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  1. _Doc_

    item of power

    Appears as a huge stone ball with a vague glow or aura around it, in one of four colours depending upon it's purpose. In addition to the two types mentioned above, one gives -1% debt for all SG members and I _think_ the final type is +1% damage resistance.

    Hope this helps
  2. _Doc_

    Abberant Tech?

    Don't know what you can build from them, but I have 3 lots of it from doing missions in Siren's Call - dropped by the Longbow base commanders at the end of the mission.
  3. _Doc_


    Have you tried calling all of your current contacts? The last time I received a new contact from Kara in Sharkhead, she sent me to someone, who sent me to someone else, who sent me to someone else, who sent me to someone else for a mission. It was very complicated, and required much use of the jetpack...

    However, if you check back with your contacts you should be able to find any story arcs that you have not yet received but are in the correct level range to begin.

    Hope this helps
  4. Depending on day & time, I'll have another crack at Hami, DK :-)

    Doc Green, Emp/Energy Defender, Dominate (epic hold)

    Email Doc Havok for fastest response, however...
  5. _Doc_

    Storing salvage

    20 item limit?? My character now has over 100 salvage items...what limit?
  6. Exactly - stack 'em up and you can get some serious healing going. The usual availability is a Spirit Tree and a Triage Beacon, and while it may not completely remove the requirement for heals, they _do_ help noticeably.
  7. _Doc_

    is it just me...

    I have actually found that the timing and effectiveness of the Dominator powers is fine - you can still chain single-target powers for perma-holding (against one target) of equal level or up to 1 or 2 levels higher, as long as you don't miss.

    What I find disturbing is that if you use any AoE holds, you are generally in major trouble because of the aggro it generates against you. With no Tank taunts to pull the mobs off, life expectancy is very short...leading me to no longer use my AoE stuff except in specific situations.
  8. You will find the members of Kaos Contingency on TS whenever they are online (and when they have all downloaded the client) - but it will become more popular as and when people realise how much easier it is to say "Stunned" and get a Clear Mind than it is to type it

    Look forward to talking to you guys!