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  1. I should be able to focus on writing the story, as opposed to thinking about it, very soon. I won't make a promise, but let's say you should be able to expect something by friday next week.
  2. Until there is definite confirmation on the first, you can believe whatever.

    However, I don't think that being an unregistered hero gets you in trouble, otherwise the phrase "citizen's arrest" wouldn't be in our vocabulary. Being a vigilante and killing is certainly against the law, but if you just arrest villians, there shouldn't be a problem.

    I believe the registration of your hero allows you to get a stipend from the government for your services to society; this was mentioned in the CoH comic at some point.

    But there is definitely a Paragon City University.
  3. Until there is definite confirmation on the first, you can believe whatever.

    However, I don't think that being an unregistered hero gets you in trouble, otherwise the phrase "citizen's arrest" wouldn't be in our vocabulary. Being a vigilante and killing is certainly against the law, but if you just arrest villians, there shouldn't be a problem.

    I believe the registration of your hero allows you to get a stipend from the government for your services to society; this was mentioned in the CoH comic at some point.

    But there is definitely a Paragon City University.
  4. More Crey hatred? Ooh, this is going to be quite amusing, in a good way. I'm glad I've kept relatively quiet about the story; and it gives me a new idea for the plotline...

    Yes, I can use both Simon-Says and Steele Magnolia, particularly if they have an existing connection to other characters.
  5. Okay, most all of my schoolwork is done, and I'll get down to writing.

    Fortunately, my roommate (who played on my account when I first got it) created any number of alts because he loved creating characters, and gave me full control over them.

    I'm still accepting entries, and I've got a question:

    How should I release this? In a series of chapters to a single thread, or all at once?
  6. Abalest

    Villain Emotes

    This is tough, because villians operate from the darker side of our spirits, and their actions are typicially involved with objects. As there is no real way to involve all the hostages, treasures, weapons, animals, and so on that villians typically have for PCs, it seems limited to anger and pride. Oh, and grovelling.

    "This is the END!" Knifed hand sweep at chest height, as if knocking all the objects off a high table. Perhaps incorporate a small step forward for emphasis. sweep could also work at neck height.

    "You've meddled in my affairs for the last time!" Clenched, quivering fist and forearm held parallel to the ribcage. Think overwhelming rage. Or any number of anime examples.

    'Gloat' (Taken from the Evil Genius Demo): hands held behind back, chest thrust forward, peering down nose.

    'Manical' : as 'Gloat', but with body visibly moving with laughter.

    'Hair pull': Use any staff member reading the forums for reference.

    'Mystery button': Pull out a device with a red button, and push.

    'Check Nails': Disinterested in hero, check fingernails (any method). "You aren't worth my time." vibe here.

    'Grovel': On shins and knees, hunched over, hands clutched together and quivering.
  7. Just a quick post before bed:
    The Claims Adjuster (Eric Unterwald) is the chief claims adjuster for Highlife Insurance.
    Miss Fulcrum (Christine Abalest) is part of an old, old, old money family; she attends a private college. When she feels like it.
    Dark Soul Golem could, in theory, work any job that a 'thorned' person had performed before being displaced. As it contains thousands of displaced souls, it might be capable of many things that it hasn't told the Abalests about. But it's a golem. It doesn't do anything resembling gainful employment unless explicitly instructed.

    Power Drain managed to blow a generator in the Abalest mansion while trying to get a midnight snack, and is paying for it by running errands and moonlighting as a sniper for the Paragon City Swat Team. She has, unfortunately, been banned from entering Terra Volta due to her unusual appetite.

    Golden Soldier: Works for Highlife after a dishonorable discharge (or would have been, if his existance was unclassified) got him tossed out of the army.
  8. Yes, I gathered that.

    I'm going to be quiet for the rest of the day, but I'll say this:
    Crey is involved in the story, but this story is not about assisting Crey. It's about community, distrust, and protecting that which you hold most dear.

    I will be reading through all the characters submitted, but today is the last day I can chat in depth until I've the following done:
    1. Class projects
    2. Finals
    3. Professor's Projects
    4. Getting letters of reccomendation for grad school/whatever
    5. Applying to various departments by January 3rd...
    6. Collapsing in an exhausted heap and coming up ready to be creative.

