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  1. Baroness_Dusk


    Thanks a lot, I do like to go down the road less traveled at times and I have never really played willpower yet. I might give it a go, I know aoe can tend to be an issue but I have an ss/fire brute for that. I was looking to make an angler of sorts to mow through bosses, EBs etc. Dark has always been a favorite powerset of mine but way back when I last played it, endurance was a huge issue. Interesting build, I'll look it over and give it a go, much appreciated.
  2. Baroness_Dusk


    As I was deleting my old dm/da scrapper from years ago, I started pondering over the combination of dark melee and willpower. Now with inherent stamina, it seems like this would be a combo that can really work well on it's own before having to spend billions in IO sets, this was a problem with my former scrapper (though it was before IOs and all those other goodies). My problem is that while searching through the forums, I haven't seen much (if anything) related to this combo. I see tons of dm/sd threads, though the shield's aesthetics bug me on non weapon based builds. If anyone can point me and my poor search fu to a thread discussing this combo that would be appreciated, or if you have any experiences/builds dealing with this combo I would love to hear about them.
  3. right, meant to add I do craft them and list them but there is this odd trend (and it was also pointed out in a guide I read) for example, i could have a reactive armor say level 37 and no one will bid on it, but if you look at a level 35, it has tons of bids, same as if you look at a level 40 one Maybe it's gamewide ocd. I dgress, didn't mean to divert the topic, I'd appreciate some pointers in PM if no one minds.
  4. Wish I knew how you guys did it, been farming bronze rolls for days, and absolutely nothing I get seems to be worth anything, I've gotten crushing impacts, reactive armors, miracle heals etc etc, and they just sit on the trading house for days and days and I am barely listing them even at 1/10th of the last 5 selling bids (which are usually things sold from a couple of days ago) I might have gotten ONE good recipe in all the rolls I have had and that was a performance shifter chance for endurance, which I kept for my ss/fire brute. The market seems like a fickle beast, I sometimes have recipes where the last few bids would be for millions 15-20+ or more, but currently there are no bidders or sellers for the particular item, and the winning bids would be from up to a week or more ago, and of course when i list, they just seem to take up my selling slots. I admit I'm not good at this, i like knowing what an item sells for (was an ah junkie in wow) and not have to guess all the time. Some of the guides here seem well enough but it feels like in actual practice I'm just messing it up.
  5. Hey all, I've recently returned to the game and have been enjoying myself so far. There's tons more content than I remember when leaving a couple of years back and it's all a bit daunting. Merit rewards, ae tickets, IOs etc etc along with new task/strike forces. In any event, I've always been the type who wants to experience as much as they can in an mmo, though I've noticed it's pretty rare to see pick up groups doing task forces. In that respect I've been seeking an active sg/or vg (my 34 ss/fire brute is a vigilante currently) to explore the content with, hunt badges and just get the most out of the game really. I've always been an rper so having at least a bit would be a plus. Feel free to drop website links or shoot me a pm or email @bon fire

    Thanks in advance.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Irish Fury View Post
    SS/Fire brutes seem to be the king of farming these days and there is a good reason for that. I don't have one myself, but I've been told it is a capable farmer on SOs alone. Shield is also a good pick for farming because it gives you another large AOE attack (Shield Charge). I farm very little, but when I do I use my main who is an electric/shield brute and he is amazing.

    As far as making influence goes, farming isn't the best way to get rich quick. I would suggest perusing the market forums and read some of the guides over there. The ones by Fulmens are the best IMO. It's very easy to get very rich just by playing the market a little every day.

    Also, you have the option of earning alignment merits to cash in for valuable IO recipes. To earn these you need to run 10 tips (5 per day) and then you will get a morality mission. Completing the morality mission will award you 1 alignment merit. 2 A-merits can be cashed in for an LOTG global recharge which will fetch 200 million on a good day.

    Welcome back to the game and good luck getting reaquainted. There is a lot to be excited about in CoX land these days .
    thank you for the helpful suggestions, I'll give fire a try then, guessing they fixed burn from what i read in the other posts, i appreciate the input.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
    There are tons of threads on this subject already, I suggest you look around.

