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  1. Name: Furies End

    Currently Recruiting: We are always open to new members.

    RP Level: Lite/NonRP. We generally just be ourselves in chat.

    Theme/Concept: A place where you can be yourself, without all the Rules, Dictated Costumes/Builds, and jerks who think they are better than you because they have played longer.

    Fury Base is primarily Tech, but with some Arcane rooms mixed in. We have all the functionallity available in Fury Base.

    Activity: Mostly Evenings/Weekends. EST.

    Requirements: Be respectful of other members in SG/Coalition Chat. No Profanity. I will kick any toon that is not active in a 60 day period regardless of Rank. Toons kicked for exceeding the 60 days are always welcome back. Just send me a Tell.

    We Promote based on Prestige, but do not require you to play in SG Mode. It's up to you whether you want to advance in Rank. However, we offer Infamy Rewards at each Rank Promotion for your Main, Alts are advanced to the Rank you have achieved with your Main.

    Leadership: Arc-Asunder, Brutally Beautiful, Seared Earth, Deadly Angel.

    In-Game Contact(s): @Black-Strike, @Red Sea, @NemisisofCent

    Coalitions: We have a Coalition that allows smaller SG's to use our Base TP, etc... until they bcome more established.

    Other Details: We like to help people. If you have a question, just ask. Between the three Leaders, we have many lvl 50's, and one of us can likely help you with Build advice.
  2. I guess those that were created in Closed Beta are just gone, huh?
  3. Everytime I tried to do it in Closed Beta, the Ally was still reflected in a Hostage Situation.

    I tried every combo of settings I could think of, and still the Ally was in a Hostage Situation.

    If they are working on a way to do it, that is good news to me; as I had to get back to my SG, once we were told Live Beta would be coming soon.

    The XP reduction is worth it from a good story aspect. But I wouldn't plan on overusing Allies. If ya do folks might not play your Arcs, or Rate you badly.
  4. Have all of you peeps missed the fact that we can Custom Create our own Enemy Groups? Have ties betweeen them and AV's/Heroes, and even include said AV's/Heroes in our Arc?

    I never even dreamed I could have Lord Recluse in my Arc.

    In short,

    Some Peeps will find a way to make this an Exploit. Some will treat it as an alternate to the standard in-game content. Some creative peeps will design and publish very good Story Arcs. Some will refuse to participate because it does not do exactly what they want it to do.

    In the end,

    Good content will be added.

    Plenty of Farms will be added.

    Most folks will wind up using it.

    We can actually put existing AV's in the Mish? WOW!!!!!

    I can't wait.

    I'm not gonna ask again to be involved in Closed Beta.

    I will prolly be in on Live Beta to some extent, but what's the point?

    Live I will unleash the Story Arcs I have in mind.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Would you have the same opinion if they also remove Salvage/Merits/Enhancements/Recipes from MA missions? Because if you think "actual story or entertainment would be far more rewarding", then there should be no problem right? You just want the story, right? Anything else isn't necessary.

    Better remove those rewards too, since, OMG people might *stage whisper* farm!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You are not comparing apples to apples here. Badges are not Drops. Salvage/Enhancements/Recipes are all critical parts of other in game features, such as Bases, the Black Market/Wentworth's, Slotting and building your toon, to list a few.

    To make the MA in such a way that absolutely no rewards come from it is to launch a doomed to fail game feature. No one will waste their time if there are no rewards for doing it.

    You have stated that you could care less about the MA except in how it can help you get Badges. Well, apparently you believe that it is not going to help you.

    I agree with these others that the focus of the MA is Custom Playerbase Content. I look forward to all the Story Arcs peeps will write. I have several decent (I hope) story Arcs in mind myself. These are the Story Arcs I will play. If I load an Arc and it is obviously designed for the Farming of anything, I will opt out. If that function is available.

    Do I Farm? Yes. But not Badges.

    I try not to form quick opinions of other posters, and have only had one exchange with you. However, it appears that after several different people have offered valid arguments against your "Point of View" on the Badge deal, that you refuse to even consider any suggestion/argument/explanation but your own.

