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  1. For sure... Like someone else said once, "you can't *depend* on a proc poppin' off, but when it does, it's VERY nice."

    I could tell a definite difference between when I didn't have the procs slotted and when I did. I'd see random enemies getting held (whereas they weren't before, meaning it was just that much more damage mitigation), and there'd be a few times where I hit Gravity well on a lvl 52 boss (at 75% health after Sunless Mire), and he'd go down in just that one hit, due to the proc hitting...

    Just tonight, I was doing a LGTF, and I happened to get to the AV on the "rescue captives" mission before anyone else did... Now, I realize this is just blind luck, but I hit Gravitic Emination, Gravity Well, and Gravimetric Snare on him, targeted a minion, hit sunless mire, hit Gravity Well on him, followed by Unchain Essence, and then hit the AV with with another Gravitic Emination... and gosh darn it if he didn't walk around stunned for over 10 seconds... On top of that, "chance for" hold wound up popping off once or twice during that attack chain.

    Amazing stuff....when it happens.

    Any other "testimonials?

  2. A very nice well-wisher sent me a message the other day that said something along the lines of "I may not agree with everything you say, but your posts always make me think."

    Well, to return the favor, I'd like to share how much YOU guys in the Kheldian community make me think! Contrary to "popular belief," I actually do pay good attention to every new post in this section of the forums (I rarely go anywhere else on these boards!).

    Recently, I made a post about a particular build I made on my second Warshade (Coincidentally named "Worst Warshade Ever"...haha!), based on a post by LordXenite in another thread regarding the "presence" pool...

    Well, there are quite a few more people on these boards that I appreciate, and have caused me (more than once...or twice...or 8 times) to "go back to the drawing board" as it were, with VestigeOne's build. Justaris is one. Lord Xenite is another. Princess Darkstar comes to mind, as does Bill Z Bubba. Redlynne is another. Even Obsidian, when he's throwing out stats instead of insults, is a pretty awesome source of information.

    I cannot count how many times I tell myself that "THIS time will be the LAST time I respec VestigeOne!"

    It never works.

    Now, a few people have told me "Dude! Why does a Warshade who gets 'ordered' by the team leader to take a tower by himself while the rest of the team takes the other tower during an iTF need a respec?"

    Well... I blame you guys. Based on information contained in posts YOU all have put on these boards, I find myself constantly trying to think of different IO combinations, different set bonuses, and different calculations to figure out how to "max" my human-form build and maintain (or up) his damage capacity, without losing any of his surviveability or having to drop a single toggle (while fighting).

    A interesting recent thread is the culprit for my latest respec endeavor with VestigeOne.

    Now, let's try to set aside any "tri-form vs. human-form" arguments here, if that's possible. This is purely a "brain exercise" on my part, if you will...

    Everyone's posts in that thread were really informative, but specifically Redlynne's post, and particularly this quote

    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    The question is ... is that chance for profoundly increased effectiveness "worth it" to you over something more "obvious" and enduring such as a simple Flight IO? For a lot of people, the answer is simply going to be "NO" ... just because they look at the spreadsheet of statistical analysis and figure "it's not worth it" ... without having actually experienced the effect in actual gameplay.
    The latter part of the quote (bolded for emphasis) is what got my wheels turning... I am personally guilty of being the sort of person who not only never takes the "chance" IOs in any of the sets, I sometimes in the past have encouraged others not to, "because it's not worth it."

    Now, chalk that up to my habit of always "5-slotting" a set (because the 6th set bonus--especially on purple sets--never seems to be worth it) and wanting to get "as much damage as possible" from the power.

    But... am I really getting as much damage as I can from a power by avoiding the "chance" IO? Well, technically, according to a "spreadsheet" that never trusts the *reliability* of "chance", yeah... I am. As an added note (that may also have bearing on my choice), I've never been the "gambling" sort of person.

    "Always go with the sure thing," I say.

    But, what is chance? And is taking the chance worth it?

    I was extremely satisfied with the "continuous, never-ending, health/endurance bars always full" build that I had...

    However, I thought, "It would be cool to see something pop off like that in my normal attack chains... How would it affect them? If one or two procs popped off at the same time, would it shave 3 or 4 seconds off the *usual* time it takes to take a mob down... randomly? This would be interesting to see!"

    First, I decided to check and see what kind of actual numbers I'd be changing on each of the powers, and overall in the "global" numbers...

    Let's take (for example) the "Gravity Well" power... With Hetacomb 5-slotted in it (without the proc IO), it did 383.8 points of total damage at any given time. Well... Since I already had it 5 slotted, how much would taking out the Hetacomb: Damage IO hurt it?

