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  1. Tic_Toc:
    [ QUOTE ]
    That's not what you said in the first place. Your original suggestion would function identically to a ranged AE attack. You target something, fire off the power, it travels from you to the target and goes boom.

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    I'll quote my original post for you. Notice how it's not the same as a regular attack. Nor do all 3 seekers hit your targeted foe automatically.

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    In it's current form, it's next to worthless, even if it does randomly lock onto a target and explode, it's usually not a target that matters. I would prefer the ability to target a mob, then click photon seekers, and cause a volley of seekers zip out at it, and have the first seeker hit my target, and the following seekers hit random targets near my original target mob.

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    So you see, I haven't changed my concept, only elaborated a tad more on it, but I don't want to go into an in depth discussion of the A.I. behind the concept, suffice it to say that the way the power currently works is not well (I think we agree on that part at least), and needs to be fixed, thats about where I end this debate, as I've already stated a suggestion, and I've heard your rebuttle, and we disagree, that's fine and dandy. A Dev has recently posted that he is going to fix certain issues, so I'll just kick back and wait for those fixes and hope they make everyone happy.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Your suggestion would effectively turn them into a normal ranged attack.

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    Yes, it would. That was the idea.

    But it would still be a unique power, and unlike any power existing in CoH. The closest power to that would be in my opinion the LRM attack, and thats a stretch. Will Photon Seekers be changed into what I suggest, doubtful, but does it currently work well, nope. So something needs to be done to fix it.

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    No, it would basically be like every other ranged AOE power, except it would be 3 missiles instead of one and do a lot more damage. That doesn't belong in the human power set or any power for that instance.

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    *Highlighted for emphasis the part that sounded overbearing*

    Disagree with the suggestion, fine and dandy, I can live with agreeing to disagree, but telling me it doesn't belong anywhere is like saying "I don't like your idea therefore stop speaking".

    I stated my suggestion as something that I think would be neat, and yes, different, and no, I do not think my suggestion is like every other AoE power in the game. It's about as different to typical AoE attacks as how it currently works, only you get to chose the initial target, after that the following Seekers pick their own near the location of the first target. In other words, they aren't pets any longer and are activated like a normal ranged attack, and that is where the similarity ends, and now they take on a behavior more like what they are now.

    Example: Group of 6 mobs, you target one in the middle, then the first seeker flies off at it, roll a to hit, like any other attack, then the following seekers pick targets near the first and roll to hits as well. If there are less targets than there are seekers, then some unlucky mob will get attacked multiple times. etc etc, im not going to work out the whole A.I. logic here, but you get the basic gist of the idea.

    Be nice, and most importantly, be conciderate of other people's opinions, wether you like them or not, they are entitled, just as you are.
  3. Tic_Toc
    [ QUOTE ]
    Your suggestion would effectively turn them into a normal ranged attack.

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    Yes, it would. That was the idea.

    But it would still be a unique power, and unlike any power existing in CoH. The closest power to that would be in my opinion the LRM attack, and thats a stretch. Will Photon Seekers be changed into what I suggest, doubtful, but does it currently work well, nope. So something needs to be done to fix it.
  4. In regards to Photon Seekers:

    Lately every time I cast them, they are virtually useless. My standard tactic for fights is to cast my self buffs (hasten, conserve energy, essence boost, build up), in that order, then finally cast photon seekers and turn into Dwarf, and charge my foes.

    Then as I defeat mob after mob, slowly I might add, since im mostly a single target attacker while in dwarf form, I watch in general amusement as the photon seekers flit about like moths and pretty much do nothing useful. Eventually I defeat my mobs and they just expire.

    As a Peacebringer, I would rather not even have a "pet". I would rather photon seekers become more like their namesake "seekers" and just be turned into a guided missile volley with a long recharge due to it's high damage potential.

    In it's current form, it's next to worthless, even if it does randomly lock onto a target and explode, it's usually not a target that matters. I would prefer the ability to target a mob, then click photon seekers, and cause a volley of seekers zip out at it, and have the first seeker hit my target, and the following seekers hit random targets near my original target mob.

    Frankly speaking, I don't get a "pet" feel with them, they feel more like scud missiles, so if missiles is what you want them to be, then at least make them patriot missiles.
  5. Kong_Fuu
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    That's some seriouly powerful paranoia you got going on there.

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    Nothing of the sort, was a simple question since there are people who want to know, and I am one of them.

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    Most of the time if you save the image again the headers won't be saved (if they're anything like EXIF anyway). Try to find an image program that doesn't support them (most of them) and use that, it will almost certainly strip the headers.

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    Thank you very much, this is exactly the information I was looking for. I appreciate your your feedback, and your time.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Look [censored]hat

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    And next time someone makes an honest effort to help, maybe you could cut them a little slack, huh?

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    The response had nothing to do with the question.
    I am a "results" oriented person. I dislike having to dance around something to get nothing accomplished. That makes me speak bluntly, and directly. It is not a "nice" sort of conversation about the weather. But it is what it is, and accomplishes what it's meant to.
    Even my free time is at a premium, I would rather spend more of it accomplishing, than trying to.

    Thank you for taking the time out to insult me and provide a humorous link to further your triumph over me. You should accept the fact that some people speak directly and to the point, and if you take the time to read my previous post, there was no malice there, only a desire for answers. As you can see from my low post count, I won't be engaging in an exchange of rapier wit with you, so be safe, live long, and hug your mother once a week. Sound advice from a neighbor I used to have.

    *Edited for errors.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    This is fantastic !

    Now whats the command to disable all this extra imbedded info, for those people who just want to take a regular screen pic again for whatever their reason for wanting to.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It *is* a regular picture, it's imbedded into it sight unseen, unless you use a program to see it, I *believe*.