    If you don't want to use the MA because it don't cater to your particular desires, then don't use it.

    But please quit railing against folks on here that see Badges for what they are, and choose to concentrate on the Intended purpose of the MA.
  6. We are all gonna have to wait til Live Beta to find out I guess.

    It is pretty useless getting all worked up, and having arguments in this thread, when we have absolutely no concrete information to guide our arguments.

    (Myself included)

  7. [ QUOTE ]
    The mobs are no different. Hence, there should be no difference in earning credit. Since one cannot, to the best of my knowledge, state that each mob placed will be a Lead Shocker or a Rikti Monkey, a person STILL has to do the exact same things that they would do in a mission in the wild so to speak.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Critical line here is "The Mobs are no different."

    [ QUOTE ]
    You haven't answered anything. Doing anything with the MA for defeat badges is NO different than what goes on currently. Defeat 100 Mages in a MA mission or defeat 100 Mages in a newspaper mission or defeat 100 Mages on the street makes no difference. You have still defeated 100 Mages, which is all the badge cares about or signifies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    See Below...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Nope. Hellfrosts, Hordelings, Succubi, and other things like Legacy Chain, Luddites, Wyvern, Goldbrickers, Snakes, etc don't show up heroside, which is why one needs to do that Defeat Terrigol mission with some finagling to get the Hordelings/Hellfrosts/Succubi (the others are simply unavailable) to spawn.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    K, here goes...

    If they don't spawn in "normal" Heroes CoT content (in the case of Coldblooded), why do you think they will spawn in MA Story Arcs designed by a Hero?

    Apparently, the Devs had some reason for making this a hard Badge for a Hero to get.

    They made it easy for a Villain.

    I'm sure there are countering ones that are the opposite, easy for Heroes, Hard for Villains.

    My guess, is that even if you were to be given Badge Credit, you still would not be able to get the corrects Spawns, because they are flagged not to spawn Blue Side.

    That is total speculation, but it is most likely accurate.

    It also means your argument is useless, since you couldn't get them to spawn even if you did get credit for killing them.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Coldblooded/Coldhearted/whatever its name is, is NOT available to Heroes beyond farming the Defeat Terrigol Valentine's Day mission with a specific level range of Villain being first in to the map.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sorry to hear that. I play Villains, not Heroes, so I do not have that problem.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Answer me are the mobs in the MA any different, provided they are stock critters and not futzed with to have more or fewer powers than their vanilla counterparts, than the mobs in any other map.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because, while the Mob CONTENT is not player defined, the Enemy Group in each mission of the Story Arc is. You can go to Paragonwiki, look up Hordlings, see what lvl ranges they are set up at, and design a five mission Story Arc with nothing but CoT as the enemy.

    This is true for every other ememy group in the game.

    Instead of having one Mish that you are farming to get the kills on the random Spawn, you have greatly increased the chances of spawns by having 5 missions to farm.

    You describe farming one mission, you are talking about the ability to farm an entire 5 mission story arc.

    There is a big difference there.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Again, answer please how this is any different than a Villain farming a Legacy Chain map, or a Hero farming the 7th Generation Paragon Protector mission, or someone farming a Master Illusionist in a Paper/Radio mission?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As I sadi above, because you now will have the ability to do a little research, and set up a 5 mission story arc to greatly improve your chances of fighting said particular enemy.

    The difference is farming 1 mission and dealing with the random spawn, Vs. farming 5 missions dealing with the random spawn.

    If you can't see how that greatly improves your chances to steamroll some of these Badges, then I don't know what else to tell ya.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Edit - You are also attaching emotions/descriptions/assumptions/whatever to something that doesn't inherently have them. Again, the badges signify that you have beaten <x> number of whatever baddies. It doesn't ascribe motive, it doesn't ascribe means, it doesn't ascribe opportunity. Just that you beat that number. YOU are attaching significance that the badge doesn't inherently have.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How so?

    I am not a Badge Hunter. I have never Badge Hunted, and prolly never will.