    Not a heck of a lot. Taking that IO out took the overall damage down to 363.8 total points of damage. Hmph. 20 points is 20 points....But, is it worth a tradeout with a proc that has a 33% chance to do an extra 107.1 points of damage on top of that?

    I was convinced. I wound up changing out ALL the straight damage IOs (losing a few overall points here and there) for a LOT of "chance."

    On top of that, I even traded out my Gravity Shield for Gravimetric Snare, based off of a recent build by Princess Darkstar (which I was a bit hard on). That not only saved me some slots to put elsewhere, but yet another "chance" for some damage mitigation (the chance for hold proc)...

    "Who knows?" I thought... "Maybe one 20% chance for something to proc seems like a little thing... But, how about seven or eight 20-33% chances for something happening working in tandem?" Something's bound to happen, right?

    Sure enough! During the next few missions I did, I had to sometimes double-check my buffs just to make sure I wasn't being fulcrum shifted or something...

    I'm converted. I'm a believer. I'm gonna have to alter my guide and my guide's builds a bit to reflect this newfound knowledge, thanks to you guys...

    ...You remember that "you know you play too much CoH when..." thread? Yeah, this is how I know I play CoH too much...

    Here's the new build.

    So, how do you view "chance?" Has it proved to be worth it to you in-game?


    Using the same "chance" philosophy, I decided to respec my tri-form build as well...
  3. Actually, the topic was (and still is) Human Form Warshade viability.

    The only times I've veered off topic was to ask whether or not you were taking personal shots rather than actually posting some information.

  4. No update on my guide yet, but I said earlier that I'd post my Mid's build for what's running on AlienOne's human-only build right now as soon as I built it, so here it is...

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    Wait, no I actually don't think about you that much to care. But hey anything to drag the conversation away from that annoying stats talk and back onto feelings, you know like happy and fun?
    LoL, you really are the type that likes to pick fights aren't you?

    Do you honestly think personal statements like that aren't as derailing to topics as a comment about bunnies or a rick'roll?


  6. That puts things in a little more context... Although, quite a few questions earlier on in my post could still stand to be answered.

  7. Just did.

    You were addressing me.

    Go ahead. Click it. Read it. Read my name "AlienOne" in your own post, read the following statement

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I simply do not know why you engage in topics of this nature as you don't care about performance beyond being able to do basic level content, which requires aboslutely no build advice at all.
    ...and continue with the discussion.

    If you can't admit to your own friggin' recorded guess this debate IS over.

  8. Dude, is your memory THAT selective?

    I think this is the third time I've had to resort to going back and finding every single post to quote you on things you seem to deny you said.

    Sad, bro... Very sad.

    So... If you've never implied that not giving "the most uber ultimate 'most optimal' build" means you'll have to be doing content "on the normal lowest setting," then what does the bolded section mean?

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    Anyone with half a brain can make any AT well enough to do normal lowest setting content without getting any build advice whatsoever.

    That is by most definitions "Not Sucking".
    Seriously, what does that mean? That if a "final, most uber awesome ultimate optimal build" is finally somehow created (most likely by your 'genious mathematical skillz'), then all anyone has to do for any future advice for ANY build is to just link to what you've put together in Mid's, and have proved 'beyond the shadow of a doubt' is "the perfect build?"

    Screw giving advice. ANYONE should be able to do "normal content," right?

    I have one question though: Why do people still come for Kheld advice then?

    Most people I've seen coming for Kheld advice (whichever form it may be) aren't wanting to build an "AV soloer" or a "+4x8 soloer."

    They're just wanting advice on what the community thinks about different builds, why they would/wouldn't take certain powers, or (to quote Justaris) find a build that's "viable."

    So, if "by most people's definitions" (or the definition you just laid out in your own quote--you said it, I didn't) 'not sucking' is doing stuff on basic level content, by that standard alone, that proves human-forming Khelds are damn awesome.

    But... If a human former (by that definition) is that good, then...

    Why say giving human-form advice is "pointing out a mediocre ways to play?" (your own quote provided below for your own lack of search/remembrance skills)

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    When people require more than this to the point their seeking advice, do we just point out one of the mediocre ways to do it or do we suggest the best way and allow them to scale back to what they feel they need?
    While we're talking about that, why don't we discuss this next point?

    You're suggesting here that people who "build how they like" don't care about performance?

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    No, It really isn't. The people who do not care about performance can build however they like and the people who want to maximize their performance have a readily handy roadmap to use.
    Please explain.

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    People who come to the forums asking build advice are NOT asking for fun factor builds, anyone can make a fun factor build that will be able to do the content on the lowest setting.
    So, are you suggestiong that any build that anyone on these forums have ever suggested (since they are "sub-optimal") WASN'T suggested with the "best performance" in mind?

    Let's take the OP for example. He asked for a "best performance" human-only build.

