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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Slow day. On the intresting side looks like we have another serial killer in Milwaukee. Go WI!

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    Living in Wisconsin would make me want to kill people too.

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    How dare you impune the Mecca that is Lambeau Field! Temple of the Gods of the Gridiron!
  2. OK, so far, so good.
    Optimally, I'd like to have a Kin and an Emp for the run, but If i have to choose, we need the Emp.

    Acey did a good job of Tanking Recluse, but if he doesn't have an Emp backing him up it might not go as well.

    ResplendentMs seems to have an Emp or Kin, but anyone else want to volunteer a Kin or Emp to round this out? (And thanks for signing up again Ms)

    Other than that, almost anything else can only help.
    More Melee might do well.
    I Dunno.
    We got a few days to iron it all out.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I wish I still had my Nosferatu shirt.. she'd look so cute in it.

    I was helping my friend fold some of her step daughters laundry one day and I was frickin shocked.. Shorts that showed off half their butt cheeks?!? Tiny little halter tops? My friend was not too impressed with my little speach that began with: "You let them go out dressed like this?!?" Talk about sexual predator bait up the wazoo. Jeesh.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My niece stole my Nosferatu, and Tzmisce T-Shirts when she went to Oz-Fest. I STILL haven't got them back.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I used know a stripper that went by that name. She smelled like Vanilla and shame. She's a RN now.

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    Now she smells like Disinfectant and Vomit.
    Neither of which will ever make it to Obsessions' new fragrance line.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    I have seen 8-11 yo girls wearing the **** fashion, so its not just teends.
    Seeing little girls dressed like that is a really big OMG thing.
    Since the little girls do have no real control over their own clothing.

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    So, what you are saying is, the young mothers who no longer fit into said slutty clothing, are vicariously exploiting their daughters to express their own "daddy issues" there-by giving the little girls even bigger "grand-daddy issues?"

    Wow. What a great time to write a child psychology dissertation.
  6. BlackAmaranth

    New Hero

    [ QUOTE ]

    What are the odds you're going to corrupt that hero the minute cohgr is live. ;]

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    Is a frog's butt watertight?
  7. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?

    *carton pops out of existence in BA's hands*
    But, it was Neapolitan.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I can start the Friday MoSTFs again around June, probably mid-June. Will be at 9:30 p.m. Eastern.

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    Woo Hoo!
    I started a movement!
    Reminds me of the time I organized a protest against the war, by not leaving my bed, with my girlfriend Yoko.
    Wait.... No that wasn't me. That was John Lennon.
    Honest Mistake.

    However, I would like to try another MoSTF. So, why not do it on the proper night. I will ask a favor of the populous at large. Please don't "grief" my run by trying to steal members who sign up on this list for a 2nd run. That happened on Sunday, and it earned me a few "evil looks" and hurtful messages. Sign up here, and please commit to this run, and not another. Sorry to get all dictatory. I'm done now. I just want to make sure everyone who signs up gets a spot and not left out because of confusion.

    Master of Statesman Task Force
    5/22/09 9:30pm EST
    1- @BlackAmaranth - 50 Rad/Elec Def - Electroconvulsive
  9. Hey! Guess what I just found!
    BFG 7800 GS OC AGP Card sitting in my old hardware bin.
    Wanna see if it works in your Machine, Gat?
    I can FedEx it to ya!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    GATT still needs that badge.. Almost had it one time.. Wasn't even my fault ^_^

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    And this one time on a States Task Force, Gattaca stuck an IO in his..... Nevermind.
  11. BlackAmaranth

    Thread Murderer?

    Gee, thanks Neo.
    Is there no spoon?
    OK, then you can't eat this ice cream
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey, I'm a "new" old player........just started playin again recently...I've only got 1 lvl 50 and he's an emp/dark defender. Green-Lighter used to be the [censored] back in the day, but sadly I haven't played him since pre-ED.....but I've got plenty of respecs available and if someone was willing to help me out getting a good spec for him, I would definitely be interested in doing this run. It would be my first attempt at this TF seeing that I stopped playing around issue 6 (is that when CoV came out?) Anyways, thanks in advance for tips!


