599 -
<returns from refresher tour of GC> Ooo.. you know what else GC has that Atlas doesn't? I always thought the inside of the Freedom Corps building was stunning and inspiring (compared to the smaller scale lobby of City Hall in AP).Something about the placement of the larger scale statue -inside- as a central focus instead of as a decorative sidepiece. Maybe it's the shape of the raised marble ceiling or the cluster of spotlights, but the overall effect comes across as a symbolic halo. She strikes me as a crowned goddess, a singular beacon of promise for the new generations and testement to the old.
So.. I just really like that room. Definitely a place that could hold an event. -
Wow, forgot he existed!
I play so many alts and seldom respec until they're 50. Creature of habit. Not to mention, when I do respec, usually loaded on those freebies that allow me to type /respec without visiting Galaxy.
Now if we were phantom hacks with the ability to alter GC's layout, landmarks, and functioning contacts/items.. I wonder how we'd change it for mass appeal.
I should skip about there now and take a looksie. -
Dangit. I knew I forgot something. Never had the time to even start a VV page.
<jots down "tie string on finger to remind self to make a VV page" on an obscurely placed to do list> That oughta do it!
At least by December. Ordered some artwork from Graver and I'm pretty excited about finding a place to display it. He's been my favorite for years and I've never commissioned work from anyone before. -
all that other cool stuff you left out :P
You all have become tender little morsels of writhing wormwood. Soft. Soft. Sofly crying about your exposure to "bad pugs" ... or worse! "Rookery threads"! Is that the best you have? Spitting vile against harmless self-contained "fluff". Find a worthwhile target. There's nothing wrong with the daily existance of Rookery. There's something wrong with the distinct lack of everything else in terms of volume.
Now I'm not talking about being better at being mean. Not talking about being better at being inciteful. Not talking about being a better troll. No. I am talking about the air in these forums reeks of incompetent angst. This town deserves a better class of criminal.
Until then, you're all fired. <grin>
[/ QUOTE ]
I remember when this forum had a better class of criminal. It was an utterly repellent place that drove off a ton of really good, worthwhile people who had interesting things to post about. Not what I'd call an upgrade to the relatively bland but harmless stuff going on now.
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I don't think we ever had a better class of criminal. Wait, I take it back, Eis is aggressive but challenging. At any rate, simply not referring to bully tactics. There's always going to be disagreements and dissent. Usually, it's cultural differences (playstyles, politics, preferences, etc.) at its origin. So there's always going to be a fellow or two who tends to fall rank and file on that side more often than not. But instead of resorting to underhanded jabs, small words, and anonymous one stars littered across that leaves a feeling that rabid troll mobs roam these parts.. I'm looking for people to step up. If you don't like something, use a scalpel to carve out your side of the beef and present it to the others at the table - ie skill. I'd appreciate it far more than what is currently in vogue. -
Other than that, here is what I need from you Virtue.
Primary Powerset:
Secondary Powerset:
Real Name:
RaceIf not human)
Favorite Color:
Favorite Beverage:
Favorite Food:
Personality Quirks:
[/ QUOTE ]
Ooo.. It would be awesome if we had a random generator for this type of information. 1. It would probably see more use than the random -costume- creator and 2. It might foster far greater inspiration than our formulaic predispositions - even if not followed entirely. After dozens of characters, the mind needs a fresh direction.
Good luck to you on your new hero. <curtsy> -
I finally got 50 on my earth/storm controller "Geography" after what must be at least a year
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American Anthem sends a mighty chipper congratulations. -
Us RPers, as if that's the only thing we do .....
[/ QUOTE ]
Pretty much why I could never migrate to Galaxy. Disparity in city planning between the two districts. Atlas has the market - which I can use in early levels; Galaxy has the Arena which I seldom use much less at early levels. They both have access to the tram, sewers, and the nearby park (Perez) but Atlas also offers a quick jump to the Hollows. They both have an MA building (I think..) but Atlas also have the Vanguard depot, the only entrance to RV, -and- more importantly, the payment counter for Supergroup bases. Those places matter because there's a greater chance of higher level characters visiting the open square for recruitment into social groups on their way to or from those other places. Older heroes who provide stories, support, and opportunity.
Don't get me wrong, there are days I cringe at Atlas broadcast but you can't beat the amenities. I'd actually prefer if GC was given a makeover as part of the upcoming Going Rogue release.
