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  1. Well i am glad to hear that it is unlikely that a Dual payment plan will be in effect.
    I play two accounts as it is for 30.00$ a month. Well actually less than that as i paid in advance, but point is made. 60.00 per month would stretch my resorces to very impractical. Forceing me to look elsewhere for my "No life" entertainment.
  2. Let there be NO doubt. Though i love CoH immensly,and have been waiting excitedly for Cov. Even though many in my Super group has tried unsuccessfully to derail me to go to play Wow. This payment plan of seperate payment rate for Cov WILL lose my perticapation hands down. WoW will become my new home. Don't get greedy guys. The game is good, but so is the compitition.
    I cetainly don't mind paying a Purcase fee, but egads a seperate payment will NOT do.