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    I'm not terribly fantastic at builds, but I do know good IO sets from bad IO sets, and how to optimize for a particular need (sort of). Send me a PM, and I'll try to make you a build around what you want to do with the character. (I.E. - Total EMP Support, or Play like a Corrupter, Raid Toon, PvP, Etc)

    It might take some cash to get you into IOs from the SOs you are probably running on, but that's just more excuse to run TFs.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    So I take the family out for lunch on Saturday. Sitting at a table near ours is a clutch of teenage girls. One of them is wearing these jeans that are just super low slung on her hips, and I kid you not, she's got a couple of inches of crack showing. So of course, my daughter (in the non-modulated full-throated voice of a 5 year old) proceeds to ask me "Daddy, why is that girl's butt showing?"

    It was like that old EF Hutton commercial, where everything comes to a complete silence.... and then people started laughing and looking around and pointing. I thought my wife's head might explode from embarrassment, and the girl in question too. But, the moment passed, and all was fine. Until we got up to leave, and as we're going, my 3 year old son actually drops a penny into the aforementioned crack.

    Ain't parenthood fun?

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    Teenage clothing is getting out of control!All the girls are trying to dress LESS than Brittney Spears and Beyonce. They haven't even full gotten in to puberty let alone out of it, and they are all trying to dress like the covergirl on Playboy! And how are the parents letting them wear this?

    The boys aren't much better either. the waist of jeans around their knees, or running around shirtless or unbuttoned down to their stomach to show off their 4 chest hairs. Laughable.

    The one youngster fashion I can understand is the new evolving "emo" styles.... They aren't all black anymore. I drove by a high school last week at dismissal time, and there was a pack of about a dozen boys and girls dressed in black with pink or blue hair styled wild, rock band t-shirts, black jeans, spiked wristbands, chains on the wallet/keys/ipod/phone/backpack and Doc Martens. PUNK! Punk is back! These kids look like they fell out of an early 80's Danzig Video. Wow.
    Made me smile.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    There used to be weekly MoSTF runs friday evenings and saturday afternoons.
    Perhaps its time to start those again?

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    Perhaps you are right.
    I don't know if I could lead a team every week. But, I'd sure attend several times a month. Leading the first run on Sunday shot my nerves so bad, I have to beg Lucifus Mephisto to lead the 2nd team. It was nerve-wracking trying to make sure everyone was alive, and in good form, and we all knew what the other people where doing. I can handle even the most stressful situations in game and in real-life when it's just me. But, worrying about other people, and especially when leading other people... yikes. It really drains me.

    I'm not used to idea of a team with no faceplanting. It's harder than it looks to run one. Sometimes I would faceplant on a team just to break the tension, and make people laugh. Can't do that on a MoSTF.

    I can imagine what Cobalt goes through when he runs a Hami Raid.
    Nerves of steel my friend, Nerves of steel.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Now if it was only that easy to get a team together that have a chance of getting MoLRSF.

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    Oh, we had a chance. A good one. The first run, we made a mistake and a Squishy had the Nexus Power for the fight with Dr. Aeon, and when the squishy got too close, the AoE killed them (aka me).

    The 2nd run, it was a fluke when a toon got Stealth Striked 3 times in a row. We tried to heal her, but it was too much damage all at once.

    Other than that, we didn't have much death.
    The AVs didn't seem to be a problem.
  16. *sniff, sniff*
    Why do you smell like pig?
    *runs away*
  17. Wow, has Statesman TF actually been out that long? I've heard that several times over this past weekend that people hadn't run it in about a year. Time really flies.
    It's hard to believe that I've actually seen 9 issue drops in my time as a player. The veteran awards pile up, and you just seem to forget what 42 months actually means. It means FORTY TWO MONTHS! As in 3 years and 8 months!
    That is outrageous when you think about it.
    Think about how much growing up an infant can do if they were born 42 months ago. Then it really hits you how much time that is.

    But, it's time well spent. This game is my hobby, and this MoSTF adventure showed me, I share it with some fun people!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    For some reason I thought the master had to be done on invincible.

