."
The room was filled with a whirring sound and he fealt heavier suddenly.
"Why dont you come in here doctor? I want you to hold my hand."
No response to his sarcasm.
Then his skin started to burn and a siren kicked on to keep him from going into his trance. It never worked though, since he didnt really control it, it came to him.
When he was in the trance it was like he was on some astral plane. It was like being in the woods, running through the trees covered in snow. So fast. He could smell the forest and hear the snow fall. His heart raced faster and faster with excitement as he closed in on his prey. Prey? He was hunting something? He just went with the feeling and let himself feel the rush of adrenaline. Closing in on his prey. Getting closer... closer... closer. He was more alive in the trance than awake.
"Jen, I am afraid I have some bad news." Keith said.
"I need more time, give me six months!" She begged.
"We are having alot better results in numerous other projects. I am reassigning you off of R&D."
Being placed in Alaska was bad enough, but this? She had no choice.
"Whats going to happen to my project?" Jen asked. She cared about Blood Wolffe's potential for her gain more than him, she made sure this was known.
"Blood Wolffe will have to be scrapped, everything that would put a black eye on Crey is to dissappear, everything." His dark tone made her shudder.
To be continued... -
Personally I liked the little white square with an X through it. But this one has style. Nothin beats the X though, especially mine.
1. Scrappers are mammals.
2. Scrappers fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the scrapper is to flip out and kill people.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just had to point this out. NO scrapper has REAL ULTIMATE POWER, you should swallow a frisbee. -
Blood Wolffe was raised by wolves and therefore feels no need to have a job since he can live in the wild. Although he does not quite feel at home with his pack or with humans. Quite a tragic story that developed itself.
Atheum was a fearce warrior who challenged the god of war and lost. He was sent to the underworld and in exchange for his power he got to go back, he is now trying to get his power back to fight his god again. A hollow suit of armour also doesnt need a job.
I guess I dont like work! -
we need a yawn, as if to say "You bore me hero, ...kill him."
Shaking your fist
the "up yours" hand gesture, you know, uppercut the air while slapping your bicep
kissing biceps
holding a small globe in palm of hand
pacing back and forth
making a speech with a podium or on a soap box ranting and raving
on hands and knees slamming ground with fist in anger -
Just a thought- You know that info thing you can get when you right click someone? Put an arch nemesis tab on that. It can either be selected by the player or whoever you fight the most, I dont really care which.
What server was this on? I just want to make sure I NEVER play with this guy EVER! I hope everyone else agrees and gangs up on him. To do what, I dont really know but he should get ganged up on.
In the old world Atheum was a powerful warrior in his time and he thought he was the best for all time. He grew tired of killing men and beasts so he started defying his god, Ares, the god of war. Atheum stood on a beach one night shouting to the heavens, challenging him until Ares came down in a rage. "You have been at someones mercy for the last time" Atheum said. "I want your throne". "You are a great warrior. I like you Atheum. So I will be merciful, Throw down your arms and I will gut you quickly" replied Ares. "Come get them."
Ares lunged quickly at Atheum almost taking him by surprise. Atheum knocked his spear from striking his chest and promptly replied to swinging his heavy sword down, aiming to cleave his head. The god raised his sheild and blocked the blow but is was so forceful the sheild banged off his head. The fight continued through the night until dawn and Atheum was winning against a now exhausted Ares. Now a Proud Atheum stood over Ares"Are you beginning to see now? I am better than you, and when I am god the world will tremble at my name, and no man will dare defy me. You grew weak sitting on your throne". He raised his sword to cut his head off "a fitting trophy" he thought. Suddenly Ares threw sand into Atheums eyes. He stumbled back in pain swinging his sword blindly back and forth, "YOU COWARD!" he screamed in pain to the heavens "IS THIS YOUR GOD OF-" He was interrupted by the spear of Ares running through his chest. He wiped the sand out of his eyes and looked down to see his blood. He had never seen it before. "Go to the Under World. Now you are nothing more than a ghost and a forgotten warrior, just like all the ones before you and all the ones after."
Atheum wandered through the Underworld being witness to new horrors not possible in the world of the living. A demon walked up to him "This one is mine". Atheum looked at him for a moment "Don't waste my time you worm". The demon responded be swinging his axe at him. Atheum quickly ducked and stepped in close to break the beast's neck. He moved on.
After a thousand years he made a deal with Hades. To release him back to the world of the living in exchange for all his power. "Just to let you know, I will come back to take what is mine." Atheum said. "You will be back, I am sure of that." Hades grinned.
In a flash of painful blinding light Atheum was back. A hollow suit of armor with the hole in the chest from Ares' spear which the light shined through. He got up and looked around in awe of this new world. Not knowing what to make of it he wandered about. "Give me your wallet!" a hellion said. Atheum looked at him for a moment, then stabbed him with his sword. "Welcome to Paragon City - Protector of Heroes?" he read off a sign to himself. "I am coming for you Ares, If it takes me a hundred thousand years, I am coming. Nothing will stop me. But first I must find someone who knows their way about this metal forest." -
As far as heros not swearing, the Punisher was a Marine, yeah he probably used proper english in the Corp. Wolverine probably cusses like a sailor
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Being a Marine I had to mention that it is not Corp. it is Marine Corps, We are not a corporation. Although it has its beurocracy and politics. Believe you me, marines do not use proper english, sailors have told me to "tone down my language" F*CKING SQUID!!! Also just to hijack this post further, what about shan't, nobody mentioned shan't!!