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  1. Quote:
    1. Use City of Heroes/Villains Characters- This is, afterall, a CoX Fan Art competition, so I expect you guys to keep that in mind. If there's nothing relating to City of Heroes/Villains in your entry, you will be disqualified.

    1a. All submitted artwork should include Amerikatt in an appropriate action pose. Similar to the "hot chick" rule of previous contests, this stipulation has made or broken many an aspiring artist!
    *The* most important rule, highlighted to get your attention (and burn out your retinas)!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    BABs died... face it, kitty!! Muahahaha!!
    (*bites Thirty-Seven on the ankle, then scampers away!*)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
    I am the defending champ from last year. Hopefully, I can repeat.

    -Alpha Wolf
    (*gives Alpha Wolf some of Catsi's Cataclysmic Chili so that he'll be repeating all through the long holiday weekend*)
  4. I call shenanigans!

    I gave BABsy Wakies a couple of times, but it was never acknowledged!

    (*holds up her tiny kitty baton*)

    "This is Thunderdome! Two walk in, one walks out! Back Alley Brawler vs. Sister Psyche! I want a clean fight! Dying time is here!"
  5. Happy Birfday, Your Honorable Catsiness!

    (*pushes a tiny envelope toward Catsi*)

    (*whispers*) It's a punch card for a year's supply of Mice-A-Roni, the Paragonian treat (tm)!
  6. (*huggles teh Pengi and gives him a couple pawsful of fish-stix*) <3 Pengi

    Moop moop, Pengi! Moop! <It's okay, Pengi! Calm down!>

    Welcome back, Woot!

    (*offers Catbot 9000 to the Giant Spider as a token of peace*)

    [Of course Pengi gets all the chicks. He's like a penguin and stuff! D'oh!]
  7. Wow! It's a real claw-biter this month! The technical work on all three pieces is superb!

    1. ChristopherRobin: Great emotional content. I liked the subtle way that Psyche's red hair turned into a pool of blood and I *almost* feel sorry for Stumpy!

    2. Miss DeeDee: I hate to admit it, but I *love* the arrow in Statesguy's chest and the comical look on Stumpy's face. The shapeshifting "Coming Storm" villain was a neat twist.

    3. Miss Liz: Beautiful job on Ghost Widow. GW had better watch her back, tho. Miss Mynx won't be too happy about having her sidekick (Synopsis) killed.

    Good luck to all three of you. I'd hate to see any of you eliminated this round.
  8. ((Sorry, but Mrs. Stumpy is going to be taking the dirt nap with her not-so-dear departed hubby))

    Synapse: 12 + 1 = 13
    Sister Psyche: 7 - 2 = 5

    (*lopes over to the unconscious Manticore with an arrow in her mouth*)

    (*stabbity stab stab!*)

    Manticore: -32

    (*gives another Wakie to BABsy!*)

    Back Alley Brawler: 30
  9. (*purrs loudly and throatily as she is petted*)

    Beautiful work on Star Bright, Miss DeeDee!

    Beautiful work on shading and on the tummy.

    I *love* her eyes. They're such a great shade of green!

    As far as the mouth, I just figured that she was snarling at a Naughty Spawn (kinda like the Lynx is snarling at me )
  10. (*gives a Wakie to BABsy*)

    (*purrs throatily as BABsy rises mightily to his feet*)

    Back Alley Brawler: 30 + 1 = 31
    Synapse: 12 + 1 = 13
    Sister Psyche: 10 - 2 = 8

    (*lopes over to Manticore's unmoving body with an arrow in her mouth*)

    (*stabbity stab stab*)

    Manticore: -26
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackFire
    *sets out a nice sweet bowl of milk for Amerikatt at the Café, where you can visit BaBs anytime
    (*is caught in a moral dilemma: save BABsy or allow herself to be enticed by the aroma of sweet milk ... and have her Morality Meter go one step toward becoming a Naughty Spawn herself*)

    (*lopes over to Manticore's unmoving body with an arrow in her mouth*)

    (*stabbity stab stab*)

    Manticore: -20

    (*decides that she will *not* be seduced by the Naughty Side of The Farce*)

    Synapse: 14 - 2 = 12
    Back Alley Brawler: 3 + 1 = 4
    Sister Psyche: 9
  12. Synapse: 16 - 2 = 14
    Back Alley Brawler: 2 + 1 = 3
    Sister Psyche: 9

    ((Thanks for setting BABsy's number straight, Thirty-Seven))

    (*uses BackFire's leg as a scratching post*)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious
    Of course there Mynx within other cats still waiting to be coloured...
    I'm looking forward to seeing Miss Mynx and all her kitty buddies in color!