    I do however try to get Accolades for my Toons, because they provide advantages in sticky situations. I try to get all the SG Badges because they unlock things for my Base. Other than that I get what Badges I get through regular gameplay and think no more about it.

    I attach a certain amount of Emotion to my Toons, because I like to give them Backstories, and usually build them around a predetermined theme.

    I have never encountered the Badge that I have emotionally decided "Wow! I just gotta go get this for all my Toons!!!!!"

    I don't think that I added a description for any Badge, other than to state that Coldblooded is relatively easy to get in Villains.

    Assumptions I make are based on my experience with the Game. I stated from the start that I do not play Heroes. Therefore I do not know what is required for you to get your Badges.

    When I first started playing this game, I played Heroes, and there were CoT everywhere. None of the CoT content on the Heroes side spawns Hordlings/Hellfrosts? I wasn't there long enough to know, so I am asking.

    As far as Significance, I guess all Badges are significant to the Badge Hunter.

    I only seek what is required for Accolades, and SG Items. If a Badge falls under either category, it is significant to me. If it doesn't? I get it or I don't, and really could care less.

  9. I don't know about Heroes, as I don't play Blue Side, but you included Coldblooded in your list earlier. This badge is readily available Villains side with minimal effort. And, you don't have to be nowhere near 50 to get it.

    All in all, I disaggree with you. If the Badge states that you have to kill X number of Z critter, then do what is necesary to kill them.

    Unlike alot of folks on here, I do not believe that the Mission Architect is, or was ever intended to replace Dev Content. As such, it should NOT give credits for killing specific critters for specific Badges, because a player could then set up a 5 Mish Arc with the needed enemy group in question, and play it til they get the badge chime. If this is the case, then who cares about Defeat Badges, they become useless, because I can write a Arc and get them whenever I want.

    I know, there are alot of harder to get ones, but your suggestion truly makes the others meaningless.

    As for those who think that MA is the "END OF THE GAME", because the Devs are all going Bye-bye, and no more content will ever be added to the game other than from the Playerbase;

    1) Why release this game for MAC, a whole new operating system if you intend to Shelf/Put out to Pasture the game?

    To do so would be slapping your new Apple Playerbase in the face.

    2) Posi has big plans for the I15 Aniversary Issue.

    Some folks have already Speculated that this may be storied around the 5th Column.

    Hmmm, doesn't sound like an end to new Dev Content there.

    3) I read an article written by a Dev who worked on the New Cimeroro Story Arcs that hit in I13. He was adament in saying that the Sister Airlia Similarities to Ghost Widow were not coincidence. That future Story Arcs based on this Character would delve into her link to Ghost Widow.

    Hmmmm, doesn't sound like the Devs plan to quit there either.

    (I'm new to the whole "Providing a Link" thing, or I would link to these.)

    4) Finally, if I15 is Hypothetically the Last Big Bang from the Devs;
    a) Folks will play the new content.
    b) Once they play it, knowing that no future upgrades, updates, patches, fixes, content, or Dev presence is forthcoming; they will quit.

    For the brand new Apple peeps, they will be extremely pissed.

    For the rest of us, I for one will be pissed too.

    I just do not see them doing that.
  10. But, I have to ask...

    What is the point of this Thread, if none of us are in Closed beta, and know nothing about how the Architect System will work?

    So that everything related to I14 testing will eventually end up here? If so they got alot of useless speculation, and/or crap to read before they get to actual content; which will be added when Live Beta Testing starts.
  11. So in other words, the Devs play favorites.

    Guess we'll all have to wait for Live Beta then, lol.

  12. What concerns me, is the mention of Story Arcs created around/about SG/VG's.

    I personally think that these should be SG/VG exclusive, and tie in to the Mission Computer in the Base.

    I see the same thing happening with the SG/VG thing as with the Background Story thing. (see post above).

    I truly want to write Story Arcs around my Vg, but, I think it should be VG exclusive. Only the members should be able to access them.
  13. If we are calling Character Background Story Arcs, *Origin*, then yes, there are sure to be many. I plan one myself, that covers two of my toons.