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    It doesn't have to be on Invincible. But, the 2nd run Mephisto channeled his inner penguin and had it set on Invincible. The setting doesn't increase the difficulty of the AVs, just the strength and size of the regular mobs.

    I forgot to see if the merit reward is bigger on the higher setting. If it is, it maybe worth it.

    And thanks for volunteering AceMace! You and wifey performed exceptionally yesterday! I'll definitely look you up this weekend.
  19. Low Hanging Fruit.
    Sometimes the lowest to the ground is already rotten.
  20. First, I want to make my apologies to those who wanted to go, but for some reason didn't make to us when were were getting the team together.
    We had some problems when the 2nd Run was starting. The first problem was my fault. Our 6:30pm run ran overtime and I was late getting to the organizing of the 9:45pm run. The next problem was that another team started recruiting at the same time we were gettting together, and people started offering slots open on our team, and some wanted to switch, and other people wanted thier friends to run with them..... Oy vey. It was a mess. I was doing my best to try to find everyone a team. Anyone who couldn't get on with us who I was able to flag down, I sent over to MizNibbles team. And I'm hoping they did better than we did.

    Next, I want to convey my sincerest of gratitudes to everyone from the early team, and the late team for giving it their all, and stepping forward when the gauntlet was thrown down. And even MORE gratitude for stay on the team when one of us died and ruined the Master challenge. Alot of lesser players might have just said "F- This! No Master? No point." But, all of you hung in there and still made it a fun Statesman TF.
    I'm proud to serve with you!

    Now, as you have gathered, we did not have either run with success. But, that does not mean I'm done trying. This Defender is a Pingu, and as a Pingu she will continue to repeat any challenge over and over until success is achieved. No matter how many faceplants it takes! That is the Pingu way!

    So, This coming Memorial Day weekend, I have taken a long weekend as my vacation. Now a few of those days I'll actually be out having a life. But, there will still be time to play CoH. And there will be More MoSTF attempts. If you want in, speak up and we will try our damnedest to get you that badge!

  21. BlackAmaranth


    Hide your HP!
    PvPer in the House!
    Welcome Back Angelsfist!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So a 50 foot tall accordion, a kangaroo in a toga and a robot clown walk into a bar, and the barkeep says 'YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE, HITLER!' and jumps out the window into a swimming pool full of orangutans.

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    hahah, now thats what im talking about!

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    And that's a Tuesday Night in my College Town.
  23. I'm planning on the 6:30pm MoSTF as well and the 9:45pm/10pm run . I know it might not happen because of the Hami Raid, but I'm confident we can get one going with some quality people.

    So, yes, as General Masters pointed out, "BA, you are nuts!"
    I'm planning on 2 Master of Statesman TFs. And if both go off without a hitch, it may just be the longest I've ever gone without a faceplant.
    Just kidding.
    Just to get my fix, I plan to die like 6 times between the runs.

    So. go ahead and sign up for the 6:45pm Run Peeps!
  24. Master of Statesman TF
    5/17/09 6:30pm
    1 @BlackAmaranth Lvl 50 Rad/Elec Defender Electronconvulsive
    2 @Dalante Lvl 50 Blaster or Tank (Both have MoSTF done already)
    3 @Lucifus Mephisto Lvl 50 SOMETHING (See list above)
    4 @Jac Lvl 50 Claws/Inv Scrapper Raggedy Kitty

    Master of Statesman TF
    5/17/09 10:00pm

    1 @BlackAmaranth Lvl 50 Rad/Elec Defender Electronconvulsive
    2 @BrokenGoddess Lvl 50 Tank or Defender (Forgot Powersets both already have MoSTF)
    3 @Cherry-2000 Lvl 50 Fire/Emp Controller Cherry-2000
    4 @War Admiral Lvl 50 Fire/Kin Controller War Admiral
    5 @Cobalt Azurean Lvl 50 Energy/Energy Blaster Cobalt Azurean
    6 @Jac Lvl 50 Claws/Inv Scrapper Raggedy Kitty
    7 @AngieB Lvl 50 Cold/Ice Defender Oblyvion

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