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  1. Um, so politely put, what the hell is this?

    Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
    There was no way found to patch from version '' to version: ''.
    The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
    Please try again in a few minutes.

    From my perspective, it's a game for which I've paid $15 a month for the last 7 years that I can't access anymore because I followed a set of instructions provided by the publisher.

    When I pick up my phone, I expect a dial tone. When I turn on my TV, I expect there to be a signal. YOU CAN'T BREAK THE LOGIN SCREEN.

    This is completely unacceptable, and it's apparent from other posts that I'm not the only person affected (so much for my delusions of grandeur and persecution). Do what you want with ED, Bases and PVP, but if I can't log in without going through some set of hellish set of desktop gymnastics, I'm out of here.

    If this is resolved in an hour or two, I'll be embarrassed and humbly apologize, but if I can't log in tomorrow, I'm cancelling my account and y'all can keep the Vanguard pack.

    Now I'm going off to sulk and reinstall the client while I would otherwise have been levelling up my latest Soldier of Arachnos.

    To put a mature face on this, boo on you, NCSoft. Thhhpppt!

    (Yes I DO feel better now, thanks.)
  2. This is great, I installed it as instructed and now can't access the game either via NCSoft launcher or my old CoH Updater link. Fantastic and seamless end user experience. I play the game to ESCAPE from this kind of nonsense, not for more of it.
  3. All servers besides Training Room show as "Unknown", not even "Down" which would imply someone knows what's going on and is fixing it. A very inauspicious start to one of the most-maligned issues in recent history.

    For the record, I'm not a PvP doomsayer, but the fact is there has been a lot of negative feedback on this issue and a sense it was pushed before its time. This kind of thing does not help that perception.

    I just wanna log in, enjoy the Kheldian love and get all my alts to work at their day jobs.