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  1. I got "The Dockworker" (Fire/DB Around Lvl 14) all setup to attend and give 'em hell!
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    Some characters just don't have the resources to hang on a Master run. Like Ice Tanks.

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    True story, got MoSTF the first time with NetMinder's Ice Tank tanking.

    But anyhow, I have a Blaster, Scrapper and Tanker that are all MoSTF vets. Take your pick.

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    Stray's ice tank also has MoSTF, and so does my ice tank (before it got deleted)

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    Hey, I have an Ice Tank, and I know they aren't the worst toon in the world, I'm just saying, they need alot more help than say a Stone Tank to hold Recluse. And if we can't supply that much backup, then we shouldn't bring it.

    And I gotta say, I'm taken-aback by the amount of people who are willing to throw themselves into this challange on short notice.

    I'd like to try to start between 5pm - 6:30pm EST if we can. But, if we can't get enough of a good team together, my roommate BrokenGoddess will be home at about 9:30pm-9:45pm EST and it sounds a few of you will be available around that time too, so that will be our 2nd team attempt if we can't get our "sheep" together between 5-6:30. Hell, maybe I'll just run in both!

    So I'll put this up for now. And let's see what we get.

    Master of Statesmand TF
    5/17/09 6:30pm
    1 @BlackAmaranth Lvl 50 Rad/Elec Defender Electronconvulsive
    2 @Dalante Lvl 50 Blaster or Tank (Both have MoSTF done already)

    Master of Statesman TF
    5/17/09 10:00pm

    1 @BlackAmaranth Lvl 50 Rad/Elec Defender Electronconvulsive
    2 @BrokenGoddess Lvl 50 Tank or Defender (Forgot Powersets both already have MoSTF)
    3 @Cherry-2000 Lvl 50 Fire/Emp Controller Cherry-2000
    4 @War Admiral Lvl 50 Fire/Kin Controller War Admiral
  3. Calling all those who think themselves, 'Hardcore'.
    On Sunday, May 17th, I hope to run a Master of Statesman Task Force.
    I will be supplying my Level 50 Rad/Elec Defender, and Dal of the Pingus has offered up eaither a Tank or Blaster, both of which are Veterans of the MoSTF runs.
    What we need now are others who are man/woman enough to put up thier best gameface, and knuckle up for a hard run, on this short notice.

    We don't have a time yet, but we would like to start late afternoon/early evening so some people can still get a good nights sleep before work on Monday.

    If you want to try to run with us, please post here, and send a Global message to @BlackAmaranth
    Tell me what you want to bring, and if you have ever run a MoSTF or STF before.
    But please remember, this is a MASTER of STF. PLease use common sense with offering up a toon to come. Some characters just don't have the resources to hang on a Master run. Like Ice Tanks. My Ice Tank would never be able to serve as primary Tank on a MoSTF. Regular STF. Maybe.
    Understand that this is not a walk in the park, and it will be rough, and if you can't keep yourself from dying, DON'T WASTE OUR TIME BY JOINING! We can not have any Deaths.

    Thanks And I hope to hear from you all soon.
  4. We pulled a "Double Header" and did both an ITF and a LGTF. I want to thank everyone who came out and helped the 'rookies' onthier first time out on the big dog TFs. Especially to Paladin CE who led us on the ITF and Solid Pain (@Dalante of the Pingus) who led the LGTF. Also kudos to Prvt. Slacker for also having the stamina to hang with Nerd_Rage, Zombie and myself through both TFs.

    It was a fun run. Sometimes when you do these TFs enough you start to go on auto-pilot, and eveyrthing is a blur. You loose sight of the plotline and the dialog and the meaning if it, and it becomes a set of instructions on how to get a handful of merits rather than an adventure. Tonight, it was an adventure and a very fun one at that. Thanks for letting me be a part of that.
    I'll run another ITF or LGTF with either of you any time.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    The above 7pm - 8pm (EST) start time looks good to me.

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    I should be on by 7pm tonight (just going out to dinner now, should be back by then) and I'll be up for running either one, and I have 2 Lvl 50 characters to choose from. Either a Ice/Axe Tank or a Rad/Elec Defender. I've actually taken Lead Tank on a couple ITFs before, with proper healing backup, but never run Lead on a LGTF. Just an FYI.

    Just shoot me a Message @BlackAmaranth
    And I'll join ya.
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    Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
  7. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?

    And yelling at kids to say off his lawn in his bathrobe.
  8. Really?
    Aren't we done with this thread?
    Either LMC is coming back, or it's dead as a doornail.
    Pick one and end it.
  9. @BlackAmaranth

  10. I've been toying with the idea of coming to this raid, but all I have to bring is my Energy/Dark Corrupter that gets as much play time as a comatose, quadriplegic clown. And I'm not sure how effective she would be. (Still all SOs in her build)
    Honestly, I've been wanting to get one of my Brutes to 50 to take a more active role in High Level Villain Content. But, as usual, finding teams is difficult.

