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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Let's sing the song of Doom!


    (shameless Invader Zim reference)

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Ah, isn't it great to just go on the forums with your red name and surprise everyone with an innocent post that isn't about "new content" or anything like that? Ah, Statesman... you're one of a kind.

    Ah, I [censored] love this [censored] game!
  2. Statesman must really be listening to those pirate-fans out there! And he has been dropping big hints on a water-world
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    If they told us when it would be...server would be packed...and it would ruin the spontaneous aspect of the event...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So true! I think it's gonna be Lord Recluse and his minions (or a new type of mob that's gonna be Lord Recluse's) attacking heroes in Paragon City, fully utilizing awesome-looking, never-seen-before, CoV powers.
    Either that, or something I didn't even think of.

    It would rock just to see Statesman on the steps of Atlas Park City Hall (on every server, he'd just be an NPC) like in the E3 video for CoH. I'm only a level 21 empathy defender but I would still do my part! Even against impossible level 40s!
  4. I'm betting this event will be a preview of City of Villains. Possibly Lord Recluse and his minions will scour the city, using powers that can only be used in City of Villains

    That would be so cool!

    Then again, it could just be that Circle of Thorns stone that Divine Dragoon saw.

    Either way, this is gonna rock!!
  5. These are my views on PLing:

    1.) PLing just cheats you out of gameplay fun. City of Heroes is not about just being level 50.
    2.) You need time to learn about your powers: their advantages, disadvantages, and which situations to use them in. Also, you will not appreciate your powers if you did not earn them.
    3.) I think PLing is only OK if you're using an alternate character. BUT! If you're making an alt, you did it to have more fun with the game again and PLing isn't fun.

    One thing I will say: Duoing is far better than PLing. Just have a team-up with one healer and one offensive character, both the same level. You'll make relatively fast XP and you'll have lots of fun gameplay time.

    I met a scrapper a while ago with my healer one day, and played with him in Boomtown. I kept asking, "Shouldn't we invite more teammates??" But he would just say, "With a good healer and scrapper/tanker, we can take on higher-level mobs ourselves" so we fought and leveled lots
    When we went back to the stores to buy enhancements, he said, "Brb, gonna log on another character". And wouldn't you know it, his main was nearly level 50 and he bought me all the DOs I needed for 20++!!
    (I won't mention his name since I find that people start trying to make friends with level 50s when they know them by name, just to mooch money off of 'em)