19 -
I had the same issue.. didnt have to restart my pc.. just had to reinstall the patch
Im having quite the same issue as well..
Is anyone else reciving some type of error message when trying to get on the server that says... " No response from this server. Try a different server, or try playing this one later. "
*Storms back into freedom from triumph* You guys actually organize NonMasterTFS/SFS? Our PUG TFs are just as good
Red name said something... we got another hour and 19 minutes to go
yeah... i just got a patch when i entered my updater
the server status screen actully loads for me.. it just keeps going up down up down up down.
I havent seen a post... but ive been looking for one
That was a very fun time.. Haven't had that much fun in a while
So my comp decided to phail monday.. I'll be there saturday. and for the EoE farm thurs
5 - 10 minutes all servers except freedom will open up
someone hit the awsome button
I can almost hear them - "We're gonna get lynched, aren't we?"
[/ QUOTE ]
yes -
OMG Robert Plant looks bad!
[/ QUOTE ]
:O -
Go to the RWZ or ANY other regular zone toavoid lag. Word to the wise is usually sufficient.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think they put a MA station in RWZ -
they posted that news last night
wats with the wait??