    Your response to anyone giving a build in this regard (because of your already stated hatred for human-forming) is that it is "mediocre" or "can only handle basic level content"....Correct?

    No? Then why make a statement like is, as if the Kheldian community DIDN'T have "good performance" in mind when giving a build, whether it's human-only or not?

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I would honestly have to work to build something that couldnt do the content on that level. They do not need your advice or mine to do that.
    So, by them coming to ask for advice, then we are suggesting they can do content at a HIGHER level on our builds, correct?

    I know my builds can handle the higher level content. They're human-only builds, but.... *somehow*, by some magical essence of some kind, they are able to handle content well above "normal basic level content."

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    People are perfectly capable of reaching mediocrity without your help or mine. I believe the ones who come here for build advice want to know how to build well for effect, to succed in more than the lowest setting level, not to find out what funzies ideas you have come up with lately.
    Need I say more?

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I simply do not know why you engage in topics of this nature as you don't care about performance beyond being able to do basic level content, which requires aboslutely no build advice at all.
    In that last quote, you were specifically addressing me.

    Can you explain to me exactly how I'm supposed to take that?

    Please do.

    If I'm reading that correctly, you're suggesting not only that playing a human-form Kheldian means that I don't care about performance, you're also saying that I can't do anything above basic level content. On top of that, you're also saying that because I can't do anything above basic level content, there's no sense in coming up with any build advice FOR a human-form Kheldian.

    All of those statements are patently false, incorrect, and borderline defamatory.

    It's all there. Read your own words for yourself.

    I couldn't make this junk up if I had a year to sit and think about it.

  9. First night for fire/rads turned out really good... had 7 fire/rads turn up, and we took on 1 fire/kin to do an iTF...

    Fun stuff!

    C 'ya next friday at 5pm PST!

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    As I have said countless times before, (and you have chosen to ignore it for your own reasons) in my opinion a Tri-Form will always out perform a human build when built with an equal costing build and played by equally competant players.
    I have not, because I say the same things in any thread asking about tri-forming. In fact, as stated before, I've said the same thing in my human-only guide.

    So, in fact, you're the one ignoring what I've been saying all along. You seem to think that I have trouble admitting to that. I do not, and have stated as such many times.

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I do not believe human form is "Teh Suck".

    Do I believe it is sub-optimal?

    Very much so yes.
    Then why do you make statements like it will get "slaughtered?" You're contradicting yourself.

    And, I'll also add that while it's "sub-optimal," it's not "very much so" sub-optimal. That is suggesting that it can't do anything "above standard level content." Which you have ALSO stated.

    So, have you stated in so many words that you think it sucks?

    Yeah, pretty much.

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    Do I think the fact Tri-Forming performs better should become common knowledge to everyone and be pointed out to anyone who does not seem to be aware of the fact?

    Absolutely, and always.
    Absolutely agreed. No arguments here, and has been something that I've always supported.

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I do not really care how annoyed you get when point these things out (even in human build threads).
    As stated before, I have no problem with people pointing out the strengths of a tri-former. I do the same.

    In fact, I don't get "annoyed" at someone pointing out the strengths of a tri-former.

    What I DO get annoyed by is the fact that you keep presenting human-forming as some sort of "mediocre" or "sucky" or "can only handle basic level content" way to play (Which you have also said, and I can quote if necessary).

    That is, in fact, a bald-faced LIE.

    And you damn well know it.

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I'm not even sorry you somehow feel my pointing things like this out somehow compels people to avoid human formers because in the end it's their choice to make and making them informed allows them to make that choice with more facts than it's perfectly doable and fun.

    Giving out correct information does no harm to anyone except people whos agendas benefit from people not having all the facts
    Absolutely agreed. I have no problem with this. But, to add to that, WITHOLDING facts to make human form seem like "teh suck" (like witholding the fact that human form is perfectly capable of handling the SAME level content just as easily) is just as much of an error as not presenting any facts at all.

    If anything, it proves your knowledge of human-form gameplay is somewhere between "slim" and "none."

  11. yeah, startin' tonight.... We're on now if you want in...

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    Either I am typing things I do not realize or your absolutely missquoting me and putting words into my mouth at every turn.

    On the off chance I'm actually saying this i'm going back to reread what I actually posted, I suggest you do the same and compaire it to what you think I said.
    I'm going off of what you have implied throughout just about every post referring to human-only play.

    I don't think it takes a whole lot of work to see that posting "you'll get slaughtered" is pretty much the same as saying "anything less than 'optimal play' sucks."

    If you're going to get "slaughtered" if you play anything less than tri-form, then it "sucks," right?

    I think anyone (except you, evidently) could see that.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JeetKuneDo View Post
    Perfect for me.

