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  1. and hami enahncements are available to everyone over 45, just put the effort into earning them, quit being lazy
  2. PEOPLE DONT JUST FARM HAMI, I KILL HIM TO KILL HIM, ITS FUN. I GET HO'S OUT OF IT SO COOL MORE +'S TO KILLIN HIM. its not about farming him its about him being the only thing fun when you hit 50, so i get HO's doing it. its something people earned, and it was fun to earn them. "blih blah blih blah, its not fair cause i dont wanna farm hami" dont farm him, kill ihm for fun fools
  3. i still think its as simple as this, if you think its unfair then go beat hami. its set up like that so people have a reason to kill hami, you kill him to make yourself stronger. on champion it takes us 1.5 hours to kill hami, that's not long. so go earn some
  4. you can do the rikti respec and get a trial enahncement
  5. say good bye to this thread cause someon posted a link to ebay, bye bye post
  6. just o let people know, i was hitting caps on all attacks with aim and build up already, so hami enahncers just save me some slots, that's all
  7. you guys do knw that you've been playing COH for a long time with no pvp, so how is pvp gonna ruin it for you, just dont participate in it
  8. I'm 20 and 3 days out of the week i work with autistic people. the other 4 days im either playing coh or doing something stupid elsewhere