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    The first time I did the TF we tried to go straight for Rom, couldn't even DMG him and we all died. How's that method supose to work if he can't be DMGed?

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    preferable with 2 people w/taunt. you want to separate the healing nictus and the other nictus's away from rom. rom is a squishy compared to the nictus

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    Ah, now I get it. Most of the teams I been on who try to seperate them end up attacking the Nictus first not Rom. I'll have to try that next time I do the TF or at least sugest the idea and hope the team will try it. Some people don't wanna go for the whole "Kill him multiple times" thing but that does sound easier and more rewarding than Killing Nictus.

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    Don't forget that you don't necessarily need two taunters. Immobilize rom and taunt the nictus away from him works too.

    And if you are patient, ganking the heal nictus from 80 feet may be more time effective for your group.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Interesting to read the bit about Rom offering rewards but the nictus aren't. May be a clue as to how the devs -want- us to approach this encounter.

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    I think the fact that he has a rez that eats one of the nictus should have been more than enough proof...

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    Also that the essences can't be debuffed but of course Romulus can should have pointed out who should be taken down...

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    - 100% immune to debuffs so don't even bother trying to -heal debuff it.

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    Have you tried?

    Yesterday I had the /cold corr on our team use benumb on it, and it was doing 100 ish heals instead of 200ish. I'd say that means debuffs are working.

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    Also, I laid down a Tar Patch and was doing more damage to the Essences. So, -RESIST is working.

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  3. [ QUOTE ]

    I think the fact that he has a rez that eats one of the nictus should have been more than enough proof...

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    Well, you still kill 4 enemies whether he rezzes or not. It's the fact that 3 of the enemies don't offer rewards that seals it.
  4. I just wanted to note that romulus seems very easy to immob. My ice controller could keep him isolated with a single cast.

    Interesting to read the bit about Rom offering rewards but the nictus aren't. May be a clue as to how the devs -want- us to approach this encounter.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Quick question. Maybe I am missing something obvious, but why would you add a Luck of the Gambler recharge enhancement to one of your Maneuvers slots? It only adds like 15ish % to recharge by itself if I read it right. Would it not be more beneficial to just add a recharge IO which would add around 40ish?

    (aka what am I missing?)

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    If I understand you right, the difference is the LoTG is a global recharge reduction, for all powers. A recharge IO only effects the power it is slotted in.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    I now hate the rikti. We had a perfect master of statesman task force run, except that in transit to the mission in Peregrine, a rikti dropship zapped 2 of our teammates.

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    man thats ugly !!!!


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    Not that ugly if you consider that the Peregrine mission is only the second mission. If he got zapped buying purples during the Recluse stage of the last mission, that would be ugly.
  7. Is the anniversary april 24th?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    though 38 ain't that old! lol

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    I did say "Sorry" about the "Old woman"...

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    I object to you automatically treating me like an inferior!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    You are all unique individuals!

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    Voice from crowd:

    I'm not!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    but you didn't explain what anchoring is, or i just fail at reading

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    Anchor is an enemy that has an aoe effect placed on them to weaken, slow, or otherwise debuff them and everyone around them. Examples like radiation anchors(enervating field), storm anchors(snow storm), and dark anchors (darkest night) all have a debuff that typically you want to last as long as possible so you kill the 'anchor' last, the enemy the caster placed the aoe on. Sometimes casters will name the target, sometimes you just have to look for it. Some people prefer to put it on the toughest opponent, some on the mob furthest away(most likely to be targetted last), etc. Depending on whether or not you are playing "Bottom Up vs. Nuke the Boss" you can adjust your playstyle accordingly.

    Expect some people to become irritated if you are constantly killing their 'anchor' first.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not understanding this at all. When I did the mission the EB is one of the mobs guarding the Mender. You cannot free the Mender without defeating the EB.

    Is my memory just playing tricks on me?

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    No, you are correct. The few times I've done this, Mender is guarded by the EB every time.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey SP, I'm getting a 404 error from your Forgot Password link. Just thought you should know.

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    Same here. The little login box tells me my username and password are incorrect (they are not, unless these are cryptically referring to some other username and password). Then I can't cancel or close. Forgot login brings up a 404 on the forgot.aspx(?) and the only way I can close the application short of the task manager is to ALT+f4 while it's thinking about where the 'forgot' webpage is.

    Just downloaded it last night, and got my titan key last night. I had been a registered member of CIT before that.
  13. About that Sky Raider's secret arc(20-24), you mention the runs to the contact being a pain.

    Did you know you can throw down an ouroboros portal, go to the ouroboros zone, run across the pool to the big crystal and click the band on it to immediately be recalled to the contact?

    It's similar to going to the small crystals and selecting "be transported to contact" except that there is no options to choose, it's a one click deal.

    My runs went much faster when I realized that.

    Now that you are at her of course, you may have a run ahead of you, or a short wait before the <><> portal recharges.

