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  1. ((As I don't wish to violate Forum rules & double-post, I'll simply leave a link

    Play nice! That's the Amerikatt way!

    (*huggles all of her playmates and looks forward to seeing them again one day ... when her holographic imaging system is back online!*)
  2. ((As I do not wish to violate Forum rules and double-post, I'll simply leave a link)

    (*huggles all the yummy artists & art lovers in the Artz Forumz, and looks forward to viewing all of the nomtastic artz when her communications system is repaired*)

    (*waves buh-buh*)
  3. Thanks, Miss Golden!

    I hope that my communications system will be fixed by then.

    I will try to touch base with you all from a remote terminal if possible.

    (*huggles Miss Golden*)
  4. It appears as though some fiendishly fiendish fiend from my Rogue's Gallery has managed to disrupt communications from the Katt Kave(tm), so I'm using what tiny bit of auxiliary power I have to bid you all a fond adieu until such time as I am able to return to patrolling alongside the fine women and men who have truly made this a City of Heroes!

    Remember to be kind to one another and to yourselves!

    Trapped aboard my satellite in high geosynchronous orbit around Luna, I am ever ... AMERIKATT!

    (*massive Supa-Kitteh huggles to Terra's stalwart defenders!*)
  5. Happy Birthday, Miss DB.

    It was great to see you in Talos yesterday!

    (*Supa-Kitteh birthday huggles!*)
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    You're the second person to tell me they got emotional watching this. Didn't think it was THAT profound, but hey, if you guys like it, who am I to argue?

    You can take it as a given, Miss Sam. I get emotional while watching all of your CoH vids, particularly Incarnate and A Mirror Darkly.

    I'm a kitty of great passions.

    Your work, as always, is nomtastic!

    (*huggle pounce!*)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Philly_Guy View Post
    She's my Neutrino Bolt, I'm her Proton Volley
    How am I supposed to dock you Interwebz when you're starting to get the hang of this game?!
  8. You have hunger pains from the infestation devouring your intestinal lining and making transdimensional interfaces into visual companions while enjoying pickles soaked in prune extract overnight betwixt thousands upon thousands of gleaming spectacles vomiting extremely vile copious bile onto unsuspecting sentient cockroaches, which oddly feels like a hot roast beef/salmon entering a very cavernous mouth, and stimulates frenzied ferrets in perpetual, harmonized, synchronized, and, ironically, disproportionate proportions of reefer and cheese mixed with stuffed olives -- you idiot who was eating itself while dancing with wolves wearing orange see-thru sarongs covered in artificial chocolate cockroaches squished between monogamous pigeons mating atop mountains copiously
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Philly_Guy View Post
    She's my GR preorder, I'm her dual pistol blaster. (better?)
    Still kinda weak. But at least you're trying. I'll only dock ya 5 Interwebz ... *this* time!

    (*hands 10 moar Interwebz to Miss Early*) There ya go, Sweetie! (*huggles*)

    (*thinks really hard, hoping to outdo Miss Early*) Um ... He's my Wretch, I'm his Ghost Widow! (*crosses paws*)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Philly_Guy
    um okay, what are the rules?
    Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
    Fill in the blanks as in the title with CoX comparisons. Hopefully, this will make for some lolz.

    Ladies, you know what words to replace, or not if you play for the other team.

    I'll get started:

    She's my Mastermind, I'm her 3rd tier pet.

    She's my pocket kin, I'm her Brute, etc.

    Looks like ya lose another 5 Interwebz for not reading the rules, Mr. Philly!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    nice one kitty!

    He's my temp power, I'm his accolade
    Thanks, Miss Early! (*huggles*)

    Your reply outdid mine, though!

    (*puts on her thinking cap so she can outdo Miss Early*)

    Originally Posted by Philly_Guy
    She's my relish, I'm her hot dog
    BZZZZZZZZZZZZT! Your reply did not conform to the rule of this game. You LOSE 10 Interwebz ... and have to sit in Time Out for the rest of the day. Oh, and you have to wear THIS! (*hands Mr. Philly a conical hat*)

    (*gives 5 of Mr. Philly's Interwebz to Miss Early, and holds back 5 Interwebz just in case Miss Early comes up with another fabulous response*)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Not to quibble much, but Lt. M'Ress was voiced by Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel in ST:TOS and Roddenberry's wife), not by Nichelle Nichols.

    If you do a Google Image search for M'Ress you will find quite a bit of very nice art as well as a few shots from the Animated Series and a couple of comic pages.

    Majel Barrett and James Doohan did a LOT of voice work on the Animated series. I'd say that the majority of the male guest characters were done by Doohan and the majority of the female guests were done by Barrett. Barrett also did the voice of the Enterprise Computer and the Federation Computer in all of the various series, movies, and most of the video games (if not all of them). This is in addition to playing Christine Chapel in TOS and Lwaxana Troi in TNG.

    Ok. Geek mode off.

