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  1. I had the same issue.. didnt have to restart my pc.. just had to reinstall the patch
  2. Im having quite the same issue as well..
  3. _Crimson


    Is anyone else reciving some type of error message when trying to get on the server that says... " No response from this server. Try a different server, or try playing this one later. "
  4. _Crimson

    Hami Time...?

    Count me in havent done one in foreverz
  5. *Storms back into freedom from triumph* You guys actually organize NonMasterTFS/SFS? Our PUG TFs are just as good
  6. Red name said something... we got another hour and 19 minutes to go
  7. yeah... i just got a patch when i entered my updater
  8. the server status screen actully loads for me.. it just keeps going up down up down up down.
  9. I havent seen a post... but ive been looking for one
  10. That was a very fun time.. Haven't had that much fun in a while
  11. So my comp decided to phail monday.. I'll be there saturday. and for the EoE farm thurs
  12. 5 - 10 minutes all servers except freedom will open up
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I can almost hear them - "We're gonna get lynched, aren't we?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

  14. [ QUOTE ]
    OMG Robert Plant looks bad!

    [/ QUOTE ]

  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Go to the RWZ or ANY other regular zone toavoid lag. Word to the wise is usually sufficient.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think they put a MA station in RWZ