    If you've already covered this, my apologies, I didn't see it mentioned...

    great guide!
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    First of all (and any forum being what it is, I know this will miss some of us) try to read my entire post before assuming I am crying DOOOOOOOM or speaking negatively about this management change.

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    1. Why would Cryptic let go of possibly dozens of talented developers? Were they not so talented? Not so wanted? Was Cryptic that bad a place to work? Seems odd.
    2. There is talk of a transition period. If just about every single person has jumped ship to NCSoft, what is there to transition? NCSoft was already part of every decision, so what is transitioning? I get the feeling that the real transition is yet to come. Where lots of new hires come in, get trained and up to speed, then one by one the old cryptic crowd stealths their way back to their old jobs/company.

    I just don't get the whole EVERYBODY jumped ship. Maybe Cryptic would no longer have work for them? Get layed off or take the new job?

    I find it hard to believe that Cryptic was so bad a place to work or that these employees were of so little consequence that they could jump ship or be let go en masse.

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    Did you read THIS?

    I'd imagine that's how they all feel. I'm sure I would...

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    That is enlightening....
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    First of all (and any forum being what it is, I know this will miss some of us) try to read my entire post before assuming I am crying DOOOOOOOM or speaking negatively about this management change.

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    1. Why would Cryptic let go of possibly dozens of talented developers? Were they not so talented? Not so wanted? Was Cryptic that bad a place to work? Seems odd.
    2. There is talk of a transition period. If just about every single person has jumped ship to NCSoft, what is there to transition? NCSoft was already part of every decision, so what is transitioning? I get the feeling that the real transition is yet to come. Where lots of new hires come in, get trained and up to speed, then one by one the old cryptic crowd stealths their way back to their old jobs/company.

    I just don't get the whole EVERYBODY jumped ship. Maybe Cryptic would no longer have work for them? Get layed off or take the new job?

    I find it hard to believe that Cryptic was so bad a place to work or that these employees were of so little consequence that they could jump ship or be let go en masse.
  16. Anybody doing this on Virtue? I recently got the longbow gladiators but wouldn't mind sitting in on a larger healfest....

    Thanks for the info!
  17. Nobody post anything else, I just finished reading that whole thread. Whew.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    For the most part, the "stuff on test" isnt' going to be all that different from the stuff on live. It's far different now, obviously, as they're getting ready for an issue release

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    Ah Tundara, but it's this instance that I'm talking about. The one where it -is- radically different.

    It's why I thought there should be some time warp type header attached to any article about the test server. It's not just like any of the other servers.

    If an article is about the positron task force and is done on the test server vs Champion, I'd think it a little silly, but hey, at least we can all relate to what those heroes were doing. Same with PvP.

    Don't know why you'd talk about doing any of that on the test server when there's perfectly good stuff to write about on live, but I do understand that PvP is something that sometimes necessitates cross server battles because of it's competitive vs cooperative nature and the test server is the only alternative.

    Just label it a multidimensional battle or something. "Secret Wars" if you can get away with it.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    Have to agree that the scoop on an event on the test server was a little misplaced. Make the scoop about the live servers, please.

    I read the first city scoop moments before reading this one, and overall I was very impressed with both. I like the variety of stories and articles.

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    We’ve talked about this amongst ourselves, and we’ve come to the conclusion that the Test server contains its own community that should be treated exactly as well as the other communities in this game (servers, PvPers, fan art, etc.).

    We also decided that it was a mistake to not acknowledge that this was a test server event, and that this news was relevant only to those that care about either Issue 10’s progress or the test server community. In the future, we will be more mindful of that. To put it more bluntly, shortly after people pointed out our mistake, there was a large collective slapping of foreheads as we realized our oversight.

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    My fear is that all the latest and greatest stuff will always be on test. Well, maybe not the "greatest", but the "latest" for sure. Do you want to do an article on Wentworths, or Striga when there is a bunch of stuff most players haven't yet seen happening on test? Probably not. You can't say test is like any other server when it gets all the updates first. All the new bling and shiny will always be there and my fear is that all the articles will focus on that. So all the players may feel like if they don't play on test, they may never make it into the scoop's splashy front page.

    What wrong with waiting till things are on live and reporting on things that all the players can relate to or be a part of? The exciting things that are happening now to real heroes, not mirror images. Otherwise, the city scoop becomes a "What if?" comic book of events that maybe drastically different (or irrelevant) by the time they reach the 'real' City of Heroes and Villains.

    If test is reported on, and I agree that many cool and relevant things may happen on test, maybe it needs to be part of a 'time warp dimensional' column each week. 'Dimensional warder forecasts', etc. But please don't make it front page news when there are plenty of interesting things happening on live servers that everybody can relate to.
  20. Have to agree that the scoop on an event on the test server was a little misplaced. Make the scoop about the live servers, please.

    I read the first city scoop moments before reading this one, and overall I was very impressed with both. I like the variety of stories and articles.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I would rather they (PlanyNC, CRyptic) take a few more months and give us more in this issue.

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    In a few more months they'll have another issue ready. Lots of little gifts, spread out.