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  1. Could be a fun night. Although I predict that a number of Villains will get wind of this and plan an ambush which could actually lead to a decent PVP event on the side.
  2. My PvE scrapper isn't too bad for PvP, he still needs some work put into him though. :>
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Never fear, you now have a jetpack to make up for it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aye, lovely suprise. I was only in BB for a few minues though, I had a party invite from what turned out to be a cracking party last night. From I what I saw the battle looked insanely fun and was quite epic, hopefully the thursday BB battles will become a regular thing.
  4. Count me in. I may have more trouble than usual though, I just used my free respec and switched from flight to super speed, stupid stupid stupid decision. I miss flight. ;_;
  5. Beautiful_Moe

    Union PvP

    I believe a large number of the Union Villains make visits to Bloody Bay for their PvP fun. When I took my main Hero into Bloody Bay to explore I couldn't turn one corner without bumping into a villain and getting into a quick scrap. Later on the team I was in was involved in over an hour long battle with another team of villains, one of which called out his SG which made for a memorable battle. (We won. ) I haven't been to Siren's Call yet, but I've noticed a few messages of "heading to bloody bay, anyone want to come with?" in the Villains broadcast chat.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    or an enormous contest to see who can come up with the most sick/perverted/psycho character without getting banned.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Trust me, people tried it in CoH and that fad quickly died out.
  7. Sweet, I better dig out my mic then, its been a while since I've used teamspeak.