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  1. Got the shift+lbutton to work again, but for some reason my 1 key unbinds and, well, mashing 1 and my heal not going out scared the everloving stuffing outta me.
  2. Awesome post!

    Quick Question though:
    How would I go about just putting this to a key so I could just hit the key to say a witty (read: cheesey) line? Perhaps like this?:
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
    @echo off


    for /f "delims=zzz" %%i in (phrases.txt) do (echo v "local %%i$$bind_load_file C:\kb\target.txt"&gt;target.txt)&amp;&amp;sleep 1&amp;&amp;echo %%i

    </pre><hr />
    So this would technically make it so when you pushed v, you'd say a line, yes?
  3. Just a bit of interesting iinformation for anyone wondering:
    As it has been stated, the /e warmup can also be /e kata. A "kata" is an imaginary fight between the person performing the kata and several imaginary opponents. Puts a new meaning to what your character does when you type it when thought about that way.
    Awesome list by the way!