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  1. yes i have defragged and ran the advisor, hijac, belarc advisor all according to the tech team.

    Sent the advisor, hijack, belarc files to TECH, just asking if ANYONE else has had similiar issues and IF they found a answer.
  2. For me it doesn't matter what server. I play on liberty and victory.
    i can load a zone at times with no issue the others I will get disconnected to the
    log in screen, and when i do get logged off it can take several attempts of getting
    logged off before I can even get back into the game, anywhere 5 to 10 minutes
    before i can get back on.

    @panthera, already done the helper file, hijack w/ the tech folks. They are the ones
    that suggested a new video card.
    But my other one was just fine PRIOR to I17. nothing on my computer changed
    just I17 was released to public.
  3. as for the loading time, it varies, sometimes its a few seconds sometimes it takes
    longer. It is random, never been a issue before I17.
    Even at the suggestion of buying a new video, still having the same issue. Even running in safe mode.
  4. Just wondering if anyone else is having the issue while leaving or entering any zone or map they get logged off to the log in screen. This is a random occurrence ever since I17.