599 -
OK. Now show me yours ...
Clickity >here<
Sharp! That logo would look great on a lil teeshirt for my character's weekend wear.
So they're hiring a Powers guy? CASTLE GOT SH*TCANNED NOOOO!
[/ QUOTE ]
Siphon more cash from the masses. How about some cool free stuff?
[/ QUOTE ]
Gosh, mister, last I checked.. Mission Architect -is- cool free stuff. ((edit: Bah, Dix beat me to it. <3 ))
On a sidenote, I've kept a villain set aside for a while now. Woot.. my Witchcraft will finally get not only a hat but one with hair! -
Hi all, I never post here but finally made my Devil's Tower. You know, in Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind where that guy goes nuts making a state landmark out of mashtaters or his front lawn.
I tend to obsess over things - this time, it was a boat not a tower. My SG ran out of energy in one of our bases and are too busy to work on Fusion Generator for each chapter, so Dinah added a second Ley. But two Leys are an odd fit in a teeny room.. so I decided to implement the slipcover method. Hide it! Kinda.
We have seating and cargo space inside. It is fully functional. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b3...eriorCargo.jpg
Different angle so you can see the balcony in the back -and- laser beam eyes in the middle.. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b3...eDiffAngle.jpg
Front/side view. The energy aux units were my iffy attempt at a hanging ladder... http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b3...lyingBarge.jpg -
Thank you, Alex!
Anthem is -crazy- and yet has the best boobs in town..
That was so geeky-cute. I grinned.
Yeah, we can't change costumes like that.....
[/ QUOTE ]
On my roleplay characters, I use an emote macro to switch between costumes.
/macro Uniform "cc 1$$em listenpoliceband"
<ul type="square"> - Uniform can be listed as anything: Civvies, Pwnz, Ninja, etc.
- The cc # is the slot itself. Cc 0 is the first costume slot, cc 1 is the 2nd, etc.
- And the emote can be any standard or unlocked. Full list in Mantid's Emote Guide.[/list]---
Edit/addition: There is a power change as well. Thank you, Nimrod.
/macro Civvies "cc 1$$powexec_name Nullify Pain" -
<jaw drop>
Cutie's so adorable.
And Nike is stunning.
They're all capturing the character. Good work, Alex! -
Best wishes for your grandfather. Give him a gentle hug and remind him the best part about recovery is all that turkey he can have at Thanksgiving at your house next week. <3 -
Forming a drop ship unit for fun, Thursday 20th - 8 pm EST for heroes. Sign ups and details on seperate thread [link here]. On the spot sign-ups welcome.
Ok add me to the list of people who would like a clearer explaination.
[/ QUOTE ]
Pick one:
1. We're mindless lemmings. To prove a wager between a Ex Libris and some new intern, this is a a small social experiment to see how many will sign a list provided without explanation.
2. We're enthusiastic and creative fans of a really flexible (thematically) MMO environment. Knowing this and knowing it's been some time since an issue release, this is Ex's way of providing us an avenue to re-explore our characters via reactive response -and- get tah meet other fun-loving big kids.
3. It's an illusion. This thread does not exist. You are not who you think you are. Soon [tm], all will be revealed either with two possible outcomes: /resubscribe or /unsubscribe. There can be only one. In addition, Statesman is returning and the number of his post count is 6.. 6.. i13. Yes.. I am typing to type right about now.. you forget, I play villains mostly and don't care about heroes getting actual answers.. muahahaha.
4. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. Sign up, peas. <3
<ul type="square"> -------PS: In addition to my scrapper, ------
Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: American Anthem
Global Contact: @Ara
Level of Classification: 50, Emp/Arch
Origin: Natural
Super Rank: Luminary
Super Group: The Angry Angels[/list] -
Name: Patty-Sue Ivanova
Global Contact: @emperorsteele
[/ QUOTE ]
You're Patty!!??? -
<ul type="square"> Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Una
Global Contact: @Ara
Level of Classification: 50 Spines/SR Scrapper. Nearly 51, the bar is there but I think it's bugged.
Origin: Magic
Rank: Luminary
SG: Angry Angels & affiliated AA chapters - 1 available at a location near you! Except Rhode Island. We're more of sunny southern states for hidden base location kinda gals.[/list]A symphony of celestial voices in the halls outside Una's bunk echoed, "Omega" and "Invasion NOW!" They called without emotion despite the urgency. Chaos and passion were best left for group fieldtrips to Icon sales - but never true emergencies. They'd assembled, fought, triumphed, and at times fallen (though always gracefully) in the face of every invasion and singular menace since their assignment to this city nearly four years ago.