    Oh, and for reference, I am a Russian Blue (so you just need to erase that patch on my head and then color me blue-grey; Russian Blue eyes are a vivid green).

    I hope that the Lynx isn't still looking at me as though I am dinner!

    Beautiful work on the other colorized portraits, Miss DeeDee!

  14. Synapse: 16 - 2 = 14
    Back Alley Brawler: 5 + 1 = 6
    Sister Psyche: 9

    Manticore: -14 (*stabbity stab stab*)

    ((Trying to kill off my favoritest Surviving Eighter is NOT a good way to get me into your Crafter's Cafe, BackFire! ))
  15. Synapse: 29 - 2 = 27 ((Sorry Miss Mynx, but Backfire started this! ))
    Back Alley Brawler: 25 + 1 = 26 ((good thing his kitty buddy is around to defend him))
    Sister Psyche: 26
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus
    Couldn't this result be achieved with a(technically) male character with the animal pack?
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus

    I know the height isn't that small, but it looks pretty close with Beast Run at the lowest height setting.
    No. The muscularity and anatomy of the male model would make the end result look really creepy.

    Amerikatt is a female cat, not a catgirl (and certainly *not* a catboy), so she (and other more humaniform female characters) should have access to a chest slider which allows for a "flat" chested customization.
  17. Synapse: 27
    Back Alley Brawler: 28 + 1 = 29
    Psyche: 28 - 2 = 26

    Manticore: - 8 (*stabbity stab stab*)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    doubt it. Destiny has those, for the hp buff Rebirth, end buff Ageless, and Mez prot Clarion. It would just seem redundant.
    I would imagine that Miss Golden is speculating that there will be *personal* buffs for Vitae and Mind, whereas the ones you mentioned are AoE/team-oriented.

    I concur with Miss Golden!

    The Great Mother knows, we certainly need to have our Endurance boosted and it would be great to have better Regeneration and an AT-specific Hit Point percentage bonus (with Tanks/Scrappers getting the best percentages and Blasters getting the lowest).
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
    I sense a DXP weekend coming on!
    At the very least!

    And let's not forget to release the fully customizable Cat/Kitten models, a height slider that goes down to 1', and a chest slider which goes about a meter to the LEFT!
  20. I'm all for the downtime ... as long as there are fully customizable Cat/Kitten models, the height slider drops to 1' tall, and the chest slider can be adjusted a full kilometer to the LEFT!
  21. Synapse: 28
    Back Alley Brawler: 29 + 1 = 30
    Sister Psyche: 29 - 2 = 27 ((I can't attack Synopsis, since he's Miss Mynx's sidekick!))

    Manticore: -2 (*jabs Manticore in the bummy with an arrow to make sure he *stays* down* )
  22. Synapse: 28
    Back Alley Brawler: 31 + 1 = 32
    Manticore: 7 - 2 = 5
    Sister Psyche: 28

    Thirty-Seven: -2
  23. Synapse: 28
    Back Alley Brawler: 32 + 1 = 33
    Manticore: 8 - 2 = 6
    Sister Psyche: 28

    (*lets out a low growl at the people who have been hurting BABsy and swishes her rump from side-to-side, getting ready to pounce upon those miscreants!* )
  24. Synapse: 26
    Back Alley Brawler: 41 + 1 = 42
    Manticore: 12 - 2 = 10
    Sister Psyche: 27

    (*tries to shoot out Manticore's knee caps with a barrage of rubber bands, but discovers that he lost his knee caps during "The War"!* )
  25. Synapse: 26
    Back Alley Brawler: 42 + 1 = 43
    Manticore: 12 - 2 = 10
    Sister Psyche: 29

    ((Pops Manticore on the back of the head with a large rubber band! Head shot! ))