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  1. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do you tell which are European and which are North American servers? What's the difference?
  2. Thanks for your advice. The base is on a server I haven't played on for months. I tried selling the supercomputer and the generator and replacing them but it didn't make a difference. Any other suggestions?
  3. I have a supergroup base with plenty of energy and control devices and fully paid up rent. Why does it tell me no energy and control are being produced?
  4. Thanks for your helpful suggestions everyone! :-)
  5. Hi, I'm new to the forums. I want to join a supergroup on Justice, but I live in NZ, and the people in the supergroup I joined are never online at the same time as me. Are there any specifically australasian supergroups you could suggest, so I can hang out with people in roughly the same time zone?