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  1. Arc Title: The Network is Down!
    Arc ID#: 72835
    Global Handle: @BlackAmaranth
    Alignment: Villianous
    Faction: Various
    Difficulty: Moderate
    Synopsis: The Internet Backbone to the Rogue Isles has been severed! Lord Recluse orders Angry Sysop to get it back up. Angry Sysop hires you to investigate. You have to trace the outage, stop all those who seek to take advantage of this opportunity & restore connectivity.
    Estimated Time to Play: roughly 45 minutes (4 missions, last 2 are shorter, but tougher)

    I'd love to get some feedback. I know is sure isn't an ITF, but I'd like to make it enjoyable. Tell me how to make it better!
    Thanks peeps!
  2. Ever seen a Mag 3 Hold on a man's ear as he's dragged into the kitchen?
    I'm pretty sure Mighty has...
    That is if there was a mirror on the way to the kitchen.
  3. 13) When you are stuck in traffic downtown, in the city and you have this nagging fear that some yahoo hero with super jump is going to come crashing down on the hood of your car and jump away without so much as a "Sorry" or even an "Oops".
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    You request vacation time at work for Double XP weekend.

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    Doesn't everyone do this?
    [ QUOTE ]
    You call in sick to play.

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    Again, hasn't everyone done this at least once?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    You wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare that your main toon got deletd.

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    I've had that dream..... Had me curled up in the fetal position in the shower for a hour till I was SURE it wasn't real.
  6. Is there a Spring Love brewing here?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    Oh BA, Hrist is at School and they are the ones with the Cisco NAC box cuasing the trouble.


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    Yep. I just have the program to access the internet through the University system. And it keeps telling me I need an update of a Microsoft program (but not which one), and then Microsoft tells me that there are no updates for my computer. Viscious circle that is only serving to annoy me.

    I did, however, manage to get my laptop connected this morning, so I can use that tonight if necessary.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    $10 says it's a Microsoft Office Update, and not a Windows Update. Go to Office Update and check to see if you have any updates there.

    The reason why you keep getting cut off from the internet and don't have full access is because you are probably in the "Quarantine" segment of the network, because your computer isn't patched up to the minimum level set by the Admins on the Cisco Server. The "Quarantine" area allows minimal access to the network and internet, and it keeps all traffic and usage of your PC "under the microscope" as not to infect or allow infection of/from other PCs in the network.

    If you can't get, or can't find any patches on the Office Online patch scanner, call the IT Department and tell them to look up your PC on the server and see what patch level you currently are flagged at. If it's just asking for a patch, you didn't do anything wrong, and you don't have to worry about the Admins smacking you down or anything. They should be helpful.
    Net and Server Admins only normally get testy when you try things on thier network that they specifically block. You are TRYING to comply to thier standards, so they should be willing to help.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    And Earthsmasher? What do you mean you don't have access to the tables? All the members of the SG should have access.

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    Mainly when you are only at the level you are initially invited at in Big Bads, you do not have access to the tables. Or that is the only thing I could figure out it could be. I think you have it labeled as This week's Bad Boy. Near the begininig When Butter wanted to run the Computer SF, I had Seismic drop form the Big Bads to join HoM since Big Bads didn't have a mission computer. When he rejoined I was at that level and couldn't access the tables. Which I didn't really worry about. Now that I swapped out Seismic for Doc Fixer, he is at the same level now. Though he has yet to go into the base as of now.


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    Well, all you need to do is speak up on Static Team Night. There are plenty of people who can promote your toons to proper levels. If I had known.... Well, I can't say that. I haven't really been around. But, I'm sure if Jak had known....
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone know anything about Cisco Clean Access Agent? It's what my Uni uses to let us connect to the internet, and today it's been giving me grief- I can connect to the internet for two hour windows, but not to the CoH log-in server at all. If I can't get this fixed by tomorrow evening I'm not gonna be able to join the weekly fun.

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    Wait a second....
    You are running a Cisco NAC Box at home?!?!?!?!?
    That's some hard-core security for home use. What'cha got that's so valuable at home? Are you harboring the launch codes to the missile satellites?
    I'm a network engineer, by trade, and even I don't use a Cisco Security Server at home. Cisco 2600 Router, yes, but not an NAC Box.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I dont remember ever taking an IO from the table, but I did have a level 30 perfect zinger proc left after my respec. Its in storage now; if you want it, help yourself

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks for the replies all.
    I'm not even sure if I put it in the tables or not. It's been so long I dunno where it is. I checked my Vault Reserve, the Tray of my 50 Villian, the Tables..... It's mind boggling. But that lvl 30 should help alot, Thanks Beetle King!

    And Earthsmasher? What do you mean you don't have access to the tables? All the members of the SG should have access.
  11. Um.... Did anyone see a "Perfect Zinger: Chance for Psionic Damage" in any of the tables? I made one, and now I can't find it.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Dont hate me because im beautiful, and fuzzy

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not really you, it's whoever put that "Plum Smuggler Thong" on you.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Far as I know that is the Plan, Oh Banana Moss Hammock one!!!!


