I Got an idea ..... why not add um more costume parts , but not normal once , why not add a hole other tab in costume creation mode , a accesories tab where you can add stuff like floating orbes or um a back pack , or even 2 gun holders for people who use duel pistols and holders for swords on back or on hips , lots of cool items , and by body selection or cant remember what call it add a age selection , like a Child , Teen , Adult , Elder , then they get spesific parts and look alot like their age , hehe like a Magnifisent Boy , also we can add stuff like bracelets and earings , for female Belly Rings and other stuff. should be cool , for SG bases add walls that you can make instead of waisting a hole block of space and open and closeable doors , when you use the sleeping emote your characters lies down on ground and sleeps , but add different styles like with flying , hehe , i also had anothe idea :
why not add easy emotes ? when you are near a chair you can right click it and automaticly be ported to it in right position sitting in it properly ... and when you use /e sit you can use a emote while using it like /e sit , then /e newspaper , then your sitting while using the newspaper .... should be awsome