880 -
Saved from beta boards by: SerialBeggar
Henchmen Tactics
From UK beta boards by: Master Zaprobo
Master Zaprobo Thread - The Master of the MM's -
I'm attempting to compile informative threads on binds and emotes and masterminds in general into one single thread. Sort of a refrence point main thread. So we don't get so many reposts of the same question.
Please use this thread to post your customized binds. I'll be updating with more information as it comes along.
Mastermind Powers and Stats
From: Red_Zero
Mastermind Notes v.2.0
A list and description of all the powersets for Mastermind Primary and Secondary.
By ICF_Zombra:
Consolidated Minion Powers and Upgrades v5.0
Listing of Mastermind powers with pictures of the different tier henchmen. (Currently the pics aren't working but perhaps the author will update or someone will provide images in the thread)
By: Narcissus
Defender Numbers Vs. Mastermind Numbers
By: Curveball
The Incomplete and Unofficial Guide To /bind (Curveball)
On going thread with plenty of customized binds
By Sandolphan
Khaiba's Mastermind Numeric Keypad Pet Controls
From: Heatstreaker
The Mastermind /petsay thread. MM Binds
A listing of emots and binds.
Does anybody still have MM /bind guides?
More binding information, some already listed in previous threads -
The people who are missing a figure from the gamestop did you go to the store to buy it or order it from the website.
I pre-ordered mine from the website and it came complete. I'm thinking the ones who went to the store, got ganked.
And its funny did they run out of Ghost Widow? Seems to be the missing piece. Also in the box underneath there were 6 and on top in the corner was the 7th one. -
I got mine from Gamestop pre-orders and I have all 7.
States, Posi, Manti
Scorpi, Widow, Recluse, Mako.
YAY! My sample card pack looks like a list of Positron powers cause I got a bunch of Rad stuff. -
Great lunch break story. Nice introduction to a very strange hero(?). I enjoyed reading it...you should post more often.
If you have I'm sorry I missed them. Thank you for sharing it.
Your story kept me wondering what would happen next from start to finish. Usually I skip a lot when reading in this section...but yours I read all the way through. I wanted to know what happened becuase I couldn't predicit the ending like most stories.
Nice work! -
How about we get a line up of Necro(Zombie) MasterMinds and have them all hurl green spit at Statesman.
Zombie barf 4tehWin!
Wha? I mean everyone else is talking beating him up, I just wanna mess with his dry cleaning bill -
Here's what us working class wanna know! Is this going to go on throughout the day or will I log in at 6pm PST and find my toon gone and event over with?
I mean its a great event and I would like to take part in it, but I'd be pretty bummed out if it was over before I got home from work.
Yes I love CoH/CoV but not enough to skip work cause Statesman and Lord Recluse aren't gonna pay my rent -
Wildthorn's nip*les must hurt a lot....Ow!
So we see the downside to having quills pop out all over your body.
...and he deserves every dang nickel of that dough! That's quality work.
*does dance waiting for NINE drawings* Woohoo!!!
Nary a one of 'em are any of my Alts but I just a big ole fan of his artwork.
I'm still saving up for some other more...shall we say, darker renditions -
Okay gang check out mmoart.com Gill posted 2 more drawings and promises NINE more this week...NINE! WOW I noticed Thor's name on the future list
*sorry Gill if you were going to make a new thread...I got excited when I checked out the site* -
Sooo who's going to make him an avatar...that's the REAL question
Welcome Arctic_Sun!!
I should warn about some of the people that you will meet on here.
Remember those kids in school that took pleaseure in nit-picking the tiniest of details, solely for the purpose of making themselves feel better than other people??
Most of them are on these forums.
[/ QUOTE ]
Like so...."pleasure"
Besides he's a writer he know all about nitpicking, he's worked with editors before...
Oh crap he's a slasher....Writer/Editor so that means he nitpicks himself
Welcome and make yourself at home. -
BTW weasels scare easily anyway....