    Long story short, I'm probably insane to begin drumming up interest in this tale when I've got so much on my plate, but It's just whenever inspiration strikes, I have to write it down or it won't leave me alone.
    I'd appreciate if people keep submitting characters, and I will get back to each of you by PM when I have the time.

    Current Status:
    There's already 8 pages (12 pt, single-spaced) setting up the storyline, but I'm not happy with it yet...
    One major character (hero) introduced, relevance to storyline established. Currently lacks luster and polish by design, intended to develop through storyline. Motivations established; Only one major issue unresolved, but CoH playstyle provides legitimate means to explain.
    Major character (villain) introduced, motives known but unwritten, background established (unwritten), highly memorable, very, very evil.
    Abalest family story: Tangential, but was designed for easy adaptability to entire CoH lore; Ls Lilo fits in with this storyline perfectly.

    Plot is mostly complete, pending further character submissions, analysis, and role fitting. All contingencies and explanations fully integrated without obvious plotholes.

    And that's where it currently stands; I'm going to run silent now. Wish me luck... I'll need it.

    I'm still accepting submissions by post and PM.

    Oh. And if anyone has fire tankers/blasters/AR blasters... Those would be quite helpful.

    Sorry about leaving you all in the lurch while I sort out my RL future, I'd much rather be writing this than my Statement of purpose and the final reports... Kay Sera, Sera.
  9. You have a point, good sir.

    It's just that Crey and the Countess are insured, in part, by Highlife, and having a bunch of vengance-bent vs. Crey Heroes on a team dispatched to recover stolen goods and prevent other losses is a bad idea, in my mind.

    So you can see my difficulty; trying to get someone to sign forms while the screams of their coworkers linger in the air is not great from a business standpoint.
  10. Me, too...

    Good gravy, Crey must be a lot more hated than I initially thought, based on this incredibly accurate cross-section (kidding) of the player population.

    It is a trifle inconvenient that people are so against it, however.... But I'll make do.
  11. All right, looks promising.
    I've sent PMs to each of you, and I'm already able to see some pieces fit together.
    I still need about five more heroes for the Highlife team itself, (yes, I do have high standards for that group, but there's a reason for it), and does anyone know if the name "Blue Bolt" is taken? It seems like it would be....
  12. Okay, here's the deal.

    I'm writing a story that requires a lot of various heros fighting valiantly against seemingly impossible odds. Most or all of the highest level Heros and the Freedom Phalanx will be unable to act in the crisis I've got planned, conveniently lifting the onus of correct representation from my shoulders. However, I'm only familiar with a few AT's, and I'm not thrilled at the amount of creativity I'd need to exhibit to come up with that many backstories, motives, powersets, and so on.

    So, I'd like the help of any party interested in getting his or her name written into this, by either posting or PMing the character name, backstory/general attitude, powersets (builds too, if you wish), preferred mode of travel (this can include vehicles...) and anything else (Like supergroups) that is deemed appropriate to developing the character.
    Up to three characters can be submitted by each interested party, and I'll need at least 12.

    The crisis, as far as I'm willing to reveal publicly, is such that the major fighting is opened with precision strikes against what allows Paragon's hero population to function.

    And it only gets worse as the city is systematically crippled.

    CuppaJo has expressed an interest in this story based on the limited information I gave her (I was concerned that one plotpoint was too graphic, and she agreed...) and wants to see it when I finish.

    In order to prevent contention and "My character wouldn't do that!" syndrome, All parts mentioning/involving your character will be PMed to you in advance for critique and conversation about how we could change the story to better represent the submitted character. I fully respect the sancticity of the heroes a player creates, and will not make the characters behave in a way out of line with their ideals.

    But then again... This fight may result in some unexpected truces and bedfellows...

    As for when this story will be finished: No idea. I am busy with real life matters currently, but once I get to christmas break and after new year's, I'll make completion of the story a top priority, and release sections as they are finished to my satisfaction.

    Thanks in advance, and hope to see you on the Highlife Insurance Company (Paragon Branch) team!

    Eric Unterwald
    -The Claims Adjuster

    (Should no interest in this venture occur, I will still write the story, but I'm sure it will suffer as I agonize about each character.)