Not to mention the cycle it creates. There was a time everyone hung out in Gemini Park. They moved to the D and now people complain that the D is a hotbed of sexual depravity. Much of the population moved to Atlas and it's consided a cesspool. Maybe if we choose to be a better part of each area instead of migrating then moving all the baggage in as well. Sometimes it gets that way because the starbellied sneetches want attention and those without stars on thars just give it to them. It'd be nice if we had more events or populations evenly distributed and ignored anything we found offensive (individually). -
tl/dr most..
I'm so lazy.
Virtue needs more RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!
[/ QUOTE ]
Not more. Just 'better' rage.I was venting on this subject not long ago. And like a clumsy novice witchling summoning a demon by accident, I'd written up a request for the local villains days before Haetron's return.
If you are new, Haet is one of the old gods in these stomping grounds (don't let it get to your head, Haet :P). Agree, fear, or curse him. He is the fire-bringer. Some days, his inflammatory responses sets these fields ablaze. Other days, he's axing away to provide thought-provoking, but not necessarily destructive, kindling.
At any rate, fed up with forums, a rant was typed out but set aside when the boards locked up. The thoughts were saved as a copy to document with the intent to list following breakfast. I took a nap instead. So all was forgotten until a brief time had passed and a thread, entitled "You're all fired.", made our shores. I think I nearly fell over because his first line was the last line of my discarded message.
Lesson learned. Be careful what you wish for...
A copy was sent to Haet privately because it just amused me that he'd returned though I'll post it now since it's on topic anyway.
Entitled: "This town deserves a better class of criminal."
Disclaimer: Opinon, sarcasm, and hypocrisy enclosed.
Comrades, we're drowning in half-hearted villainy.
Every month, someone throws a solitary star at each unrated thread. Brilliant effort there, basement-ninja. Every week, some new yet unoriginal diatribe rails on about the author's superiority to other playstyles ( badgers versus powergamers versus PvP'rs versus ad nauseum) or roleplay methods (the legitimacy of WOD Vampyres versus Twilight Vampires versus soft pr0n VampSires) Oh, the gravity. It's crushing me. Every day, the lighthearted threads get longer and everything else washes out further behind the tide. Sometimes I listlessly hit the alternate skin button to pretend there's a bit of variety. Every other thread, the most anyone can muster as a counterpoint these days is a singular "phail" or "cry mohr". Eww... you got them sooo gewd, tiger. <sighs>
My favorite villains don't need to hide. And certainly not behind an anonymous rating system. By the way, I've already one-starred this several times over to rob you of the satisfaction. Amateurs.
My favorite villains don't need to insult the hero to break him down. They transform his faith with valid doses of alternate perspective.
My favorite villains don't sit around and wait for the next big score. They've already written their memoirs and charged you fifty dollars for the privilege of reading it.
You all have become tender little morsels of writhing wormwood. Soft. Soft. Sofly crying about your exposure to "bad pugs" ... or worse! "Rookery threads"! Is that the best you have? Spitting vile against harmless self-contained "fluff". Find a worthwhile target. There's nothing wrong with the daily existance of Rookery. There's something wrong with the distinct lack of everything else in terms of volume.
Now I'm not talking about being better at being mean. Not talking about being better at being inciteful. Not talking about being a better troll. No. I am talking about the air in these forums reeks of incompetent angst. This town deserves a better class of criminal.
Until then, you're all fired. <grin> -
Feature: Gladiators
[/ QUOTE ]
Syn: "I can has sharks?"
<falls to floor, rp dying of laughter to a joke no one knows or gives a rats [censored] about>
Oh... <sighs>. Good times.
[/ QUOTE ]
LoL one comment 3-4 days after i came back and I'll never live it down i see. [censored] you ara
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Oooo... you do care. =p
Speaking of LB gladiators though, overnight heal groups starting soon -still negotiating start time. Looking for interested parties who have already earned their 3rd Warden gladiator (req: 400 pvp rep). Pst to me. Not .. to sharks or Syn. To me @me (well @Ara at any rate) for me... Me. Me. Me. -
Feature: Gladiators
[/ QUOTE ]
Syn: "I can has sharks?"
<falls to floor, rp dying of laughter to a joke no one knows or gives a rats [censored] about>
Oh... <sighs>. Good times. -
Dual Blades does have so many awesome poses in its animations!