    There are two different ways these can go:

    1) "My Character is the mosty awesome force in the universe!"

    Anyone setting their toon up as a "Perfect" example of what a Hero/Villain should be, because the character has absolutlely no flaws/morals will have a hard time getting me to finish their Story Arc. The same with Characters set up as Contacts, that are intentionally written to be Beligerent, Insulting, Holier-than thou, the best thing that walked the earth. I have little patience when confronted with Conceit, Egotistical, stuck on themselves people.

    2) Background Story Arcs that are written with alot of thought, care and planning.

    These will be where I hang out. Everybody has flaws, and so would our Heroes/Villains. Example: Wolverine of the X-Men; his animal Rage, lack of discipline, and almost suicidal willingness to use deadly force are his biggest rubs with the rest of his team. He smokes, cusses, is deliberately disrespectful to authority, also flaws. However, his capacity to love and the depths of his compassion towards the younger team members are very heroic qualities. He'd die before he saw Kitty Pride or others come to harm. There are other traits I'm sure, but that is off the top of my head.

    The mix of flaws balanced with the potential for good makes a hero believable, and thus more interesting. Villains would be a little more difficult to write, as you have to set their evil ruthlessness against some Moral quirk, or failing of some other type.

    Either way, there will be alot of good ones, and their will most likely be alot more bad ones.

    The trick will be to sift through them to find the ones worth your time.

  14. One advantage to Architect is new playable content. I know on Villains, alot of folks would rather power-level a new toon to 50 than play the same old Story-Arcs they have played numerous times.

    This may or may not be true for Heroes Side. I've spent little time on Blue Side, so can't comment there.

    With the recent release of the game on Mac, and the promises that the Aniversary Issue 15 is going to be big, I kind of doubt they are putting the game out to pasture.

    At least I hope that is not their intent.
  15. I got used to the Caves after a short while. The Council Maps took waaaayyyyyy longer, but it happened much to my surprise.

    I got to say the Maps I dislike the most would be the CoT Temple Maps. I dislike the Arachnoid version of Caves. Some of the Tech bases with multiple Vators on each level can be a pain if it's a clear all Mish, and you missed one straggler, (But I intend to use that one, lol).

    I've gotten used to the different Maps, for the most part. But, I have a feeling alot of peeps will use the more unliked/hard to navigate maps just for an added edge of aggrovation/difficulty.
  16. Info would be nice, but I understand their wanting to keep it close for the moment.

    As far as Power Changes, Base Changes, New IO's, etc... I kinda doubt we will see much of that this Issue. We can always hope, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

    I15 seems to be a very big deal to old Posi, though. No telling what we are likely to see when that hits.
  17. How exactly do you become eligible to recieve an Invite to Closed Beta Testing?

    I already have dialogue written up for a few Story Arcs, and would love to help test the system.

    If I can't get in on Closed Beta, I'll see you all on Live Testing.
  18. Sorry,

    @ Black-Strike

    That is my correct Global. I always forget that dash...

  19. @Black Strike
    Triumph, Red Side.

    I also will make a toon on any Server and help if I can.

    I'm not as good as some of these guys, but I'm pretty good.

  20. I would like to say thanks to everyone who has discussed Stacking, Floating, Magic Desks, 2nd Floors, and/or who have submitted pictures of their work.

    I just finished my first 2nd Floor Base Project, and found that all of the information you guys/gals have provided was quite helpful.

    Again Thanks all!
  21. Very nice!!! Very inspiring. I have a couple of empty rooms to dec out, might try to come up with something myself after seeing THAT!
    Amazing what Stacking can do...
  22. Has there been any response to this? Any hopes it will actually happen?
  23. Welcome again SunStorm,

    Group Name: Furie's End

    Server: Truimph

    Side: Villain!!!!!

    Approximate Size/Cost: Currently 12x12, expanding to 20x24 with I13. 12Mil.

    Anything Else Pertinent: Prefer tour to be post I13, after I have had time to make the changes I have planned.

  24. Welcome Sunstorm, very glad to have you. Hope it will be a long term placement.