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know about weasels, but I scare and attract cats. Dunno why. I scared a rat once, so that's kinda like a weasel. I scared a hamster, so that kinda like a weasel.
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You have insulted my honor! I challenge you to a duel! *Smacks and egg on Surgetron's face.*
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Ooooooo OWNAGE!!! How will you live it down, being egged by a long fuzzy rat.Oh wait Surgetron is a blaster......dang 1 shotted by an Egg...how's that defiance workin for ya
holy crap, that one rocks.
no pun intended.
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The lack of pants scares us weasels though...
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Whoever heard of a rock with pants?!
BTW weasels scare easily anyway.... -
all I was blessed with was this abnormally huge dang-dang. What good is that?!?
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Who put the dang in the ramma lamma dang dang!
Who was that man I'd like to shake his....hand.
He made my baby fall in love with me.....YEAH! -
Very nice work as always! Can't wait to see more...and what happens when those 10 slots are filled is there going to be a gallery set up so we can see the rest of the works?
Um let's see so far all I have now is...
Ms Feelgood - "I know Buff-Fu!" -
Okay I had few more notes to add (I like the guide I just do things a bit differently but not that much so)
1. Screen Setup.
Use your General Options menu to change View Player Health Bars to Show Always
2. Team Setup.
When you are on a team and in a fight, don't even look at the screen. Select your target hero, then the appropriate power from the team tray, keeping a close eye on those red and blue lines. Assume you're the only one watching that and call for END rests (at lower levels) or help for those that are getting continually battered. Get a feel for who's tough, who's not, who needs Fortitude, and who missed the last drop of RA. The fighters will be looking at the screen for targets. You must be looking at their health. When in a mission, you will quickly get a feel for the team and how badly they need your healing. If they don't need healing. Get blasting! But do it slowly, picking off stragglers and with one eye always on that team bar. Your job is to stop them dying. Blast if you can, but not at the expense of a team mate. Watch out for any AoE's you have. You are the last person that needs to pull agro. Likewise, make sure you're outside the range of enemy AoE's. This is especially important in the 30-40 range when you're going up against AV's and the like.
[/ QUOTE ]
Setting up your player view options as previously suggested will allow you to look at the screen. Also on the team window click that little arrow that shows mini icons of the powers your team is using or has been used on them. This will help you identify who has fortitude, clear mind, AB etc. These MINI icons are right clickable so you can see the name and info on them if needed.
If you hover with SS on for stealth (for outside missions) make sure you know how far your vertical range I (most times its a nice height). You can also cast RAs over the heads of your teammates.
3. Communicate.
Ask who needs Fortitude. Call for recovery Aura. Tell folks to hit "zzz" when they are held, slept or want Clear Mind. Shout when you are out of end. Ask if anyone has spare blues. Give away your reds, purples and yellows (especially at lower levels). They are no good to you, and could swing the tide of battle. Call for retreat and then run! Once you have Recall Friend and Rez, you can pull the whole team back to a safe part of the mish to rest / awaken / rez as needed. If you die and no one has awakens, guess who has the long run back from Hospital?
[/ QUOTE ]
IMO asking who needs fortitude wastes time. I will always hit scrappers and blasters with Fort even before the Tank (who I will give AB unless I can see after we fight a bit that they dont need it). If they dont want it theyll let me know, I wont have to ask.
Always go into missions with a good amount of CABs (Catch A Breath) aka BLUES and 2 Awakens and a couple of Break Free. Most of the time if youre healing and blasting a bit youre going to need blues and people who are doing the heavy fighting will need blues because no one seems to carry them, theyre looking to you for that RA buff and if you dont have end you cant do it.
Let your team know youre end is almost out. Most times theyre not watching your health or end bars so they might not know their Emp is having trouble. If you let your team know your situation they will give you cabs if youve run out. I always tell them
CAB Reserves Outor End Low. The Lucks I will give away but if one can help me not get hit Im taking it, because Im no good to the team if Im fighting for my life because I've become some baddies target pratice.