    I believe I do have Vent installed on my computer. It is quite "immersion breaking" though. I've never been able to get used to it. ...Hearing a deep "mountain-man" voice coming from a tiny female toon just kills the whole feel of it. lol...

    But I'm aware of the benefits on something like this so I can do that too. (Lucky for me my Fire/Rad goes with my voice better)
    Yeah, that may be the case with me, as my fire/rad does happen to be a tiny lady, and I've got a pretty deep voice...haha!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    I'd say that outside tanking, the thing you'd miss the most about White Dwarf is its excellent self-heal. Be advised however, that I've been on teams with Tankers where the Tanker dies and tanking duties fell to me so where I without my Dwarf, I'd be toast and the rest of the team would wipe soon after.
    Yes, but you've already mentioned that you don't take Light Form either, which offers (sometimes) superior resistance to Dwarf Form.

    If one had Light Form in a situation like that, you could easily go on a *kill rampage* when the tank dies without much worry of dying, and therefore still survive.

    With a human-form Warshade, I've built a team to do a TF specifically WITHOUT a tank to see if I could take all alpha strikes and most of the aggro (including the AVs), and done so successfully.

    However, I think that may depend on the AV. There are situations where having a taunt of some kind from your Dwarf form (either WS or PB) will benefit a team in a situation like that.

    I recall a specific situation where the tank DC'd on the final boss fight against Lunaruu the Mad from the Faathim the Kind Task Force. I was on my tri-form build for my PB at the time, and the team never lost a beat nor had any deaths, due to me immediately switching to Dwarf form and taunting him. Same thing happened against Ghost Widow once on an STF. I was on my tri-form build with my Warshade, switched to Dwarf the moment the Stone tank DC'd, and was able to "save" a "Master of Statesman's Task Force" attempt. By the time the tank returned, GW was already down, and we still had no deaths.

    So, yes... It will depend on the situation. Dwarf (on teams) I think can prove to be invaluable, but in my experience, a human-nova bi-form approach has proved to be the *most* effective damage-wise (imo) when soloing (referring to PB here--WSs are a different story, due to mires), although I will mention that it doesn't really matter which way you choose to play (human-only, bi, or tri-form), as long as you have a well-built Kheldian, you're going to be highly surviveable.

  15. Ok, let's try to plan for a regular time of Friday evenings starting at maybe 5pm PST. That'd be 7pm CST, and 8pm EST.

    Sound good?


    Also, as a side note, try to join the "Freedom TF" channel, as I can include a message of the day every once in a while as a reminder to you all that it's coming up. Additionally, if we have way more than 8 people show up, we can start a second team, and all talk in our own channel or something. I also have my own Ventrilo server as well, if anyone's up for speaking "live."
  16. I believe it's negative energy, and yes... I agree the void/quants will seem a LOT harder at the lower levels... Once you hit mid to higher levels though, they'll be a lot less of a problem.

    I just read through that human-only guide, and there is some good information I can use... However, the premise the guide was built around (tri-forms don't get cosmic balance) is now irrevelant, as is a few more issues mentioned in the guide...

    It's still got some good general information in there though...

    *gets back to working on his own guide*

  17. I'm positive I've seen some posts from the Kheldian community that have stated they play human-only Peacebringers, and I myself play one, so I know it's "viable."

    As far as I know, there isn't any definitive "human only" guide for Peacebringers as of yet. However, I'm currently working on expanding my human-only Warshade guide to include Peacebringers as an "all-inclusive human-only" guide.

    There are a couple other people who have sent me tells asking if I could include Peacebringers in the human-only guide, so I'm still working on it. I hope to have it done within a week or two, depending on my time/schedule.

    That said, I hope that some of our other Kheldian community can also post some of their builds and why they chose or didn't choose certain powers--both to help you out, and to help ME out with presenting the most informed guide for human-form Peacebringers.

    Once I finish up making up a Mid's build for what I currently have on AlienOne's human-only build, I'll post it here.


    I just checked the guide section, and it looks like there is a human-only peacebringer guide from issue 11... I'd read up on that if I were you, as will I...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I guess the part missing was that I (we) never say that human only (Or whatever) is capable of x performance, we just say it is x% worse than tri-form. But what we should really say is: That build is capable of running at x difficulty and can beat an x man spawn in x seconds, but that is x seconds slower than if you did it a different way. Then the person asking the question can decide for himself with 100% of the facts...
    I would appreciate that more than you could possibly know.

    Obsidian asked a while back if I could start "admitting" that performance from a tri-former is better (or accused me of not doing it, whichever it was), and I did so. In fact, not only have I included the "disclaimer" in posts for any first-timer that asks, I also included it in the beginning of a guide that has absolutely nothing to do with tri-forms.