    I see 7 other threads with "Farm" in the title, on the first page of the Brute forums alone.

    I did read those posts, I've read many posts on the subject. The issue is that those threads all assume a person with limitless infamy to toss about. I do not have that luxery yet which is why i was looking for suggestions for a person starting down the road to the endeavor.
  8. Greetings all. I've recently returned to CoX after some time away (about close to 3 years) and I'm looking to get back into the swing of things. Frankly I am simply overwhelmed by the things added since I left, invention sets, epic sets, incarnate powers, trials and task forces and it's all a bit daunting. I also see that the only 50's I have, which are a ss/stone brute and a fire/rad controller are both horribly underpowered from what I remember, I realize this is due to them coming from a time period where a few SOs and maybe a hami here and there was all you needed to function. I'm floored however as I see posts of builds with various IO sets which push the character really beyond the mundane and make them close to the "super" characters I remember from when i first started playing this game.

    However, the issue is that I can't even come close to affording "any" of those goodies, not to mention after playing my stone armor brute for a few minutes, without my former kinetic partner who stopped playing before I did, it was god awful and i wanted to tear my eyes out. So I am looking to start a new farming main who can help crank out some infamy. Brutes have always been my favorite archtype as they never feel dull when their fury bar is going full throttle. That said I would like to make one to get started on my road to affording all those shinies, which means I need to work on a combo for someone starting out with a limited budget. Thematically (yes, I'm one of those people) I do like the look of shield defense, and was wondering how good it would be for a beginner farmer and if there were any build suggestions. I am open to other suggestions as well, but shield really does look interesting, I understand it doesn't have a damage aura, but from what i've been reading that could possibly be patched by taking things like mu mastery or pyre correct? In any case, any help would be appreciated.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by leilaopkin View Post
    I am now 42 on my Mercs/Pain MM and I havent had a problem at all. Ive been soloing +2/4 missions and its working quick and easy for me o.O For the most part at least.

    I have provoke (to tank for my soldiers)

    Then on my soldiers and spec ops, I have achilles heel -res along with touch of lady gray proc. I have a knock back damage IO on my commander too...

    Its working great actually Ive been tanking/ taking the alpha strike for the teams I join and if Im focused, I rarely ever lose my mercs. Usually lose 1-2 on missions but sometimes I dont lose any. Ofc when wipes occur, I lose them all...

    But yah!! You really need procs on them to bring their damage on par with the rest tbh... All of the soldiers attacks get a chance to proc -res and lady gray proc. All the spec ops ranged gun attakcs can proc lady gray... And most of the commandoes attacks give knockback o.o
    gonna chime in with how ludicrous this all is, when the mastermind has to tank for his/her pets, something is seriously wrong.
  10. I've just returned from a fairly long hiatus from the game (close to 3+ years) and i was going through my lists of characters and came across my fortunata. When I last played ages ago I mostly specced for ranged damage, and I recall back then it felt very very weak. Mind you back then I had this character still trucking about in SO's as I hadn't learned anything really about the IO system, still rather clueless about it to be honest, though I digress. After reading through the forums here, I'm seeing people who do like their fortunatas whether they are ranged or melee hybrids who i hear are doing well. Now my issue is that these accounts are all only after the characters reach 50 and are heavily decked out in IOs.

    I do love the idea behind the class but is it really that lackluster all the way until the end of the game? Being away for so long, I'm afraid I don't have billions of inf at my disposal. I guess this isn't just about my fortunata but my other characters as well who i recall being quite potent before I left, but now suddenly find myself running away from 3 +1 minions. In any event I have plenty of respec vet rewards so I left my fortunata as a bit of a blank slate, she is 32 if I recall. Is there a suggested mode of progression perhaps to work into that could help her stand on her own 2 feet until I can afford the expensive sets at 50? I'm open to melee or ranged really. I've tried looking up a few ideas but they are always respec based builds and of course are aimed at the 50 game, which is all well and good, but enjoying the ride to 50 is also as important. Mostly looking to be a good team player, contributing decent damage and not feeling like I'm hitting with a wet noodle.