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  1. Id love it if you drew my main, dont have many screenies though if you need more Ill gladly take some. Aged Ice, pick me!
  2. Pure Awesome, I wish the game was like that.
  3. Just one change I would make fort at 12. One of the best buffs definetly pick it up A.S.A.P. Travel pre req at 10, fort 12, travel power 14.
  4. Sorry but I have to
    Whoops forgot to say bye cuppa youll be missed.
  5. Nice guide, Though there are certain debuffs such as the ones that you center on a ground like tarpatch that are near useless in a pvp environment. As the opponent can just run right over them and land in if there fast jump right back out with no penalty.
  6. Great guide (useing quick reply so this is in responce for Op) Builds alot like waht mines turning into.
  7. Have to admit I liked the story, few fixed typos and paragraphs would've made it better but I still liked it.