150 -
Tried other ways with other sets but this was (with what enhancements I have already) the best I could do. I could get more hp by switching one thing, but then the lethal, smashing and melee dropped low, so I thought where it is now, Is probably good. The hard part being able to afford the 3 purples I used.
Thanks for the info, all of you. I wasn't sure. Well you saw the third build I had, some sets I can't change cause I already have them slotted, It's a wp brute though, do you think the final bonuses I posted look the best then?
what about this, seem like a better middle ground between the two? i just worry about endurance, but the recovery is higher now so it probably will make up for it (i think)
Set Bonus Totals:
7% DamageBuff(Smashing)
7% DamageBuff(Lethal)
7% DamageBuff(Fire)
7% DamageBuff(Cold)
7% DamageBuff(Energy)
7% DamageBuff(Negative)
7% DamageBuff(Toxic)
7% DamageBuff(Psionic)
6.75% Defense(Smashing)
6.75% Defense(Lethal)
7.69% Defense(Fire)
7.69% Defense(Cold)
7.38% Defense(Energy)
7.38% Defense(Negative)
6.75% Defense(Psionic)
10.5% Defense(Melee)
8% Defense(Ranged)
7.69% Defense(AoE)
2.25% Max End
7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
36% Enhancement(Accuracy)
12% Enhancement(Heal)
241.8 HP (16.1%) HitPoints
MezResist(Held) 8.8%
MezResist(Immobilize) 7.7%
17% (0.28 End/sec) Recovery
130% (8.14 HP/sec) Regeneration
1.58% Resistance(Fire)
1.58% Resistance(Cold)
3.13% Resistance(Negative)
5% RunSpeed -
I have this SS/WP Brute I've been playing for over a year now, and it's unstoppable with my possible weird slotting. I am amazed how well it does. Still there is brief moments some stuff gets through, but it's extremely hard things I create in the Mission Architect usually.
Anyway, does DamageBuff matter much? Look at below, it's what I currently have:
Set Bonus Totals:
11.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)
11.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)
11.5% DamageBuff(Fire)
11.5% DamageBuff(Cold)
11.5% DamageBuff(Energy)
11.5% DamageBuff(Negative)
11.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)
11.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)
4.88% Defense(Smashing)
4.88% Defense(Lethal)
9.25% Defense(Fire)
9.25% Defense(Cold)
6.13% Defense(Energy)
6.13% Defense(Negative)
6.75% Defense(Psionic)
6.75% Defense(Melee)
7.38% Defense(Ranged)
10.8% Defense(AoE)
2.25% Max End
43% Enhancement(Accuracy)
12% Enhancement(Heal)
12.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
5% FlySpeed
269.9 HP (18%) HitPoints
5% JumpHeight
5% JumpSpeed
MezResist(Held) 12.1%
MezResist(Immobilize) 8.25%
14% (0.23 End/sec) Recovery
100% (6.26 HP/sec) Regeneration
1.58% Resistance(Fire)
1.58% Resistance(Cold)
3.13% Resistance(Negative)
10% RunSpeed
2.5% XPDebtProtection
If I build it in another way, I get these buffs with higher Regen, Smashing/Melee (see below). Would that be better? I mean do I need the DamageBuffs from above? Also my current build can survive with occasionally close calls on Endurance in long fights. With the New build, I would use more endurance. It's like 4 slots in Weave which turns .88 cost (globally) to .98, for my specific build. I'm already having some trouble. Anyway here is the bonuses re-slotted.. I like other than the DamageBuff and HP change.. unless those things don't matter?
