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  1. Ill bring Anarchy for this.

    Send me a tell @Anarchy Overlord or @Superdoug if im not standing next to renault at 7
  2. Ill come too

    Anarchy Overlord Thugs/Dark/Levis

    And you can always call on @Anarchy Overlord or @superdoug (i spend most of my time on @superdoug atm)
  3. ill be there for my 1st Hami raid ^_^

    Mr mac 47 tank (will be higher before the day im sure )
  4. Too right Thundorn, I say treat scrappers like children. Give them enough to stop them moaning but not more than they can handle, and always keep one eye on them.

    And if they insist on biting off more than they can chew let them. They'll either leave in a huff or calm down for a bit before that itchy clicking finger syndrome kicks back in
  5. If you could add
    Anarchy Overlord Mastermind Thugs/Dark/Leviathan

    tyvm ^_^
  6. Anarchy_Overlord

    The RSF thread

    If you still looking for people on the day i can offer you the services of my 49 Thugs/Dark MM
    Send me a PM here or @Anarchy Overlord or @superdoug ingame
  7. I already have a firerad and shes only lvl 11 and already has most of the required listed powers. If i get the E.V.I.L costume at lvl 20 can i bring her into the rejects instead of making a new one???

    Names Thermal Radiation