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  1. I'l be providing griefing support with Sun
  2. It's Tuesday now Karl....for the whole day.
  3. It's one step away from tracking chips day!

    This is the most insane thing I have seen to date, you actually have to get elective surgery for this product to work (If it's real which I am not fully convinced it is). If it is real then next comes designer gene modification and after that comes the robot or zombie apocalypse or worse yet the robot-zombie apocalypse!
  4. 3Mile

    Hey Tamaki!

    yah this frickin image wont post
  5. 3Mile

    Hey Tamaki!

    Look wut i got my doggie today.....

    This shark goes squeeeee!
  6. I can't wait for this to go in to open beta! LOL

    Those kooky devs always with the jokes. I'm naming my sidekick KarlRoveMan Jr. he will excel @ lameness.
  7. I cant believe you left me out of the leadership pool as you always ask me to lead a team
  8. 3Mile

    My Brute - Game

    Originally Posted by B_Samson View Post
    Usually, you get it from the fridge.


    Sorry, I read that wrong. Coming from Karl, I just automatically thought he meant "beer".
    lol you have to be careful...those fridge BEARS can be deadly.
  9. system restore - best tool for these situations - roll back to a time period before the virus showed up, after all that is why microsoft created that system tool
  10. 3Mile

    My Brute - Game

    Originally Posted by SuperYeesha1 View Post
    That's not my Brute.
    Then who did i beat up?
  11. 3Mile

    My Brute - Game

    Originally Posted by Turbo_Starr View Post
    You dare challange your master!!!!
    Let this be a lesson
    And i beat you today but foolishly did not save teh link...so i can not prove it
  12. 3Mile


    Originally Posted by Baba_Kanoosh View Post
    My favorite word next to "moist."
  13. 3Mile


    Larry, Moe and Curly
  14. 3Mile

    ITF Weekdays

    Oooh i will take a spot in that thursday ITF w/ my blaster
  15. 3Mile


    We are on Undecuple now right?
  16. 3Mile


    Ask be about my Nonuple!
  17. 3Mile

    My Brute - Game

    I'm only lvl 2 I lost all my fights today sob!