<the narrator lifts her thought from the wisftul monologue and looks back at our would be heroine for more substantive imagery>
Una rose quicky and grabbed a small elastic band from her makeshift bedstand. Her wrist flicked quickly around a tumbleweed of thick red locks; hair whipping around your face in epic flight stung like hell. She gathered the crown, base, and in the rush, nearly her ears into a tightly set horse-tail.
Today was different though. Whether the onset of age in her physical manifestation or fears for newfound mortal companions, for the first time in a very long time, the choir's oldest earthbound soul panicked.
"Security breach!" She called out, hoping the Academy recruits were still lingering in the base. By now, every other seasoned wing would be en route to a new ground zero.
"I'm held." By means of mental deception or invisible physical constraints, Una was sitting straight up able to move but not fly. Her wings were held fast above her head pinned to one another. But the halls lay empty of friend or foe, she as alone with Gadget.
Her small robotic companion (yeah, an angel with a robot, it could happen... ) leaned forward and whispered, "You must be half asleep."
His head clicked and tilted. Stubby metal fingers reached up as he concluded, "You've managed to smush half your tertial feathers into that mess you call a ponytail. Just pull it out..".
"Wow. That's gorgeous."
And that's exactly what I said to myself just now, aloud, sitting in this room alone. =) I'm such a dork. -
<birthday hugs and kisses for your grandpa from cute gamer girls everywhere!>
Hm.. now I have to dig around all my Mary Sue's and pick one before #98 posts! Ohs.. this is easy, one of my faves in File 1.
American Anthem
And her in-game biography. -
Yah forgots tah ask those big st00pid knuckleheadz about dupin' rares for our next Vet Reward.
<shuts her eyes tight and RP wishes RLY RLY RLY hard on this one> -
Suggestion, if you fall short on female personalities.. perhaps ask around the existing radio stations? Cape Radio has about half a dozen female DJ's. Great voices, enjoy performing, often available.
[u] Name[u]: Adventurous group comprised of our original main chapter, "The Angry Angels" , and its extension, "Angry Angel Devas" . Both carry levels 20-49. -- There's a home for our 50's, "Angry Angels 5.0" (5.0, get it? Seksi huh?). -- There is also an informal chapter, "Angry Angels Academy" , for Angel members to try new alts (level 1-19). For pre-issue release beta runs, we do offer a Test server homebase - "Angry Angels".
[u] Currently Recruiting[u]: Yep. If you've never met us, we're happy to show you around. Most members are word of mouth, friends, people the leaders showed a lil leg to. Just say, "hi"; we'll figure something out.
[u] RP Level[u]: Yes. Mixed bag of light to heavy roleplay; hell, we have a good number that don't RP at all. Everyone's friendly to one another either way so it all works out well.
[u] Theme/Concept[u]: A moment to incriminate ourselves ...what to say? We're heavenly Angels, Charlie's Angels and no one's Angels. It's not what you think yet is.. and wilder. *bats lashes and reflects on a myriad of benefits*... all members of each chapter in Angry Angels are the most pleasant and well dressed madhouse of crimefighters you'd ever wish to stumble across ...well, not so much well mannered as well intentioned ..we never turn down a good fight or just cause... smart saucy cuties who log in often and raise Paragon City's insurance rates with their moment-driven adventures ... blended choir teams run often between theme nights, RP events, Hamidon raids, and hostile Icon takeovers... we just have fun and help one another succeed.
[u] Activity[u]: Someone's always on. No really... don't get your toe stuck in our global channel - life is so precious in the place we know as "outside".
[u] Requirements for Membership[u]: I feel dirty like you just asked me "ASL" in a sleazy bar...A: Most members are 25-35 years of age (IRL); we ask you be 18 so you can run a TF past bedtime and help me with my taxes. S: Female characters only. We're chicks not [censored], yo!
( Yeah we do have guys who play girls so relax. Usually they play with their wives who also play girls. Who'd a thunk?) L: We have people in Jersey, too.
[u] Leadership/ Globals[u]: Is always on. @Ara has no life. @Dinah is the calm behind the storm. Then there's the individual chapter leaaders. AA is run by @Kegan & @Ravenlore (who incidentally makes all those cute music videos). AADevas falls under the watchful eye of @Andra and our newest leader, @Belle. @Sandolphan holds the AA5.0 in the palm of her little uber badge-grabby hand. Those chicks are smokin.
[u] Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: We never read our individual mail; there's too many accounts. Send all globals to @Dinah or @Ara or... we've got a nifty lil email address shared and checked by 9 leaders. GuildAngels@Gmail.com
[u] URL[u]: www.GuildAngels.com linkty links our blue and redside sites
[u] Coalition(s)[u]: Nah, we just play with everyone.
