Alec Zander

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  1. Alec Zander

    Did it just die?

    Yeah, it's only victory it seems. I can get into other servers though...very strange.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I've found it VERY entertaining and ridiculously profitable on every character I've done it on.
    At least there is someone out there who finds crafting 1000 IO's and wasting hours of game time doing this badge on every toon "entertaining and ridiculously profitable".

    Why wouldn't making this badge global be a good idea? This is one of the most expensive and time consuming badges and the prize is only worth the toons who don't have it..

    I'm very happy to see that some people are using the fact that you can "e-mail" enhancements to your own global as an excuse to keep this idea from growing in a positive direction. Let's be honest, if you're satisfied crafting 60+ enhancements and e-mailing them to yourself one by one, filling your inbox 20 e-mails at a time forcing you to log onto the toon you're sending them to, and then logging back to toon #1 who has them memorized and could you not agree more with making the badge account wide?

    One time for this badge is more than enough.
  3. I would like to dedicate a thread to all the people out there who crash so frequently that they realize it's time to do something about it. That's right, I'm talking about creating an over dramatic scene to send to the Dev's when the 'White Box of Doom' appears on your screen. I myself have written many a story to the crash box and am now taking action. I have decided to post every story I write to the white box of doom and hope to see some of yours =P Here is my latest to help start this train. Enjoy.

    Dear White Box of Doom,

    Hey again, I was beginning to think you forgot about me. I've been thinking of you and our times together especially when I visit the black market. It's been a while since we last spoke those 3 hours ago. Anyway, i was just yellin' in Cap to some villains to let them know that they could use my Axe!! and my homies' Bow! to help them with their AE farm map. They graciously declined with "Go @#$! yourself" and then slapped me with my friends fist. As i was getting ready to play n00b ball in Atlas Park, I noticed a hint of lag in the air. When all of a sudden white box of doom showed up and said "I may not be a van but i sure am white. I happened to lose my dog and was wondering if you wanted to come along and help me find him" I looked with terror on my face at the white box. but then i noticed he had candy, and I very willingly joined the white box and his search for his lost dog. Thanks for the save white box of doom. Always a pleasure.

    With love, Yours Truly
    (8/29/09) 12:44 AM

    Dear White Box of Doom,

    Hey again, Its me. Remember? The guy who you always show up on when he leasts expects it? Yeah that guy. Well anyway I was just ownin' some Commies with my great balls of fire when some robots accidentally shot me in the head. Unfortunately the robots were on my team so I soon realized I forgot to turn off Friendly Fire. After we eliminated all Commies i was ready to exit the area when all of a sudden...a flash of white appeared on my screen! "No.." I said with excitement, "It couldn't be..." And sure enough, you saved me once again White Box of Doom. Grateful as always, can't wait to see you again.

    With love, Yours Truly
    (8/29/09) 10:04 PM