    So you can normally only see it in a program or on a web-site that discerns the tags so that you can "search" for it easier on web pages.

    It would also make figuring out who broke the NDA on a Beta Test too, but I don't think that is the primary purpose.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For whatever reason, if someone doesn't want this extra imbedded info, is there a way to disable it being added, or at the very least an easy way to remove it afterwards. That was my question, which your reply does nothing to answer, only to repeat that it's still a picture. This is obvious.

    My question was very simple and direct, and in no way presents that I thought that the screen pics were no longer graphic files. Only that there was now more info contained within that had nothing to do with graphics. Some people might not have a use for this, and thus not want it added.
  7. This is fantastic !

    Now whats the command to disable all this extra imbedded info, for those people who just want to take a regular screen pic again for whatever their reason for wanting to.
  8. No other Inherent power penalizes you for taking powers that help protect you like Defiance does.

    Let me share with you what happened to me while on the test server trying out several different builds with my blaster on a freak mission.

    I was fighting a boss one on one, on this build I had Tough.
    I attack chain boss. Boss is down to about 60% health.
    Boss hits me, takes me down to 45% health in one hit.
    I attack chain boss. Defiance helps do a bit more damage, Boss is now at about 10%-20% health.
    Boss hits me once again, dead.

    Same fight, same mission, different build. This time I have Health 6 slotted and no tough.

    I attack chain boss. Boss is down to about 60% health, again.
    Boss hits me, takes me down to about 20% health in one hit.
    I heal to much damage, so when I attack chain next, I dont get much if any defiance boost, about the same as I did in the previous example so the boss health is now about 10%-20%.
    Boss hits me a second time, im dead, again.

    Final test run, this build doesnt have either health or tough, or any other self improvement buffs running.

    I attack chain boss. Boss health at about 60%, as expected.
    He smacks me again, as expected, im down to about 20% health.
    Defiance kicks in, and pretty much remains so since I dont have health 6 slotted anymore. I attack chain boss, and take him out with my buffed attack chain.

    Now, the reason this even struck me odd, was because of the manner in which the events happened. Let me explain.

    All three test fights out of sheer coincidence ended up being re-enacted identically out of dumb luck. So when I saw the effects of what happened in all three situations, and how having self buffing powers was actually a HINDERANCE, then I knew something was terribly wrong with this. This power should NOT make you weaker for having self improvement powers.

    In fact, if I were to repeat this test over and over, about the only way that the events would turn out differently is if either the boss or myself MISS an attack.

    But if you were to duplicate the series of attacks and if each of us managed to land every attack, then you will see that NOT having self buffing powers is actually BETTER than having them. That seems like the wrong way to go about adding an inherent power to an AT, it should NEVER be a hinderance to you, at the very least it should just be a useless effect, but when it's actively making you weaker in certain instances, then it's broken and needs to be fixed.

    Just my observations, take them as you see fit.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    It is not getting a major overhaul though. Just tweaking the defiance so it starts to kick in earlier. The overall buffs posted earlier are staying about the same (getting only slightly better), but you will be recieving a damage buff earlier in your health bar now.

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    My two cents on the usefullness of defiance:

    I think blasters would rather have an awesome defeat once in a while, rather than having an awesome victory once in a blue moon.
  10. Ashlocke

    Observer Mode

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    Can we watch heroes battle it out in the arena, a sort of public spectacle if you will? I'd love to just log in and watch people duke it out so to speak.

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    (NOTE: Any or all of the following information may change by the time this makes it to Training Room or the Live servers).

    Yes... to an extent.

    You will be able to view the events in "Observer Mode", either when they are running, or if you are defeated and players on your side are still running around.

    Observer Mode is cool. You look like a floating camera and can move around the arena map, watching the action.

    Now, of course, some of you are right to point out that such a system is ripe for abuse... you can scout out enemy positions for your buddies and the like.

    Thats why we made these Observer cameras targetable and easily destroyable. This is a very cool feature that adds another dimension to gameplay.

    This tries to give everyone what they want. Voyeurs get to observe, defeated players get to still watch the action, "spies" can try to gather intel on opposing teams, and at the same time, opposing teams can shut down those spies easily if they so wish.

    Again, this is all being tested, and may make it to the Live servers in a different manner than described here.

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    I have'nt read this whole thread as it is quickly growing large, and if what I am mentioning has already been stated, again, apologies.

    That being said, I think having destructible Drones only hinders the non "elite" gamers who just truly want to watch and not spy on a team, since as soon as they show up, boom!, they quickly get blasted. That doesnt sound like too much fun. My example being, imagine yourself sitting down to watch the season ending cliffhanger to your favorite TV series, then 5 minutes before the show ends, your cable goes out and you miss it !
    I would be ripping mad, or at the least, very annoyed that I missed the end of the arena fight because someone blasted my drone only moments before some really cool event took place, especially if I was just a pure observer and not a "spy".

    I do have a simple, and elegant solution.
    If you want to be a spy, then the drones work as is, you watch the battle in real time as it happens and are able to be destroyed.

    If you want to truly be a spectator, you get an indestructible drone, it can be invisible or not, depending on how the Devs prefer it to work. But the important part is you do NOT watch the fight in real time. You are on a 1-2 minute delay, so that by the time you see something, that event has long past and the information is useless to a "spy". From your perspective the fight seems perfectly normal.

    Now, there may be technical reasons why this cannot be done, but if its doable, I think it is a simple and elegant solution to the problem of differenciating between "spys" and "spectators", without giving away which mode the drone is until you actually shoot at it if you are the one in the combat arena.

    Also, one last thing, the actual combatants should have the option for a "closed" session, meaning that right from the begining they arent allowing "distractions" such as spectator drones OF ANY KIND.

    Peace, and hug your mother once a week.