    All I ask is the same from the tri-form community. Sure, performance from a human-former may not be "as good," but gosh darn it if you can't be a little less negative in your approach about it... Any reader who hears how you approach it could more than easily get the impression that playing human-form all but blows.

    When I read a post that presents human-forming like that, I can't help but jump in (albeit a bit too abrasive) and clarify some issues.

    Sure, I may prefer to play human over tri-form, but I don't present playing tri-form as "pretty much the worst possible route you could go."

    You may prefer to play tri-form, and that's cool. Just don't go around telling everyone that may be interested in creating a human-form build that "if you do, you won't be able to do anything more than "basic level content."

    Because that's a lie.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    People who come to the forums asking build advice are NOT asking for fun factor builds, anyone can make a fun factor build that will be able to do the content on the lowest setting.

    I would honestly have to work to build something that couldnt do the content on that level. They do not need your advice or mine to do that.

    People are perfectly capable of reaching mediocrity without your help or mine. I believe the ones who come here for build advice want to know how to build well for effect, to succed in more than the lowest setting level, not to find out what funzies ideas you have come up with lately.
    I disagree. I don't think that "most people" coming to this section of the forums (and even more so to the "forums" in general) are all looking for "teh pwnz0rs wai 2 p14y."

    I think that's a pretty broad (and incorrect) assumption to make.

    YOU may think it's "easy" to build a Kheld, because you've played them for so long. Others may not. Even people familiar with Khelds seem to still ask me for advice on *gasp* tri-forming... There is already more proof in the amount of posts there has been over the years in this section alone that people can easily get frustrated with building and playing a Kheld, regardless of whether or not they're on "the easiest difficulty setting."

    All kinds come to these boards. Not JUST the "number crunchers." Not JUST the "human-only" crowd. Not JUST the "fun factor" people.

    It sounds to me that you're pretty closed-minded when it comes to "alternative ways to play." You say "you don't care," but then you get all into trying to accuse me of encouraging people to "play with mediocrity."

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I simply do not know why you engage in topics of this nature as you don't care about performance beyond being able to do basic level content, which requires aboslutely no build advice at all.
    If I didn't care about "performance," then I wouldn't have written a guide to optimize human-form Warshading. That's a pretty big assumption you're making there.

    If posting videos that prove I'm doing content at +2 or higher isn't proof enough for you that I'm doing things above "basic level content," I truly don't know what to tell you.

    But, that's my point. You seem to think playing human-only is "mediocre." That "it will get slaughtered." That it "can only handle basic level content."

    That is absolutely incorrect, and is what shows that you not only don't know what you're talking about when making any reference to human-only play, it is you who might need to "check your facts."

    If a human-former can't handle more than "basic level content," how am I doing it?

    If a human-former is only "mediocre," why does it seem "awesome" to anyone who's seen me play it?

    Maybe you should look beyond your personal hatred of the playstyle and try to see what it's actually capable of.

    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
    It's a given that, with sufficient number-crunching and given a certain level of basic familiarity with a given powerset and tactics that one build variant is going to emerge as "optimal", even if it's only by a slim margin. The only way to avoid this would be to make all powersets essentially reskinned clones of one another and I don't think anyone on any side of this issue wants that.
    That's essentially what I was just saying in my earlier posts... You just happen to be able to say it better.

    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
    However, if other build variants can perform at a level approaching that of the "optimal" build, then these variants could be considered "good". Obviously this is where a lot of subjectivity comes into the equation - how far off of "optimal" is "good enough"? At what point does the variance become trivial (or to ask it another way, at what point is the variance significant? Or is any variance significant? 50.14 DPS > 50.1 DPS, damnit!).
    Yeah, that's what I'm wondering... If Obsidian considers anyone who isn't constantly running at +4x8 while solo "the suck," then maybe I'd slightly understand where he's coming from.

    I say "slightly," because you'd still have to consider how many actual people in-game are running at those settings...

    I consistently run at +2x8 or +3x8 myself (whether solo or teamed), but that doesn't mean I believe everyone else should as well, or "they're mediocre." That's ridiculous.

    As a side note, it's interesting to note that most fire/kins who "farm" that I've run across, refuse to run content higher than +2x8, unless they have at least 1 or 2 other "pocket lvl 50s" helping them....

    Hero 1 said himself at this year's Comic-Con that the +4x8 setting was/is meant for people who like to "maximize" their builds or just test their surviveability. Obsidian seems like one of those people. I know I am one of those people...

    But, placing "anyone who comes for help" into that same category is very narrow-minded.

    If someone comes on the forums and says "give me the best human-form build," you do what? Give him the best human-form build.

    You don't berate him for going that direction, neither do you make it appear that he would "suck" in any way, shape, or form, because that would be, in fact, absolutely false.