Let your team know to use F8 which is the HELP! Button. This is quicker than type zzz for anyone held or mezzed or needing a heal.
4 Buff!
If Fortitude is recharged. Hit someone with it. All too often I am on a team with an Empath, and no one has a red head. Even if you hit the same person, it's a big buff and it needs to be continually recharging. Every time you rest, check Fort. If it's recharged, hit a blaster with it. The same goes for Adrenalin Boost and to a certain extent, Clear Mind. This means you are constantly checking to see who has what and who needs what. Empathy Defending requires a sharp mind and quick thinking, if you want less stress pick another AT!
And please save Recovery Aura for a battle. Another common thing I have noticed is Empath Defenders just dropping RA when it refreshes, then watching the team stand around talking about the best way to handle the next mob as the blue bubbles dissipate.
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Once you have Recovery Aura and Hasten 6 slotted for recharge you can cast RA whenever you dang well please because it's going to be up again before you know it. Obviously if the team is just sitting around planning the the choice is to hold it. Battle RA casting can be risky and not everyone will get hit. Best to cast right before the battle then to miss the chance and get. Also if you have a team that runs around a lot and keeps charging ahead youd better cast that RA whenever youve got them together. Also if you call for a gathering for buffs and not your whole team arrives...cast that RA anyway. Chances are the person who misses it either didn't need or was too slow. Next time you can be sure when you call they'll come a running.
As an EMP you do not have to wait for everyone to gather round the campfire before you cast a buff. If they miss it, they'll get on the next shot. You're there for the TEAM not the single indivudal.
Also its nice to let whoever you are giving AB to, that they don't have to come running for RA casts. Since the have 90 secs of it already. If you have AB perma they don't have to run to you at all for buffage.
Clear Mind is a long animation charge, and tanks and scraps normally come with a resistance or shield to holds and immobilizations. Blasters, Defenders and Controllers dont. But since the animation is so long its best to hit them with this first before your drop your buffs. But let the team know youre applying clear mind to everyone so they can wait for it. Hit them with at least 2 shot of CM .any more and its wasting time. Also reapplying when the battle isnt heated is best, because of the long animation.
Note; Once youre buffing is completed Let the team know. Sometimes theyre not sure if youre done buffing them or not. Tell them so. I like to say Okay run along & play nice or some such nonsense
While I understand building without Stamina by the time you get it RA 6 slotted you'll be wishing you had that END. Mind you to get the RA boost you're referring to you'll need to have Hasten 6 slotted first and then RA 6 slotted.
If your not going to take Regen Aura you might as well use those slots for Stamina. Because Stamina is ALWAYS ON. You don't need to click the power to get your end back, which if you're held or stunned can come in handy.
As I said, I have 4 toggles running with stamina and RA buffs and never have my end bar dip. I wouldn't change this just to get one or two more blasting powers. -
Nice guide, maybe more folks will try Emp/Psi. I know I really couldn't find one when I was building Ms Feelgood.
Just a small addition:
1. Screen Setup.
Open the "team" tab and drop it to the bottom right of your screen above your powers tray. Explode the little arrow (when you are in a team) so you can see where everyone is, and what status effects they all have and how healthy they are. Move the Insp tray to the left so everything you need is accessable.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't have my window this set up this way because I naturally look to the left more...(i am left handed) so my team window is always on the left side attached to the chat window.
But what would recommend changing is the option View Player Health Bars to Show Always. This way you don't always have to look at the team list to see who's dying. You can keep an eye on the action and watch the health levels at the same time.
I'm still confliced about Regeneration Aura. I have it 6 slotted so it comes up at the same time as Recovery Aura and sometimes it does give me a breather. But in the 40+ game that breathing window is very small. The baddies hit hard and fast and while it can help some of the squisher of the team I don't think it really does much for the heartier of the team (Scraps & Tanks).
