The Workings of a ghost mind (Open)




In the old world Atheum was a powerful warrior in his time and he thought he was the best for all time. He grew tired of killing men and beasts so he started defying his god, Ares, the god of war. Atheum stood on a beach one night shouting to the heavens, challenging him until Ares came down in a rage. "You have been at someones mercy for the last time" Atheum said. "I want your throne". "You are a great warrior. I like you Atheum. So I will be merciful, Throw down your arms and I will gut you quickly" replied Ares. "Come get them."
Ares lunged quickly at Atheum almost taking him by surprise. Atheum knocked his spear from striking his chest and promptly replied to swinging his heavy sword down, aiming to cleave his head. The god raised his sheild and blocked the blow but is was so forceful the sheild banged off his head. The fight continued through the night until dawn and Atheum was winning against a now exhausted Ares. Now a Proud Atheum stood over Ares"Are you beginning to see now? I am better than you, and when I am god the world will tremble at my name, and no man will dare defy me. You grew weak sitting on your throne". He raised his sword to cut his head off "a fitting trophy" he thought. Suddenly Ares threw sand into Atheums eyes. He stumbled back in pain swinging his sword blindly back and forth, "YOU COWARD!" he screamed in pain to the heavens "IS THIS YOUR GOD OF-" He was interrupted by the spear of Ares running through his chest. He wiped the sand out of his eyes and looked down to see his blood. He had never seen it before. "Go to the Under World. Now you are nothing more than a ghost and a forgotten warrior, just like all the ones before you and all the ones after."

Atheum wandered through the Underworld being witness to new horrors not possible in the world of the living. A demon walked up to him "This one is mine". Atheum looked at him for a moment "Don't waste my time you worm". The demon responded be swinging his axe at him. Atheum quickly ducked and stepped in close to break the beast's neck. He moved on.

After a thousand years he made a deal with Hades. To release him back to the world of the living in exchange for all his power. "Just to let you know, I will come back to take what is mine." Atheum said. "You will be back, I am sure of that." Hades grinned.

In a flash of painful blinding light Atheum was back. A hollow suit of armor with the hole in the chest from Ares' spear which the light shined through. He got up and looked around in awe of this new world. Not knowing what to make of it he wandered about. "Give me your wallet!" a hellion said. Atheum looked at him for a moment, then stabbed him with his sword. "Welcome to Paragon City - Protector of Heroes?" he read off a sign to himself. "I am coming for you Ares, If it takes me a hundred thousand years, I am coming. Nothing will stop me. But first I must find someone who knows their way about this metal forest."



That afternoon Tick-Tok was enjoying sniping Hellions from the roof of a tall building. After an hour or so of this, he decided to take a walk. Tick-Tok watched as the armour clad hero stabbed a Hellion.
"Hey! Overkill!" Tick-Tok shouted at the person.
"I know hellions are annoying! But don't kill them!" Tick-Tok said.