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  1. I got the email notifying me this event would start on the 11th today.

  2. The Registrar is in a really tall skyscraper in the Marconeville section, with Arachnos banners on it and a big reflecting-pool by the front door.

    Why it's not on the map, I have NO idea.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    (Self-censored)'s Bells, after all the (self-censored) Longbow I got to the point where fighting the Circle of Thorns was almost a relief. (Almost, anyway.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What he said. At level 40, for me at least, the Circle are _LESS_ annoying than Longbow. (Aside from those useless portal rooms, anyway.) For bad status inflicting, Succubi and Death Mages pale into insignifcance next to Longbow Wardens and Spec Ops, or even those infernal ten-second stun grenades the rank and file throw.

    Also, let's have the OTHER hero groups show back up. Once I left Nerva, it seems like the Legacy Chain and Wyvern dropped completely off the map. Do they just not have any level 40 members yet?
  4. Think of it like this: Without ED, PvP would be even MORE a game of "Get In The First Shot". It's bad enough as it is.
  5. You have to set an option to be able to hear enemies in the PvP zones. (I was _wondering_ why they didn't reply to my taunts...)
  6. The Uncanny Legion

    Colors: Black and Red

    Overlord: Princess Ariosal

    Membership: 32 as of last count.

    Story: Aftre being stranded on Earth after the failed invasion from her dimension, Ariosal started the Uncanny Legion in an effort to find other stragglers. This has so far been unsuccessful, so she's assembled a horde of villainous allies as part of her plan for world conquest.

    Goals: At the moment, mostly to get a working workshop in our base. Roleplaying is optional, but encouraged.

    To join: As a member--they all have /sginvite authorization.