Set Bonus Totals:
7% DamageBuff(Smashing)
7% DamageBuff(Lethal)
7% DamageBuff(Fire)
7% DamageBuff(Cold)
7% DamageBuff(Energy)
7% DamageBuff(Negative)
7% DamageBuff(Toxic)
7% DamageBuff(Psionic)
8% Defense(Smashing)
8% Defense(Lethal)
7.69% Defense(Fire)
7.69% Defense(Cold)
6.13% Defense(Energy)
6.13% Defense(Negative)
6.75% Defense(Psionic)
11.1% Defense(Melee)
7.38% Defense(Ranged)
7.69% Defense(AoE)
2.25% Max End
43% Enhancement(Accuracy)
12.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
12% Enhancement(Heal)
213.6 HP (14.3%) HitPoints
MezResist(Confused) 1.65%
MezResist(Held) 8.8%
MezResist(Immobilize) 7.7%
13% (0.22 End/sec) Recovery
130% (8.14 HP/sec) Regeneration
1.58% Resistance(Fire)
1.58% Resistance(Cold)
3.13% Resistance(Negative)
5% RunSpeed
I'd post the full build but people would tell me to do different things probably when I've been fighting insane amounts of bosses and ebs at the same time fine. Like I said occasionally things get through, and I was wondering if I can improve it if the DamageBuff bonus really isn't necessary?
The end cost difference bothers me as I said. So mostly asking about bonus advice. Not sure if anyone will be able to help.
Oh and does Strength of Will need the damage reduction or is the steadfast unique fine? -
I'm running sli so it's not performing well even with that target edit. Still I don't think the shadows matter has much to this game There's never been a sense of adventure for me. It's all just fast repetitive combat. I like it, but it's a sort of jump in and out game for. I play a lot of other better games that have had functions "ultra" mode introduced, a couple years ago. Right now it's a lot better off. I spent 90% of my time in the architect anyway, because the canon stuff I've played so much I'm just sick of doing it. After like what 16 level 50s and servers full of 30-40 level characters (before the MA was added), and doing all the arcs over and over just sick of it. Was sick of it 2-3 years ago.
ultra mode reminds me of when Ultima Online added that 3d client and no one ended up using it and all the screenshots were still the old school and better client. It would have been better if instead of messing with shadows, they'd have just added local lighting to the particles and focused more on that kind of thing than shadows on buildings and seeing myself in the building windows... which I never stop to look at anyway because I just want to play the game.
I had the same problem with the numpad0 trying to do stuff with all of them would do stuff with whichever i had last used instead of all. so if i uses the demons it would just move them. basically it acted like the separate files do.
I want to put a giant monster into a map of mine for level 50+ stuff, but the GM is level 30. Wasn't there some trick to get this to work? I looked all over but I can't find that info if it exists. Thanks to anyone who can answer.
nah every game i play besides CoH works fine with it of the next gen ones I play, and they are in the business to make gaming cards. Go to the SLI and nvidia forums there is a petition to get SLI working with this game. I mean even Craptic games (i dont like them) works all fine and good and their nothing special compared to like ubi, epic, capcom, valve, turbine, infinity ward, that metro 20 whatever forgot who made it, borderlands, about every game on the steam store
It better support SLI, that's just AMATEUR if it doesn't. Seriously unprofessional all the way.
It is kind of crazy and backwards they let people play epics so early now but still have the choke hold on mere costume pieces in task/strike whatever forces some of us will never be able to get. It's just awful , it's all i can say. I mean one is higher priority then costume pieces so why not just make the things available to everyone through normal arcs they can play by themselves at 2-3-4 am in the morning when no one is on? Group content could then give out group oriented rewards for people that can play that way without punishing people who protect and work while everyone else is online. =( Issue 17 looks like it's up today. going to sleep.
I really enjoy chain induction and I solo the 8 person spawns +4 or whatever above my level. It's great. In those kinds of situations that power is awesome. I just use ninja run so I took everything but one of the first of the two attack (i forget the name, I have like 1 of every brute) and the taunt if there was one. it's absolutely great to play.
as long as I can solo the incarnate levels AND GET THE NEW COSTUME PIECES SOLO I'll be happy and support this game forever. It IS BS though that they give away the epics at level 20 now and still lock these costume pieces up in group content. For group related content they should give group rewards to benefit that kind if play. Costume pieces should not part of the group stuff. Especially again when some of us can't play until LATE LATE LATE hours, and want these things on multiple characters/servers. It's just too difficult and it makes me want to look elsewhere when investing my money in gaming. If anything they should sell those pieces at a higher fee on the store, where I'd purchase them.
