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  1. ...Some of these costumes are absolutely fabulous, Ian. Every time I think I've seen everything the costume creator can do... Someone like you shows up and makes me jealous.

    I would love to see your take, should you have time, on the following (I've designed costumes for them, but most of them don't... 'fit' the way I'd like them to.)

    An Ascending godling of the Mu line (red electricity), a mix in temperament of permanently angry and really naive. (as her degree of power depends on how much she forgets who she is, and how much she takes up the mantle of her grandmother, Hequat). (Origin: Magic) (AT: brute elec/elec) (current costume is avatar)

    (problems i've had while rendering this character: looks silly, looks too randomly vicious, looks too happy, doesn't look divine in any way)

    And a character who is 'natural' in all respects, grew up in Primeva (an ancient forest in the rogue isles), and resents the CoT's intrusions, speaks literally to the various elements (especially wind, fire, and earth) and came to Paragon only to be confused by the hustle of the city. Her origin is Natural. (Fire/Storm Controller)

    Neither are silver/golden age; their powers are more circumstantial (one by blood and posession, the other by what 'friends' she could make while growing up).

  2. Reading through storm guides to best complement my fire/ controller, I really have to say that this is easily the most enjoyable-to-read guide I've ever seen. I laughed at least three times, learned far more than almost any other guide could teach, and thought of several synergies with my 'troller powers.

    Thank you.