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  1. I know this may not apply to many, but is there any plans to fix the 48mo vet pets? They currently only have 5hp regardless of level and are an agro magnet, which doesn't help to actually benefit from them in the middle of a fight
  2. Ok, first I'm going to list my system specs and hopefully this will help that we can diagnose my problem:

    Windows Vista Business
    AMD Athlon64 3700+ San Diego Core
    MSI nForce 4 M/B
    2GB CAS 2 DDR RAM in dual-channel
    nVidia/XFX 7900GT Xtreme Edition (using 158.18 drivers)

    My problem lies in really low framerates, running around 25fps in outdoor zones. My XP drive (I'm dual booting until Vista stabilizes) runs CoX at around 35-60fps outdoors. My resolution for both desktop and game on both OS's is 1280x1024.

    Here is what I've tried so far:

    -compatiblecursors 1 - Check!
    Compatibility mode in XP SP2 and 'Disable desktop composition' - Check!
    FSAAx4 through nVidia control panel and disabled FSAA in game - Check!
    Disabled Bloom and DoF effects - Check!

    I am concerned as to whether or not this is normal performance running through Vista as opposed to XP. I see a lot of people excited using the new OS once using the tweaks, so far I'm not seeing anything better than what I get with XP though. Should my framerates be this low with the new OS? Not sure what to do here, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated however.
  3. For 2 years now, The Demolition Girls has been an active supergroup involved in the freedom of civilians and heroes alike throughout Paragon City. You can ask "just who are The Demolition Girls" to about anyone and expect a response of "hey, I know those guys!" (or GALS rather ). Most times, our recruitment has been through word-of-mouth, occasional invites from our members who like what they see in a player, or through requests via our website e-mail.

    Through all that, The Demolition Girls had to be very choosy on who they recruited due to limited space within the SG. Now however, we have some spots that are open and would like to fill them up again. So now we are opening our doors to anyone interested that would like to join our group and become an active member of The Demolition Girls. Current perks of The Demolition Girls are: <ul type="square"> [*]Large and friendly core group of players. [*]Group events every weekend starting on Friday nights.[*]Complete website with character bios if the member chooses to post one, as well as event schedule so you can stay up-to-date with upcoming group events.[*]Large base (currently on a 12x12 plot) complete with teleporters and medical facilities.[*]SG Official Forums to ask questions, read about ingame experiences from other players about missions, archtypes, and powersets.[*]And much more![/list]
    As well, we have an altiverse villian group, The Destruction Girls, also on Triumph. Our VG has all the same perks sans website for the VG, and the base isn't quite as big yet, though a VG website is currently in the works. If you would like to join one or both of our groups, you can email us via our website at The Demolition Girls Official Website,, or by contacting any of our leaders (the globals are listed on the website as well). We have no specifics on character design, however your avatar (toon) must be female. See you all ingame!