I don't know about the numbers on it though. Also if you put in a heal enhancer it might change the recovery rate. (Also not sure)
Absorb Pain comes in very handy even past lvl 24. It's just nice to have 3 heals and if you're not going to take Regneration Aura might as well have the 3rd heal handy. I've also only 1 slotted it, but I know a few other emps have 2 or 3 slots in it with a recharge and 2 heals enhancers.
It does seem that in I5 they have lessened the wait time until you're able to heal yourself after using AP.
On the Leadership line. I just respec'd into this line and have Manuevers and Tactics fully slotted and I picked up Vengeance which works great also 6 slotted (3def, 2heal, 1 to hit). So if someone does die you can boost the team a bit more before you rez him. Also its nice to drop an end redux in those slots. At lvl 50 I can run both Leadership powers, Hover, SS and Mind Over Body (Epic Power) without my end taking a dip...but that's because I have Stamina 6 slotted and I'm getting hit with RA every couple of a minutes.
As a side note: I've used Adrenaline Boost on a blaster and made him nearly god like!He was squishy no more. But then again my AB is perma. Sometimes not all tanks require AB and I always pay attention to the Health bar to see if its even dropping...If it doesn't move I go for the person who needs it the most. (Usually the scrapper) but sometimes even they don't need it...then its on to the blasters...and then amazingly enough the Controllers need that end boost so they're even before another defender.
AB isn't just for tanks anymore...its nice but it does help plenty of people. -
Can I add that it is helpful to set your option for Player Health Bars to "Show Always"
Sometimes if you're watching the action, in that second it takes for you to look over at the team list, that person may drop from yellow to red in a blink of an eye. But if you have the health bars showing you have an easy up front visual indicator of just how well or bad that Scrap is doing.
I started having this option set for my EMP and found it extremely useful. -
Pssst...I hear that GHKS Corp is about to hostily taken over by the JHGTA Inc. (Jerk Hackers Gone to The Americans) but you didn't hear that from me.
I'd suggest you check with your broker. Sell GHKS while you can. I have a tip that DETH Kickers LLC is moving up too. -
...Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls! (GHKS)...
[/ QUOTE ]
I am SO using that! (With your permission of course)
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm will i get a percentage of any profit you make off of using my now tm abbervation? Do you see all those alts in my sig...they need influence baby! The monkeys alone! Man my banana bill is high!
Feel free to use GHKS but always with the required trademark symbol. -
Go Hunt Kill Skuls, linked to weight loss
Scientists at the Center for Grant Wasting (CGW), have found in a 1 year study, that Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls!, when done continually can promote weight loss in adults. The results come as surprise to the researchers. Adding Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls! (GHKS) to your life can dramatically lower your blood pressure, and significantly reduce your body fat by as much as 30%.
The CGW, insist that these findings are preliminary and more research and grant money is required. But the early results are promising and GHKS may in fact reverse the signs of aging.
- APP (Associated Paragon Press) -
I wish to announce the pending class action lawsuit against the arthor of the The COMPLETE Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls Guide.
I contend that the guide is false and misleading and in no way, Complete
First, the instructions of "Go" does not clearly state where a reader should go to, nor does it state how the reader gets there.
Second, the "Hunt" instruction is vague. Where am I to "Hunt" and if I knew where to "Go" is there something to "Hunt" but what will I be using to "Hunt" with. And if I have something to do this Hunt can I Hunt before I Go or do I need to Go first?
Clearly the author had no intention of providing its customers with the required tools needed to complete the instructions in his guide.
Third, "Kill Skuls" the arthor is suggesting that the readers commit multiple murder? And must I commit this murder against "Skuls" what have they done to me. How does this get me the reward and influence that was promised in the infomercial? There are no pictures of "Skuls" to be found in this guide, what if the reader does not know what a "Skul" looks
like? Let alone how to kill it.
The author is misleading the public on how to in fact Kill Skuls and is only promoting his guide for monetary gain.
Shame on you! -
Now for the guide in real Swahili:
1) Enda.
2) Saka.
3) Ulia Fuvu!
*thank you google and the translators dictonary for making this possible...If not, probably grammatically incorrect.