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  1. Name: Creatures in Cold Mirrors

    Currently Recruiting: Absolutely.

    RP Level: RP-intensive. Because the basis of the group is in-character social interaction, base and VG channel are in character, unless indicated by some means e.g. ((OOC)): Words and stuff., (()), [], whatever.

    PvP Level: Casual – none. PvP is not the focus of the group.

    Theme/Concept: Slither out from beneath your rock, fiend. Crawl on your bloated belly, monster. Let your leathery wings spread wide, beast. Creep behind the shadows, cadaver. Join us, the freaks, the forsaken, the abominations, and the things that should not be. Where the world of men ends in the shadows, and the mist, we lurk watching and waiting for the dusk, and the witching hour. No longer will we be shunned, we have a home, we have friends and allies. Where the light dares not shine, we are there, reveling in the madness that mortals fear.

    (( Creatures in Cold Mirrors is a VG started for my character that just doesn’t belong anywhere else. The group is for Horror or arcane-based characters that want a VG but don’t want, need, or have a rigid mythos to subscribe to. Have your own interpretations of what a vampire should be? Your definition of a lycanthrope doesn’t match the rules set down elsewhere? Decidedly not human and don’t know where to turn? Cenobite gone rouge? These are the characters that I would like to meet. Influences and inspirations are Cabal by Clive Barker, Simon Green’s Nightside series, Lovecraft, the Nightbane dice and paper RPG, the artwork of Brom, etc.

    The group is brand new, just starting out. I’ll be perfectly honest; it’s my first attempt at starting and leading a group. I expect trials and tribulations along the way. I hope to start, and provide a place where friends can be made, fun can be had, and life can be enjoyed by people pretending to be things. ))

    Activity: At present, just some Alts of mine. It’s… brand new-ish, hence the recruitment posting.

    Requirements for Membership: Because of the theme of the group, only mature, chronologically (18+) as well as mentally, players need apply. I hate to be exclusive, but I just don’t have the patience to baby-sit. Because it is a new group characters below level 25 are requested to remain in VG mode, displaying logo and colors at their discretion, as it costs them nothing to do so. I would request that only people intending to play the characters in the group join to avoid creating a ghost town, but life and alts happen. Doubtless more rules will evolve with the group, but right now, I only have the one: Play nice, don’t be a jerk. Promotions and leadership roles will be doled out strictly at my fancy, but likely as a result of being an active, and worthy member.

    Interested crawly creatures should contact me in or out of game to arrange an interview.

    Leadership: Mucklurk, Everdead, Witch Witness

    In-Game Contact(s): @Dour

    Out-of-Game Contact(s): _Dour_ (that’s me) here on the CoX forums.

    URL: None at this time. It is my impression that guild oriented websites are frequently an unused and unnecessary level of bureaucracy. However should it be warranted in the future one would be set up.

    Coalition(s): None at this time.