    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
    Is anything short of the optimal numbers "not good enough"? "Teh suck?"
    According to Obsidian, yes.

    According to myself, no.

    That's the basic disagreement.

    If his build can do 100DPS more than my build, he wants the title of "teh best," regardless of whether or not we both just took a mob down in less than 30 seconds, with a possible 10 second disparity between our times. Regardless of whether or not I died or had fun doing the same thing he just did (but a few seconds longer), my build would still be considered "inferior."

    Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
    those who want "the ultimate build" often self-identify, putting their desire for the most dominating / powerful build possible into the thread title and/or the OP.

    Most people treat COX as a pleasant pastime, and not as an important focus for their daily efforts. They're typically happy with "good enough" or "not sucking", and are not concerned with optimizing anything about their approach to the game (their builds, their use of the markets, their general knowledge of the game, or their playing skills).

    The "casual player" seems to be some sort of "anomaly" in the mathmetician's "calculations"
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    that's the root of the conflict between us on this point. I try to employ a different playstyle and you contentiously claim there's only one valid playstyle available.
    That's exactly where the heart of the problem is...

    By saying "there's only one true build," you're actually limiting people to a bland, "one way to play" universe. That's taking away "options." It's taking away, in come cases, "the fun factor." It's taking away "diversity."

    Why? So you can say you are the person who came up with "the ultimate way to play?"

    I believe the devs are against this thought process, and that's why there is a "power selection" screen in the first place! Why? Because you have a choice in how you want to make your character. If this weren't the case, the devs would have created "ready-made" heroes that just unlocked access to those "necessary" powers as you leveled up, without there being any sort of choice as to which power you'd rather have. Sure, some powers are better than others, but if you've already developed a "single best way to play," then what's the point in having a choice in the first place?

    If Super Speed is, say, "the best way to travel," then why pick any of the other travel powers? You wouldn't be able to "maximize your speed" if you didn't pick it, so... Let's say someone picked "fly." Are then now "gimped?"

    Hell no! They just picked, based on the various options available to them, what's called "their own playstyle."

    Now, I truly do understand where you're coming from... I actually live by that philosophy myself: "always try to be the best that you can be in whatever you do."

    I think that's a great philosophy. However, I live by that philosophy in the parameters of whatever in this game that's made me happy. So, if playing a human-form Warshade makes me happier and more satisfied than playing a tri-form Warshade, then I will "strive to be the best that I can be while playing a human-form Warshade."

    Just because someone has chosen a different playstyle does not mean they cannot live by that code. Even suggesting that they can't is ludicrous.

  21. I've often wondered that myself.... The fact that WSs get this and PBs don't is actually a huge disparity between the two, as I can account for many situations where I've tried using the self-rez followed directly by Quantum Flight and still got killed, due to the phase not being activated quickly enough.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I understand where you are coming from, but you have got me tagged wrongly I think. I will always say "Tri-form is the 'best' way to play" but I have never (I don't think) criticed those who do play human only, or said it will be poor (How in the world anything with 85% res to all and perma mag 4 stun can be called poor I don't know!).
    I apologize if you thought everything I was saying was directed at you personally. I have a tendency to be pretty abrasive at time, especially when something I've put a lot of time and effort into (human-only forms) is being blatantly attacked with a "omg, if you pick that playstyle you're going to get slaughtered!" point of view.

    It's simply not the case, and no matter how much time I've placed into playing, respec'ing, helping other people build theirs, writing guides, and yes, 'running the numbers,' people still seem to have this skewed view of "how much it really sucks."

    Well, I've got news for them: it may not be the "best of the best of the ubernicity-wow-holy-mother-of-all-that's-sacred" way to play, but it's still pretty darn good.

    And I'll come on the boards and re-state it for any new guy who comes on the boards and gets bombarded with the "stay away from the leprosy that is human-form play!" BS.

    If someone asks for a tri-form build, do I jump in the thread and start yelling nonsense about "omg, this way to play is stupid, because I think it is! You really should go human form!"? No!

    Sure, you're entitled to state what you want on these boards (within certain restrictions), but....why?

    If the eternally-argued point of "it's much easier to level up a tri-former than a human-former if you're a first-time Kheld" has already been laid on the table, and both parties can agree on that, then.... Why? Because you have some kind of self-entitled notion that everyone should follow your particular playstyle/build choice?

    I say "no" to that. And I'll continue to do so until the devs see fit to ban me from playing Kheldians because I love them too much.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I think aside from the mez comment by whoever it was (Apologies my internet is too slow to go looking) you are overstating the negativity. Obsidian and myself were just pointing out what we feel is an important thing to know.
    Actually, I'm not. What I should have done was specify that the negativity isn't just coming from the boards, nor specifically from you guys... For every person sending me a PM asking about the build that's on VestigeOne, there are 6 ridiculing me for playing a human-only form in the first place. I'm not bothered by comments directed at me, I'm bothered by the overly negative tone/view on human-form play.