[u] Other Details[u]: We're super old and super hot? Hmm.. our 3rd year anniversary is coming up December 12th. There are two other chapters villainside for our alts. We accomodate get togethers weekly (theme nights) and quarterly/annually (like our larger RP events). It's not true we steal other people's RP boyfriends. It is true we spend an awful lot of time in Icon. It is a very friendly (no, not MRP Friendly) group - people are really nice. It's a warm feeling. I can't make promises but can say that the going ons speak for themselves - there's a lot of accomplishment fit in 3 years by a cuddly feel-good group. Personally, I'd like to see what we pull out for our 4th year. It's all about the "lately" baby. We just kick [censored]. -
We should spam the seller's email/request accounts. Let's face it, they were around before the economy but quiet... and will always be here so long as subscribers choose to use their services. They're not subtle anymore because they saw the economy and perhaps added convieniences (free trial accounts) as a boost to their business. I won't gignore anymore because they keep swithing the last characters ..
pkpkg -fytgh
pkpkg -fuctk
and frankly I need the space for stalkers. Don't ask. So. It's an irritation to us, to recieve it. I need to pay some kid to make free hotmail, gmail, and fmail accounts all day and spam these sellers service and p/o accounts with nonsense. Maybe they'll stop spamming for a day.
PKPK7765: Stupid Americans, this is the 75th email asking me if we have the teeshirt in small. We don't sell shirts!
PKPK9877: I asked the buyer how much infamy he wanted..he said 10. I said, "We don't sell that low. Has to be over 10,000 so how much?" He said "1D,10T". What is the currency conversion on that? Stupid Americans!
It's 2 am. I need sleep, huh?
Edit:Oh I get to add my new favorite email address to every useless spam-mail generating free service I know... -
OMG...people still play CoV......villains....lol
[/ QUOTE ]
Pew Pew! < Jaded Angel on Angry Angel wars just like our website cutscene>
I was awake 24, slept 6, up again, down again. My computer never shipped.The cable guy came here and added a two new cable lines because I have wayyy too many things onto a three way splitter like 2 years ago without realizing that is le bad on 3 comps, a TV, and digital phone. Oh well.. What was my point?
Yes, we do use Poison MM's as a sub for Therms but Deci did the math and came up with same range less heal % .. except we haven't tested things other things yet (wanted to look at Weaken, remind me) with the limited time we have ( we have the bad fortune of workweeks).
Actually need to see how we do on final phase of just Hami himself.. as far as initial agro tests, we have had groups attack the greens/blues and MM's held agro well during. Combat logs were checked and no one took it from Goo Man. However, we should be experimenting with splitting MM teams next run. Nucess and Silverspar had a good idea ( I think Kegan had mentioned something similiar) that would run like a makeshift PA. More on that later.
I actually need to read. Doing a hundred things at once. I'm very excited about the next run since we'll have Dom's available (crosses fingers) and can see about clearing a full mito set. If we get to first bloom at good time, who knows.
Pew pew! -
We're looking at a practice night still to confirm and tweak timing, placement and especially of AT's / assault teams not yet tested. Definitely adding all globals of those who posted interest to our pool. Thank you for that.
Heads up, please understand that we run 2-3 hour commitments and are not yet calling a full raid. We do not rely on test server strategy as things changed and do not rely on the few other servers that have completed as none (that I have seen) have posted clearly outlined guides. This means, rather than call a full on raid, we conduct a series of agro tests and practice nights (timing, position, coordination between teams) based on what is observed night(s) prior or that evening.
If you dont mind debt or time in terms of a night or a series of evenings, please let me know. It's harder to get commitment to practice / test nights than to initial called raids. On a practical and optimistic note, this is is loosely based on how we ran heroside ( 1 agro test, 2 practice nights clearing mitos, successful raid on night 4). Everything worth doing takes some time.
Please post or email Sandolphan here if you have any additional ideas on strategy.
P.S. The cable guy was just here. I have lost internet five times a day since the big storm last week. I need to move in with one of you. Also very sleepy and slightly hungry. Once my brain has slept and been fed, I will reconfirm when our next practice run is. It's hard for us as well since we have a main organization team that loses people with work schedules and RL hiccups so bare with us. Thanks. -
I would encourage those interested to join the Virtue's LRSF channel. There is a MOTD set for a raid on Wednesday night. I just recently joined that channel and it is a great resource for finding high end content villainside (LRSF, PvP, Hami Raids and teams). Not sure who created the channel but it is a big help.
[/ QUOTE ]
I know Heroside is Wednesday, hope that causes no conflict for them - honestly why we scratched Wed and Sat off our list.
Curious, did they list a contact name? I was not aware any other groups were still trying. Maybe we could coordinate. -
Do you have his global? I promise not to RP a date. Wait, wait, that's exactly what I intend to do...
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