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  1. Erratic had this to say on a different thread of this topic:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Previously in the game you had the ability of multiple Res Debuff weilding Defenders and Controllers coming together for far more debuff than Sonic Blast (the topic of this thread) provides when paired with other Sonic Blast users.

    Consider 8 Radiation Defenders pre-I5:

    AMx8 - Adds +200 to base damage, meaning you only need to 3-slot your damage powers to get the other +100% necessary to be at cap.

    EFx8 - Adds another 300% to damage to the capped amount for 700%

    That has been doable since launch.

    The debuff amount is lower on Sonic Blast and has a short duration, unlike things like EF, Tar Patch, or Freezing Rain.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And Blue_Volt came up with these numbers:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Shriek: (Click) You let forth a quick shriek, damaging your target and weakening his Damage Resistance.
    BI= 1.3938 smashing +1.3938 energy
    --Total: 2.7876
    --Buffed: ~3.1361
    Type: Single target
    Secondary effect: -res
    Range: Medium

    Scream: (Click) Your Scream can cause serious damage to a target, while weakening his resistance to further damage. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Moderate
    BI= .38824 (x5) smashing +.38824 (x5)
    --Total: 3.8824 (4.27844 effective)
    --Buffed: ~4.3677 (~4.8132 effective)
    Type: Single target
    Secondary effect: -res
    Range: Medium

    Howl: (Click) A short range, but powerful sonic attack. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow.
    BI= 1.3693 smashing + 1.3693 energy
    --Total: 2.7386
    --Buffed: ~3.0809
    Type: PBAoE-Cone
    Secondary Effect: -res
    Range: Short

    Shock Wave: (Click) You call forth a tremendous Shockwave that can knock down foes and deal some Smashing damage in a wide cone area. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Moderate.
    BI= 0.88869 smashing + 0.88869 energy
    --Total: 1.77738
    --Buffed: 1.9996
    Type: PBAoE-Cone
    Secondary Effect: Knockback
    Range: Short

    Shout: (Click) You blast your foe with a tremendous Shout, damaging him and reducing his Damage Resistance. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate.
    BI= 2.94699 smashing + 2.94699energy
    --Total: 5.89398
    --Buffed: ~6.6307
    Secondary Effect: -res
    Range: Very short

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Erratic makes a great point about the -res and Blue_Volt's number show this set is pretty much in line with the other sets damage wise. I don't think this set is overpowered.