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    I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    hey slacker, you will now have competition for the most faceplants, you'll have to work hard to have more then BA

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    I am sure it will come down to who can get to the mob 1st.

    or is this everyones way of saying I get to work on my lacky badges by lacking BA.

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    And I gotta tell ya, Angry Sysop really does just "Lock in" and keep going. As long as there are mobs, I keep going and going and going.... I seem to have found a good balance of End Use, and Fury Maintainence.
    I can only see that getting better as I get up in levels.

    So, you should have a run for your money in racing to the mob.
  15. Once I-14 goes live, we should have Mod8 or Ex-Libris clear out this thread so we can only have Champion Missions Listed, and only Missions listed and not all the conversation we have now.
    Until then we should list the Test Missions, though.

    Anyone second the idea?
  16. I think so.
    That one looks like it supposed to be named "The Creators" and this one is "Champion MA"
    Sorry to say, even if the other one was there first, this one already has like 25+ people in it who I know are going to actively create, so I'll be sticking with Champion MA channel.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I think more like 35 maybe 36. When you jump back in we can Lacky you up to the lowbie and get you a bit more XP and death.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait.... that's not right.....
    That's better.
  18. I'm preparing to come back to the Static Team. I won't be back this week, I have to tow my Thunderbird to my sister's house to start a rebuild on the suspension with my brother-in-law. ( any of you care about why)

    But, anywho, I'm trying to get some levels on Angry Sysop to catch up to you guys. What are you at now? 32-34?
  19. Thanks to AceMace for inviting a bunch of people (myself included) into the "Champion MA" Channel last night.
    I'm really looking forward to I-14 and playing everyone's creations!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Damned good idea Electro!
    I'll be wanting to play as many Forumite's Mission Arcs as possible!
    Starting with Witty's.
    'Cause you all know he's working on a Pirate Mission Arc right this very minute, and I want some Rum!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It took me a week almost to survive the debugging on the test server. And it's taken me three days to figure out where the GM monster sets are and the Open Map zones. And now I'm freaking out because Jurrasik's not on the list. 'Cause I promised Cobalt an All-Monster TF dammit and I'm trying to deliver!

    Also, without a set villain group of pirates, starting up a Pirate TF is a moot issue. Unless you want us beating up Tsoo or something...

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    What about the Ghost Pirates from Port Oakes?
    And we can always "invade" a Nemesis Town for their advanced Distillery Technology!
  21. Damned good idea Electro!
    I'll be wanting to play as many Forumite's Mission Arcs as possible!
    Starting with Witty's.
    'Cause you all know he's working on a Pirate Mission Arc right this very minute, and I want some Rum!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ill be out this week, going to see Watchmen

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    On a Wedensday?!?!?!?! Dude........The above statement makes me....

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    Watch it on a Wednesday, on a Sunday, anyday, anywhere, anytime....
    I Woulda Coulda on a Train,
    I Woulda Coulda in a Plane,

  23. Quoted from "Hot Knife wants you" thread
    [ QUOTE ]

    No throwing of deadly objects please.

    Yes, I'm alive. And still an active subscriber of CoH.
    I've just been going through some personal problems. The way of Depression, Finance, and What my Future Holds. Kinda like a mid-life crisis, only for your Thirties, instead of your Fifties.

    I apologize for my disappearance, but I just can't seem to put down my real-life problems long enough to pickup on my Fun Virtual-Life. I've tried a few times, but I just can't get my head right, and I feel guilty for #1 neglecting my real-life issues, and #2 doing something half-asssed. When I get on, my heart and mind aren't truly in it, and I feel like I'm doing both myself and any teammates a disservice without being able to get my head in the game fully. I'm just going through the motions at that keyboard and not really enjoying myself or paying attention. No one deserves to have to play with a Zombified BA at the helm.

    Again, I apologize to the Team, and to everyone else not on the Team whom I may have worried with my sudden disappearance. I promise I will return soon. I just gotta get my "crap" together, and get my mind right. I hope you can understand.

    And in related news, BrokenGoddess had to take a leave of absence for real0life reasons as well. Some personal related, but also BG's computer committed suicide. So, I'm in the final stages of building a new one. So, you should have at least one of your players back soon. At least as soon as BG can pay me for the PC.

    So, I hope you guys do well in the interim, and i hope there is space for us when we get back.

    Thanks all!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Still dealing with some Real-Life stuff.

    I am actually at my sisters house tonight, installing a new HDTV Home Theater with a Networked TiVo.
    Yeah, cause apparently being in IT instantly makes me a Home Theater Guru too. Except that I am a Home Theater Guru, but that has nothing to do with my job and everything to do with being a gamer.

    I'm flattered that the possiblity of my coming back garnered that reaction though! Makes me feel loved...... Or at least liked as a place filler.
  24. Damn that villainous virus with it's exceptionally slotted Accuracy IOs.

    Pop some Break Frees, Defenses, and NyQuils and get better!

  25. I'm currently still at work, working on a router issue. I may not get home in time for the run.
    And BrokenGoddess will be out for a few weeks due to some financial issues (I.E. Account credit ran out, and doesn't have the money to renew just yet due to work cutting back some hours)