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  1. Zyanya

    Teleport Badges?

    I had all the Atlas park badges, but I earned a few on a different server. That seemed to cause the problem, so I just had one of my minions grab them all.
  2. Zyanya

    Teleport Badges?

    Is there a trick for finding the teleport beacon badges? I've stood right on the exact coordinates for the Atlas Park Beacon badge, but no luck finding the badge. Help?
  3. I've sent in the ticket, but I'm rapidly approaching not caring.

    They have until my husband's trial account expires to fix the problem (or at least send a response to one of the support tickets that actually acknowledges the problem) or they lose a potential customer and an existing customer.

    I've talked to several other people who have had this same problem purchasing upgrades. Seems the reason there is no influx is a lot of people can't purchase accounts.
  4. He has his own master account.

    And I tried a support ticket. The response I got was to ask me for the transaction/order ID, even though I specifically stated in the support ticket that the transaction was unable to complete and thus I did not have any order ID.

    It would be helpful if they would actually READ the help request before asking for more information.