I love this game but I don't want to see it have an end game of grouping to get things/hit "60." WoW does that better and I'd just go play that then where people are on ALL the time. I like CoH because I don't have to group and can relax. I have yet to get a purple or afford it (with the other sets coming first) and I've been playing since day 1 of this game. I don't even spend money in the tailor or ever really have. I'm pretty set on most of my costumes, and am wise about how I manage my influence/infamy. -
I run all the new games and a few in development (which I can't comment on) on the highest settings but ultra mode feels a little laggy to me.
Hey yeah I am at work now. My job doesn't afford me much time and I have to travel to see my family so gaming is something I can't do when I have days off. So buying all the current and future costume pieces (and the money would help development anyway, which is a good thing) is the only true option I have.
I never have any or ever will. I have a serious job with serious hours heh. Seriously. It's never going to change, ever. I rather just pay the money.
Quote:There were quite a few people on before
I'm sure you'll get the chance to do a TF eventually - the Hess and Katie ones are both pretty quick - less than an hour for each of them.
all i want is the roman armor. I'd pay 100 dollars fee for it if it was on all my characters. -
Quote:That's the hours i play.. forever and I can't change my job. On my days off I spend it with family, some serious stuff so no times to ever play games. So I just play this late and you can see how the game doesn't work that well for me if I can't solo stuff. I've never done a single task force since the game launched. It was rough back when we had to actually do the respec missions before the "empire" took over. Luckily we can buy them now, though I rarely need them and at this point just am building weird things for the sake of variety.We can try some other time - although, that really is very late for starting a TF.
I could go in now and play but I bet no one is on. -
hah those people who want perfectly constructed purple builds for their team mates are crazy. I have been playing since the beginning and I have a ton of 50s and I still don't have 1 purple set. I never even got a purple recipe to drop and I'm doing the 8 person spawns solo and fast on the highest settings. I don't' want that kind of perfect group mentality in this game. They should just keep it like it is and let us solo or duo or group how we see fit and still get the rewards, just make the grouping stuff group rewards (for bases or something for those people who have big supergroups) and keep the personalization stuff like costume pieces etc for people who just solo or play casual with 1 or 2 friends.
Oh wait my time was off sorry about that. I got out late. I'm female too so not much a date as much as we would have been shopping for roman costume pieces that I will never see anyway... or purples. -
ah okay I was just curious. Someone on this forums got me started on it (then ditched me and the internet) but the character building is confusing to me.
I hope so. I REALLY do. Hey by chance you don't play DDO, do you?
yeah I mean there is newbies on or low levels or people I know are jerks but no one 50. During double experience at those times I never saw a SINGLE "real" person. I saw farmers in the MA for some reason with all these names like framlord and stuff but no one else at all in any of the zones. I dont' just search which is easy enough but I was all over the game playing. I encountered someone using the trial, those farmers and a couple level 30s. Nothing else for the entire weekend between 3am-6am
I just want to do it alone. Not wait like a phone call on hold. I hope they don't take this game the route of the other mmos. They are all so very much alike. I just like to play alone and there's no one really on to play with when I do anyway. Plus with so many characters I have, it's too hard to keep finding people in the time frame I have. I mean I fled other mmos because of that very reason, to come to this better one... unless they change the key feature I like about this game. =(
it seems so hard. I think if they are going to release the choke hold on epics, something far more grand than costume pieces, they should switch these costume piece task/strike force things to give rewards for group players that make sense and leave the costume pieces to the other content in the zone, so people have a reason to do it. It's always dead there. I have not seen more than 4 or 5 people on the whole game at the hours I play in the past 2 years.
We can try though. Thanks for being kind. It's so rare.