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  1. You both said "No", but did not specify your reason(s) for that sentiment.

    Why do you think it is a bad idea?

    William's comment about it being "overpowered" makes me think that that is a PvP argument and is not a valid arguement for the PvE game.
  2. I think it would be pretty neat if we could buy bunches of new IO enhancer slots in the Paragon Market, potentially buying enough to 6- (or 7-) slot *all* of our powers!

    Can I get an "Amen", Sisters and Brothers?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    a competitor of City of Heroes
    City of Heroes has *no* *true* competitors!

    It would take something on the order of Lauren Bacall herself doing a Fancy Feast commercial to even pique my attention. And then the prize had *better* be a fully poseable and customizable in-game cat/kitten model.

    We kitties have *very* short attention spans, after all!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    WOW! Look at the kitten model that's going to be for sale in the Paragon Market!

    I wonder how much she costs and whether she is fully customizable. I wonder how she'll look in a tiny mask and purple star-spangled costume.

    Thanks for convincing Noble Savage to do this for me ... um ... for *us* ... Zwilly!

    (*huggles teh Zwilly*)

    (*squees with delight at the new kitten model*)
  5. Quote:
    Numina: 17
    Synapse: 37
    Citadel: 13
    Statesman: DEAD
    Back Alley Brawler: 57 + 1 = 58
    Manticore: 37 - 1 = 36
    Positron: 37
    Sister Psyche: 42
    ((Why are people wasting their points trying to kill-off Numi and Citadel when it is obvious that Manti should be the focus of their vitriol?!))
  6. Quote:
    Numina: 18
    Synapse: 37
    Citadel: 14
    Statesman: DEAD
    Back Alley Brawler: 56 + 1 = 57
    Manticore: 36 - 1 = 35
    Positron: 37
    Sister Psyche: 42
    ((Runts of the litter are usually cute. Manti is *not* cute! ))
  7. Congrats, Miss DeeDee! (*pounce huggles Miss DeeDee and Sapphy, then they tumble around the artroom for awhile!*)

    I am sorry to see Battlewraith leave. It always diminishes us and the contest when people leave (especially if they feel that they have been shunned due to vote stacking).

    I hope that Battlewraith (and others) will reconsider their decisions and that they will return when cooler heads prevail.

    Until then ...

    Clear skies to you!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    Well if they are going the whole walk route and greying out powers for non conventional travel powers I want a flying unicorn damnit!
    Are you a Virginian?
  9. Quote:
    Numina: 20
    Synapse: 37
    Citadel: 16
    Statesman: DEAD
    Back Alley Brawler: 54 + 1 = 55
    Manticore: 35 - 1 = 34
    Positron: 36
    Sister Psyche: 42
  10. Amerikatt


    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Salvage isn't currency. Especially non-tradeable salvage.

    And I think all the merits are like gift cards. last I checked, no matter how much is on it, Fry's won't let me buy computer parts on a blockbuster gift card, no matter how much is on it.
    Extrapolating from your example, electronics stores generally do not have vids/cds/dvds/noms as their main focus. Likewise, the merits in CoH have specific purposes and levels of value. You are not going to be able to get a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost for one dollar. Expect to pay in the neighborhood of six (perhaps seven) figures for it. The same goes with CoH merits.

    You can get Uncommon and Rare recipes for 125-250 Reward Merits, but the Very Rare purples and/or PvPs are going to require the grinding for and expenditure of Alignment Merits or Empyrean Merits. Think of the different types of Merits as being like Dollars, Pounds, Euros, and Francs. Also consider that different countries may call their currency a "Dollar", but you'd be hard-pressed spending Canadian currencies in the USA.

    Be happy that you have different options for obtaining much sought-after things. I loathe grinding through Incarnate Trials, but will happily run through Alignment Missions in order to get my Hero Merit, which I can eventually trade a few pawsful of for the purple recipe(s) I am looking for!

    <--obligatory Golden Girl smilie
  11. Quote:
    Numina: 19
    Synapse: 37
    Citadel: 18
    Statesman: DEAD
    Back Alley Brawler: 52 + 1 = 53
    Manticore: 37 - 1 = 36
    Positron: 36
    Sister Psyche: 41
    ((All hail Soratron!))
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven
    Numina: 19
    Synapse: 35
    Citadel: 20
    Statesman: DEAD
    Back Alley Brawler: 52 + 1 = 53
    Manticore: 37 - 1 = 36
    Positron: 37
    Sister Psyche: 40
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    Numina: 20
    Synapse: 34
    Citadel: 20
    Statesman: DEAD
    Back Alley Brawler: 51 + 1 = 52
    Manticore: 38 - 1 = 37
    Positron: 37
    Sister Psyche: 40
    (*sends another care package to Protean to ensure that Manti goes to that big target range in the ... well, he's going to the *other* place so ...!*)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw
    * Manticore: Okay... that's it... I'm not fighting ANYONE until you tell me why so many of you morons are summoning with tears in your eyes. Heck, the last one summoned me "just to say goodbye one last time." Now SPILL! What the heck is wrong with all you players? What do you mean you wanted one more look before the Developers off me?!?
    (*is reminded that she needs to leave another care package in Protean's secret drop box*)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    If i could draw i would totally draw manticore with two daggers in his back and me comforting the grieving widow
    Don't give up on your dream, Sapphy!