DB Awesome Pose 1
DB Awesome Pose 2
DB Awesome Pose 3
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoever animated DB hit a home-run. Now all we need is electric guitar/Zollander-strut powersets for i19. -
So I have this filters/screensaver program. It displays your screenshots and gallery albums as fading in and out of display in random effects. If one is impressive, you can just right click to save the altered image. At any rate, here are a few that look more like illustrations and struck me at the moment.
The Scrapper and the Giant - an illustrated tale by the Br0thers Gr1mm
"Girl in Gold" - a watercolor painting by famed artist, Screene d' Shotte
Starting a War. A nano-second Liquid Television episode. -
and did not notice these ladies o.o!
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Grins for calling them ladies. Then again, double grins in case it's worse and you camera under to find they're actually a pair of dandy "gents".
Tee hee.. <runs away before she's mod'd>. -
Firstly, I've always played on Justice. Unfortunately, I know fewer and fewer who play these days The problem is compounded when I'm on villains - I am so tired of soloing, it was never this bad before!
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Everytime the Justice server goes down or we get a new team-thirsty refugee, the last lines of one of Holland's poems springs to mind.
...Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
Wrong rules the land and waiting Justice sleeps. - Josiah Gilbert Holland
The entire poem is stirring if read aloud. I'm kinda geeky like that. Copy can be found here: God give us Men!
Public global channels to consider:
- Virtue LFG Alpha for teams
- VirtueBadges09 if you intend to accolade your villains
- VU2009 for reminders and updates on villain Hamidon raids and the co-faction RWZ raids which pop up often -
Great work! The personalities shine. <extra shiny gold star for Firebrandi and Kim Paler models> Gotta love super-cute redheads posed with their hands on their hips like sassy divas. <points to avatar set stage left> Amiright?
My condolences, Elvnsword. Don't think we've met but you're Virtue which makes us all peas in a pod. Let us know when you return; if the new issue hits by then, maybe we can run a forums team on the new taskforce for a little bit of lighthearted adventure.
Shivan Hamster Ball
[/ QUOTE ]
Good times! That's how my friend and I duo'd that once. Except.. I lost connection on the last wave so technically he solo'd it..
I highly recommend this for maximum "lolz" by testing this with as many temp pets as you can. -
He's kinda cute. :P Your hot dog stand screenie is all sorts, size, and flavors of priceless - win-.
I'm staying away from Nerva from now on..
Edit/Add: Hold the boat!!! His lil rifle is covering the sign over the first letter!!! Does it say, "Rick's Delicous Dogs!" or... "Dick's Delicious Dogs!". Because, well.. I knew a Rick once.
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Ah. Nevermind. Shucks. Dick would have been funnier.Though I mean Dick as in our former President Nixon's nickname.. or y'know.. that British "spotted" dessert.
Ok. I confess. It's what you think I meant... IBTL! -
Talk about a hanging Chad
Hanging around.
[/ QUOTE ]
This lil masterpiece.. I call "Oooo, Big Daddy Positron spanks an MA custom critter to show you he means business." It's obviously not Posi but it's art; you gotta suspend belief for symbolism.Ironically, this screenshot was taken -in an MA farm mission-. One that I left.. right away... <ducks before she's smited>.
Seriously kids, don't do this at home.
Been a bad boy lately? -
No, no. Don't get up, I'll show myself out.
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Ha.. love that. Wish Master of Statesman TF badge was that easy =) -
"He's distracted! Now's our chance, men!"
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<tilts head> Y'know... the tank top didn't register for some reason and all I saw was a massive man-breast. -
One of Ara's favorites no doubt...
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< warning: instance of gratuitous obliviousnessticity ... yeah, I made that word up >
I was hoping you'd post that one. It's nice that the art department made it so photo-realistic that the soles of their shoes are kinda scuffed up. That sort of attention to detail is tres magnifique. Rowr.
The mocking of Arbiter Sands during his coffee break
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I love when people do that with Romulus -
Yeah, if you can just steal that for my garage.. kk, thnx
Post it all, Ferret. You never know when Mod 8 will find our questionables kinda questionable and shut us down.
... So I lived in RV for a year. Sadly, I wasn't good at finding anything... "Where did he go? I'm gunna love him and squeeze him and call him George."
We was playin' hide 'n seek.