    If I'm on, and you think you could find a use for my Energy/Dark Cor, just shoot me a tell and I'm there.
    If not, no biggie.
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    I think they might want to complete the TF's . . . . .

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    Well, if you want to split hairs......

    I think the missions look great from the view of a faceplant!
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    So my brother and I haven't run these TF's yet, but are looking to get one or both done on Saturday evening.

    Having never done them was hoping to find a few players who have done them, but, don't or won't speed through them so these newbs can get the whole story and such.

    Drop a line here or PM meh if you feel like going insane towing two TF newbs along and see "Hold on I'm reading my clue" or "wait I'm reading this mobs background" all night long.

    Ill/Rad & MA/SR or an thro arrows guy/somthing

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    I understand your want to actually read the story (Wow, What a concept! Actually role playing the game!) and get into the feel of the TF. However, I would suggest running with a veteran to get some tips on playing the TF. It isn't the hardest TF in the game, but it can be a litle tricky if you don't know what you are doing.

    There are plenty of "Veterans" who wouldn't mind taking is down a few notches in speed, just so you can have fun.
    Like me for example.

    If I'm available this Saturday, I'll be glad to run one of these with you.

    I'm not the most seasoned of veterans, but I have ran each of these TFs over a handful of times.
  13. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?

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    See, BA, you didn't kill this thread... Not yet..

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    My God! This thread's been wounded! Check these knife scars! Medic!

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    Stabby wuz here?
    He must have triple slotted his Hide.
    Didn't see him.
  14. Do you think Hami could survive over 100 Warburg Nukes?
    I mean nothing else but the nukes, coordinated to hit 5 at a time with a 3 second delay in between each volley. At least 20 waves of Nukes.
    I'm almost curious enough to try to organize an event to find out.

    "The Pingu Hami Warhead Rain"
    Ranks right up there with The Pingu Lemming Raid, me thinks.
  15. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?

    Not this thread, but I have my fair share of thread-blood on my hands. At least 5 in the past 2 months by my reckoning.
  16. BlackAmaranth

    MA Mondays!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Arc Name:A Death in the Gish
    Arc ID: 168760
    Faction: Skulls, Vahzilok
    Creator Global/Forum Name: Neuronia/@Neuronia
    Difficulty Level: Easy
    Synopsis: A lowbie mission arc about Kings Row. Caps at level 14.
    Estimated Time to Play: 10-15 minutes

    This is fast lowbie arc. Doable in 10-15 minutes at most, ghostable if you wish...Kings Row lore based.

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    Thanks for making a lowbie mission.
    There aren't enough for starting characters.
    I have a couple lowbies that I'll probably run through this.
  17. Holy DDR Memory, Batman!
    I just found a whole site dedicated to nothing but eMachines and upgrading them.
    Most of the information is pretty technical, and might be out of your league, Gattaca, but look around it and see if you might be able to do some of the upgrades listed.
    They do have a BIOS update, but as i mentioned, it's a little techy to do, and you might not feel comfortable doing it.

    But, look at it this way. This simple video card issue is giving you a crash course in PC repair. Alot of the best Computer Technicians start out this way. Something breaks, and they learn how to fix it, and they start to like it. But,like it or not, it's very useful to know your way around the inside of a PC, and not be so scared of it. So, kudos on learning a life skill.
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    If this is the case, then it leaves us with 2 options..

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    Hari Kari or hiring a bum to murder us in our sleep?
  19. It's true you may want a new machine, but this one is still usable and has value to it. If that video card worked, it would be a perfectly good 2nd Account machine. That's why I recommended a $50 card.
    I'm just one of those guys who doesn't like to see something still usable go to waste. Although it is true eMachines are not exactly the premier choice for PCs, you have this one, and I'd like to see it get working for you.

    I tried looking for a BIOS update for that machine, and no joy there. If I could find out the Motherboard Maker and Model maybe I could find it. But, going by the eMachines model was a dead end.

    The AGP slot could be dead, but I find that less likely than the card being bad. If the slot was never used until this point, it shouldn't have any reason not to work.

    My recommendation on doing an RMA with Newegg on that card, stands. When you get the replacement card, if everything acts the same, then it probably is the Slot or BIOS.

    And then I'd recommend something like this. If you have the extra cash. That package + a $15 CPU Fan and a $20 DVD Burner and you have a decent entry level system that has plenty of headroom for upgrading. And the components are pretty good. Not the best on the market, but quality name brand stuff.