    My sources tell me that Protean received an anonymous package this morning. It was wrapped in brown butcher paper and white string and allegedly contained 100 cheesy fish-stix, two dozen shiny brass Nemmie-style buttons, and a voucher for a year's supply of Mice-A-Roni!

    (*huggles teh Sapphy*)
  16. 1. Miss DeeDee
    2. Miss Liz
    3. ChristopherRobin
  17. VERY nice work!

    Sappy, you are SOOOOOOO lucky!

    (*reaches out from under Sappy's chair and pat-pats her shoe*)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    I think I see a potential problem with your suggestion...

    What sort of problem?
    As a suggestion for you: please don't post in Electric Green. It hurts the eyes just trying to read it. There are more pleasant greens in the palette to pick from. Thanks.
    But that shade of green is my signature color (I think it stands out better than *this* green, for instance)! If anything, I would have thought you'd ask for the blue to be more muted.

  19. It is bad enough that Galaxy City is going to be razed and sealed off from the rest of the game (except for a possible way through Ouroboros), but people are also speculating that the Back Alley Brawler will be killed off because he doesn't currently have a task force of his own.

    Simple answer: Give BABs a TF! Let hero(in)es help him clean-up Galaxy City and prevent looters (and other miscreants) from taking advantage of a very bad situation!

    Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81
    Staff melee
    A month's worth of Paragon Points (and 10,000 Quaatloos) are on the tag team of War Witch and Tunnel Rat to Subdue Positron!

    ((I don't think that Mr. Miller will put up much of a fight! ))
  21. I am actually looking forward to seeing this movie in the theatre. The projectionist lets me sit in the booth with her and she gives me a few pieces of popcorn to nom.

    She doesn't like me having to sit on the nasty, sticky floor and get my tail stepped on!
    Originally Posted by Hazmatter
    And did anyone else catch the Golden Age Human Torch at the Stark Expo??
    Interesting fudge, considering that the original Torch was probably displayed in 1937 or 1938 (he and Namor both appeared in 1938, if I recall properly) and Dr. Erkine's experiment probably didn't take place until 1940 (Cap's first comic book appearance was dated April 1941, IIRC). I guess he could have been in training for 2-3 years, though.

    (*purrs excitedly at seeing *another* star-spangled hero like herself on the silver screen*)
  22. (*whispers*) "Who Wants To Live Forever?" by Queen would have been really nomtastic for this trailer, Miss Ko-rasawa!

    ((BTW, no worries. BABSy is okay. I rescued him from the Freedom Corps building before it blew up. He's resting comfortably in the KattKave!))
  23. Nomtastic and nomworthy work as always, Miss Sam!

    Peeps I hope do *not* die:

    1. BABsy! -- My favoritest of the Surviving Eight, he's a good friend and a nomtastic sidekick, and he gives me treats and we hang out at Luther's BBQ Shack (Paragon City's BESTEST barbecue!). I would have to go rogue to track down his killer(s)! Bad enough that my beloved Galaxy City is going to be trashed!

    2. Synopsis -- Miss Mynx would mourn the loss of her sidekick and would caterwaul for days ... and nights!

    3. Statesguy -- He would normally be at the top of my "Kill ... NOW!" list, but I don't want Miss Cende and Miss Sam to give me *another* toxic waste flea dip!

    4. Positron -- Tempting as it is to include him on my *next* list, I would not want Miss Sora's heart to be broken. ((Even kitties support Nerd Flirting!)

    Peeps whom the Devs should kill ... NOW!

    1. Manticore -- Second only to Statesguy in uselessness, I would normally root for the runt of the litter (since they're usually the cutest), but I say "NEUTER DA BUM!" ((I wonder if Protean would accept payment in fish-stix, shiny buttons, and boxes of Mice-A-Roni?!))

    The most likely candidate to be killed during the story arc:

    1. Citadel -- He's an android. They can rebuild him and make him better than he was.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Would still love to do an animated trailer for a 'City Of' movie. Either that or promo trailers. Using Amerikatt
  25. Amerikatt

    New Picture

    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    looking at your join date, one can only assume that you have yet to fully grasp the *********** that is GG. leaping to her defense only proves that the devil does in fact have mind control powers!
    RAWR! (Please expound upon your statement regarding Miss GG and please do so in simple words so that my kitty brain can fully grasp the magnitude and scope of said vilification within its proper context ...!)