Titan Key - Now CGT Compatible!
Gj sucker. Thats awesome. For Realz.
Hey SP, I'm getting a 404 error from your Forgot Password link. Just thought you should know.
Thanks, I'll check into it
Mmmmm, I love the smell of freshly updated websites...
Great work, SuckerPunch!
The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki
Hey SP, I'm getting a 404 error from your Forgot Password link. Just thought you should know.
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Same here. The little login box tells me my username and password are incorrect (they are not, unless these are cryptically referring to some other username and password). Then I can't cancel or close. Forgot login brings up a 404 on the forgot.aspx(?) and the only way I can close the application short of the task manager is to ALT+f4 while it's thinking about where the 'forgot' webpage is.
Just downloaded it last night, and got my titan key last night. I had been a registered member of CIT before that.
Hey SP, I'm getting a 404 error from your Forgot Password link. Just thought you should know.
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Me too.
(I realize you're looking at it, just wanted to say more than one person had the problem.)
Hey SP, I'm getting a 404 error from your Forgot Password link. Just thought you should know.
[/ QUOTE ]
Same here. The little login box tells me my username and password are incorrect (they are not, unless these are cryptically referring to some other username and password). Then I can't cancel or close. Forgot login brings up a 404 on the forgot.aspx(?) and the only way I can close the application short of the task manager is to ALT+f4 while it's thinking about where the 'forgot' webpage is.
Just downloaded it last night, and got my titan key last night. I had been a registered member of CIT before that.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow I'm not sure what you're talking about. www.cohtitan.com is written in PHP so there shouldn't be a page forgot.aspx
And then you're talking about applications freezing and whatnot... I think you're referring to the CGT application? If you're having problems with that, I strongly recommend you post about them on the Titan Forums so the folks that work on that side of things can sort you out.
Me too.
(I realize you're looking at it, just wanted to say more than one person had the problem.)
[/ QUOTE ]
As I rebuilt the Titan site I kind of forgot to port over a page or two.... Namely the Forgot Password and About Us pages
Both of those pages should be available again very shortly.
Just a quick note that that "Forgot Password" feature is now online and functional.
The Titan Network is pleased to announce that City Game Tracker's status signatures have just been re-released!
With a new look similar to the new avatars, they make a great way to share your game status on your supergroup or other fansite forums!
Check 'em out today!
We have, at long last, unveiled the new version of the Titan Network website, located at:

On top of the list of new features is full City Game Tracker support for the Titan Key. Existing users may now link their CGT account to their key, and new Key users can create a new CGT account or link an old one through the Key Wizard!
We've also tweaked with interface a bit, with more changes still to come to make Titan your one-stop shop for CoH Information!
There's also some pretty big things going on behind the scenes that we're not ready to share yet - but trust me when I say that Titan is expanding at a phenomenal rate!
Got a question or comment? Drop by the Titan Forum and let us know!