    If you bought an ATI 4850 Video Card ($120), and uped the memory to 4 Gigs of 1066mhz DDR2 Memory (about $50) you'd have a very nice gaming rig for CoH.
  20. That's really weird Patchwork. The Boot Order? Well, it's not the strangest solution I've every heard of. But, yes, you are right about the on-board vid card.

    I spent an hour talking with Gattaca and his brother in Game Chat trying to walk them through getting the card to work on Sunday. And nothing we tried would make the AGP card act as Primary Video. And the fact the eMachine specifically makes troubleshooting difficult so they can charge for support, made things near impossible to diagnose.

    But, i've seen several examples of people using the same model eMachine with upgraded video cards, so there MUST me a way to get it to work. Electrohawk and I both thought it might be a bad card. If There was another AGP machine we could use to test said card, before Gattace RMAs it, I'd feel better. But, the only other computer they have is a more modern PCI-EXPRESS Dell Inspiron.

    Maybe there is a jumper that can turn off the on-board video. I've seen that before. But not for a long time. But it's a possibility. The only problem is finding a manual or motherboard diagram to check that.
  21. During my searches to find some solution to your issue, I came across this thread. This guy is using an ATI 3650 in the same model machine you are using. (he's having issues, but those seem to be driver issues, not compatibility issues) The 3650 is a MORE powerful card than you are using and requires more external power than yours so who ever advised you should be drug out into the street and shot.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm sorta surprised the card didn't come with an extender.

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    I was too.

    But it seems I have another problem. I had the guy extend the power source cable, plugged it up, and hooked the other wires up and watch the screen to animate annnnndddddd nothing. Monitor says "No Video" and goes to sleep.

    *>,<* I'm going to kill it..

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    OK, reseat the card, all the other cards in the case and the memory.

    Does the system beep at you at all? If so, what is the beep sequence? Wait... this is a Dell? There should be 4 lights somewhere on the system labeled A-D that light up Green or Amber. (Your system may be too old for those, but I'm hoping not) Try to find them and see what the light sequence is.

    Can you put your old card and boot it without issue? If you can. then there is no damage to the mainboard, power supply or slot, So, luckily your "wire stretching guy" didn't kill the PC. If you can't, well.... something is wrong in Denmark, and it ain't the cheese.

    If there are no beeps, and all the lights (if present) are green, the system is outputting video to the card or possibly the on-board video card if you have one. Try the other card output (It should have at least 2 connectors if one is VGA and one is DVI, the system should have a DVI-VGA converter try that.) Also, this just came to me, many monitors have both DVI input and VGA input, and do not have an auto switcher. Like my Dell Ultrasharps, they have a button that switches between the 2 inputs. If you are switching from a VGA input to a DVI input (I know the MX 4 had VGA only, and I think the new card has DVI) make sure your monitor is on the right input setting.

    There could be alot of reasons for what is happening.
    Calm down, have some dip, we'll get through this.
    Just tell me more about what is happening.
  23. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?

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    I didn't like Hot Fuzz that much.. Left a bad taste in my mouth..

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    We've been over this before.
    It's not the movie, it was that 4 week old popcorn from the movie theater you were eating. I know they give it away in giant bag every night, but it's just not worth it man!
    Save yourself! Just buy a $0.99 bag of Act II Popcorn and save yourself the nausea.

  24. [ QUOTE ]

    Dangit.. All I had was a Gigabitz, a local store, and they were sold out..(And RadioShack but that was a stretch) But I was directed towards a local guy who could have the cord extended in five minutes or less, and that's what I'm doing today.

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    As long as it doesn't entail speaker wire and duct tape, you might be OK. Cutting and splicing wires inside a computer case can be dicey (No Pun intended). Always use Electrical Tape, and always use the same gauge (as in size circumference), and conduit style (As in braided core or solid core) wire and keep the spliced portions away from any circuitry in case the taping job was insufficient and there is a chance for arcing.
    If you trust this guy, then ok....
    But, getting an extender or splitter that or properly made for this sort of thing is always better than "a guy who can make the wire longer"

    Good Luck.
  25. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?

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    The Gift isn't a chick flick. It's an early Sam Raimi film about a murder and a psychic. Katie Holmes bites it- which is a good enough reason to like it as far as I'm concerned.

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    How did I not know about this film?
    I'm a huge Sam Raimi Fan!
    Ever since I saw Evil Dead, I was hooked.
    I'll have to check this out one now!

    Oh, and for the record, A Scanner Darkly sucked.
    And y'all know it to be true.
    If it didn't have the trendy cell-shading filmography, it would have been an unfunny version of Half Baked, and that's just horrible.