    It's a little more than strange... It's almost prejudice.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    Actually originally in my stupid mistyping I was going to advice dam/end, which was worse. I actually meant Res/Rech! Stupid mistake on my part.

    I don't actually think a shield of that level is much use even without Eclipse, but 'less useful' would have been better, you are right.

    I wasn't actually building for defence really, all I did was 5 slot the powers for recharge as per the original build and stick the free slots where I could. Personally I would never go for defence at all, but if you go for some you might as well go for as much as yo ucan get easily. I don't think my build really sacrificed anything for the defence (Bar the Eclipse mistake!).

    Can't see the quote you are replying to on this, but you are right I did suggest the wrong slotting on Eclipse. However I think the set bonus' on Impervium armor are absolutely worthless to a Warshade in any form

    Considering Eclipse and Stygian Circle can easily recover you to full endurance I would think you can quite easily let the endurance bar dip quite low and then refill it, if you can't kill a few minions (Even at +4) before using your whole endurance bar then I would suggest the human form damage isn't as good as I thought (Because I didn't take damage per endurance into consideration, just damage per second).

    The way I see it is any endurance not being used is a waste of time having, so the most endurance efficient build in the world would actually use 99 endurance before having a 100 endurance refil. You don't need stamina to keep the endurance topped up. Unless fighting endurance sapping enemies, but I would never make a build with that in mind.
    This is where we disagree the most, I think. I believe we're coming from different viewpoints here, because you're thinking in terms of "I can continually fire attacks until my endurance is drained, no matter if that drops me out of the forms, because I can just hit stygian circle by that time," and I'm thinking in terms of "a human former has anywhere from 5 to 8 toggles running at any given time."

    Therefore, thinking in terms of "I could go down to 1 endurance before having a 100 endurance refill" is very incorrect when referencing a human-only build. While, I'm sure that theory works for a bi or tri former, it most certainly would not for a human-former, unless you're a big fan of re-activating 8 toggles after every mob.

    If I can illustrate what I'm talking about, maybe you'll get a better picture:

    Running into a mob of, say, +2s won't pose much of a problem (unless there are heavy mezzers involved, in which case you'll have to start factoring in '40 second mez times' You'll basically be able to hit Gravity Well (and maybe an Ebon Eye) on one minion and you've got your first dead body for heals. Doing a regular attack chain will get all but the bosses down in a matter of seconds.

    +4s are a different story, again, especially if there are mezzers. You may be able to get a minion down almost as quickly, but since not just the minions are taking longer to kill, it's everyone in the mob that's taking longer to kill, you're going to start running into problems, because at some point during the fight, you may find that the guys you WERE able to get down "quickly" have already disappeared, and you're stuck with a useless Stygian Circle.

    It's also worth noting that when fighting bosses at those levels, THAT is where you're really going to run into the biggest endurance draining issues. Fighting a boss will almost assuredly (during solo play) take longer than it takes for the bodies on the ground to completely disappear--again, leaving you with a useless Stygian Circle.

    On top of that, I'm sure you're already aware that Stygian Circle actually costs endurance to use, and therefore proves that one can't "use 99 endurance before a 100 endurance refill." You could technically cue up the power, and when you have enough endurance in your bar for it to activate, it will re-fill your endurance bar... However, doing so on ANY human-form build will immediately drop your shields for lack of the proper amount of endurance to run them, which brings a human-former back to the "stone age" way of playing, back before the devs fixed the "toggles suppress" issue.

    Therefore, it is with this thought process that I say a set like "Impervium Armor" actually DOES improve a human-former's build, because it both ups his endurance recovery rate (which he'll need to run all those toggles and fight at the same time--a problem most "form dancers" don't run into, and the viewpoint I assume you're coming from) and it ups his overall endurance capacity.

    This makes for overall better "continuous performance" (especially during boss fights), and ultimately "better numbers," than just franken-slotting, in my opinion.

    As an added note, I'd say that although I agree that I probably wouldn't make a build "specifically for endurance sapping enemies," I would say that it's prudent to build any AT for "all situations," and considering that it's universally agreed upon that any other "human-form" kind of AT in the game is "gimped" without a bit of extra endurance recovery, I'd say a human-form Kheld is no exception to the "rule."

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    The activation times of all the powers leave quite large gaps in the attack chain from what I could see. Gravity Well have a ~2 second activation, then you need to fill the next 5.5 seconds with something. Using only attacks Dark Detonation + Shadow Blast are both 1.67 second animations, meaning you still have 2.16 seconds to fill, and I would be using Shadow Bolt in that time.
    Silly me.