    OOPSY! Thanks for correcting me, TJ. +5 Interwebz for ya!
  13. He's my Dark Astoria, I'm his Eden!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    'gratz JK

    I'm one of the ones who voted with the spirit of kindergarten in mind so you didn't get my vote but it was a great piece of art...
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
    Still unhappy with this one, as it really does smack of 'not fair' and punishing the Epic Archetypes for their story and causing it to limit the players personal story.

    And I hate looking like every other single Dwarf and Nova on the Imperious TF.
    I don't even use the Dwarf or Nova forms/powers. I'd like to be able to shut off some of the F/X or color them as appropriate for my backstory.
  16. Amerikatt

    CoX Movie

    Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
    I think that they should take the Web of Arachnos novel and make a movie out of it.

    However, I think they should modernize it.
    MODERNIZE IT?! You're kidding ... right?! RIGHT?!

    Why would you *want* to modernize it?!

    (*shakes head in disbelief and rolls eyes* )


    If only Miss Sam *could* get the movie rights! Not only would the movie be super-awesome, but it would be made *on time* AND *within* budget!

    (*nod nod*)

    (*huggles Miss Sam*)

    (*wonders who Miss Sam would get to play Amerikatt*)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by livingdeadjedi View Post
    I'll have to dig out my Catgirl characters

    At least in here we don't get flamed for making them like in Startrek online
    We have greater aesthetic sensibilities -- especially in the Artz Forums.

    My Otherworldly counterpart (No! *NOT* Praetorikatt!) remembers the Caitian communications officer (voiced by Nichelle Nichols) from the Star Trek cartoon back in the early 1970's.
  18. Amerikatt

    Catgirls series

    Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
    You do know that contrary to dogs when cats swish there tails back and forth that quickly it usually means there angry. I found this might be useful.

    Oh, and before I forget. KITTY!!! : )
    Great pics, Jordan. I particularly like Fia and her kittens. She reminds me of my own Mom.

    Thanks for that link, HZ! I'm glad that *some* Furless Ones understand our behavior. +7 1/2 Interwebz for ya!
  19. Amerikatt

    it's patching

    My new animated tail and I are looking forward to getting that first Incarnate level!

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by U-Naught View Post
    Ahem .. while I appreciate the enthusiasm, Amerikatt, (really I do) .. it might be just a tad improper to be quoting percentages and campaigning for votes here, in this thread - 'cha know?
    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    Very improper behavior, Amerikatt. With an attitude like that, artists that use your toon in their artz for this contest may actually start to LOSE votes because of your over inflated ego.
    I apologize if I have caused any disharmony in this thread. Those of you who know me in-game know how very enthusiastic I can be.

    (*drags her chair from U-Naught's artwork, sits facing the wall, and puts herself into Time Out*)
  21. WOW! Out of the current 24 votes, 12 of them have been for U-Naught's art, which guest stars ... ME! That's a full 50% of the vote!

    Thanks very very much to those of you who've voted thus far! Let's see if we can raise that percentage even more, shall we?

    (*squees with delight!*)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Not an artist but I couldn't help but think of Amerikatt for the virtues...
    Thanks, Caem! (*huggles*)

    It's both uplifting and a letdown that I'm SOOOOOO typecast as Miss Goody Two-Paws!

    Originally Posted by Tartyrsauce
    ...dibs on fat purple cats eating elbow noodles from last contest... for gluttony
    Sorry to disappoint you, Tartyr, but:

    1. I'm a BLUE cat; and

    2. I do NOT gain weight. It's one of the benefits of having a VERY high metabolism -- caloric energy is converted directly into the energy which fuels my powers! ((That's what the running gag is with Amerikatt eating two dozen foot-long chili cheese dogs, etc. in the "Dairy Queen" thread. ))
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
    It's an art form.

    OOPSY! Sorry, DarkEther, I didn't mean to use *that* word.

    (*waggles eyebrows *)
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
    ^^ hahahha

    I've now got 2 lawsuits in my in-box. People claiming I've burned out their cornea.
    Good thing that I have nictitating membranes to cover my eyes or you'd have THREE lawsuits, Juggy, m'lad.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by U-Naught View Post
    ??? wow - then I did get her pretty much totally wrong, then! (then!)
    I was thinking the "Cat in a costume" pic was just a funny, and that she was your typical, stands on two legs, humanoid woman with a few cat-features type of thing.

    ...NOW I understand the 'monkey" comment.
    No worries, U-Naught. The game makes it impossible to properly represent me. I've advocated for having cat and kitten models added to the game, even offering to pay $10 USD *just* to get a booster pack with a 1' long (rather than 4' tall) model. So far, no go.
    Originally Posted by "Ask COH Team" panel
    Is there any way to make our toons smaller? there is smaller things in game I really want to make a tiny fairy,
    Originally Posted by David Nakayama

    Wouldn't work too well in the current engine. PM Castle for details if you're interested.
    Thanks Caem, for answering Tartyrsauce's question while I was napping.

    Now, would someone *please* tell me where DarkEmber got that picture of Catsi in drag?!

    (*borrows some of Sapph's mind bleach*)