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  1. Click the team button, it'll bring up the option to Quit Task Force, that will drop the mission/arc.
  2. Apologies Lady Arete, just realised that this is on Friday and I can't make it (had it in my head that the 14th was Saturday). Good luck all.
  3. I'm happy to join a Shadow Shard, shout in the usual places. Although you might struggle to find me before lunch on a weekend.

    @Bella The Claws
  4. Thanks for organising this Lady Arete - as I was saying in game the other day Hami Raid is about the only major piece of content I've never run in my time here. I'll be there and I'm posting details on my sg forum, think we'll be able to bring 4 or 5 people.

    @Bella The Claws
  5. I've uninstalled v1.941 and gone back to v1.940 for now.
  6. I'm getting the same error when viewing several of my saved builds, others are opening fine. If I close Mids while viewing a build that has the error and relaunch it gives the following message 'An error has occured when loading the main form. Error: Index was outside the bounds of the array.'
  7. I know that Sharkhead was broken last night and earlier this morning, saw at least 6 people reporting constant mapservers in global channels, and experienced it myself on a toon. I didn't get to Nerva, so can't advise, but looks like the problem is server side.
  8. I'll second the recommendations for Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister which is still one of the best comedy shows ever made.

    I find Peep Show to be among the best of the current batch of UK comedies.

    If you like more surreal humour then Green Wing is worth a watch.

    Also I find it inexplicable that nobody in this thread has mentioned Red Dwarf. All I can say is watch it.
  9. The zombie badges don't show the progress bars. Your kills will have been counted, but you won't know how close you are until the badge awards. The EB badges awards for one kill, normal zombies need 100, lieutenants 33, bosses 25.