    I sometimes forget that I'm also taking into account that I'm using other powers some people don't have access to (i.e. Nemesis Staff), and that could be the reason why I don't ever get around to using my Ebon Eye before my "big" powers are already recharged...

    You're right.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
    In my opinion, part of the appeal of this AT is its versatility, the design that allows it (at least potentially) to be a number of different things and, depending on slotting and use of IOs/Sets, to have various degrees of power in various bailiwicks. To move the AT further towards a 'one clear way' or 'ideal build' would run counter to this. Of course, that's part of its appeal to me, and perhaps it's a source of frustration to other players. Fair enough. However, since a majority of other ATs in the game are relatively straightfoward to create builds for in comparison, it doesn't seem unreasonable to let Kheldians remain somewhat unique in this regard.
    This is exactly how I've seen Khelds from the beginning, and what I will fight for until the end of time.

    If you want a "clear-cut, no-bones-about-it, 'single build to rule them all,'" play a damn scrapper.

    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
    Until that time, while it may be true that certain build variants are more effective than others, it still remains true that the AT supports multiple and diverse viable builds. In the current environment some are suboptimal to others but all are playable without significant issue, at least in my view.

    If anything, I'd like to see changes that reintroduce/reinforce the opportunity cost which has always been involved in building a Kheldian. I like the idea that I have to make choices and differentiate myself, that my Warshade may not be like another but can still be effective. The last thing I want is to see Kheldians become simplified to the point that one single build becomes the overriding best choice.
    This is the way Khelds used to be, and the way I'd like to see them return to. I remember a time when bringing up the search bar to build a team would show several Khelds with the search comment of what they were: "tri-former," "bi-form/tanker," "human-only."

    ...And it didn't matter which one you were getting... They'd still do a good job.

    Hell... what am I saying? It still doesn't matter "which build" of Kheld you're getting... they're still going to be a big contributor.

    As a side note, I also think that Khelds, although some think they are "strictly a damage AT," Khelds don't really lend themselves to the whole "DPS is what makes them awesome" argument (see Bill Z Bubba's thread on PBs).

    Therefore, creating a "build to rule them all" based solely on "this is the best damage per second/fastest recharge you'll achieve, and therefore THIS is the best build," while ignoring all of the other utilities a Kheld has in his arsenal, is just ignorant.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kokuryu_EU View Post
    I daren't comment incase Alien adds alot of things I didn't say and makes mountains out of molehills with it.
    That only happens if you actually SAY them.

    I tend to take things at face value, so if you say something "figuratively," and don't explain that what you're saying IS figurative, I will take it as a "literal" statement. (example: the simple statemtent "Black Dwarf does better damage than Human form." I'll call BS on it every time. However, if you say "a Bi-former properly using Dwarf form specifically for the double-mire can achieve a higher DPS than a human-former," I'll say, "You are correct, sir.")

    Not sure if that's what you meant by "adding a lot of things I didn't say" though...

    Also, I'll add this:

    It depends on what you think a "mountain" and a "molehill" is. That's purely an opinionistic statement (and one you're entitled to make, even if it's not true) based on what you personally think is important in this game.

    I happen to think "freedom of build expression" is the most important *flagship* I must "bear," mainly because the "majority" thinks that there is only *one* way to do things "right."

    I happen to disagree, and would add that this thought process goes completely against what Khelds are about (and is most likely why I tend to like this AT better than any others).

    So, if someone jumps all over someone else about "oh, you can't/shouldn't do this because it sucks" or "my way of doing it is WAY better," then I will jump headfirst into that boat to "rock it," because I believe that to be wrong.

    You may disagree, but I'm just as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours.

    Thing is, my opinion seems to tread too harshly on other people's opinions, due to the fact that I have to continually prove that their opinions aren't "always fact." They're opinions.

    Personally, I could give a damn if someone is afraid I'm going to call their bluff when they're spitting BS.

    They can just send me some more nasty comments or PMs if it makes them feel any better.

    It's not going to change my stance on "sticking up" for the "alternative build/DPS-wha?" community one iota.

    Youre opinion isn't proven "right" based on a "community popularity contest."

    Your opinion isn't made "right" based on if you have a lot of friends who like you.

    Your opinion isn't a "fact" based on whether or not you like me or think my opinion sucks.

    Your opinion is quite simply this: an opinion.

    As is mine.

    And if you don't like it, tough beans.

    I'm here to stay.

  25. For the record....

    Sushi sucks.

    I'm referring to the food, not nova form.


    As a side note, we do have a knack for making a thread go from 19 views to over 150 in just a short amount of time, don't we? (lol)