979 -
Clear the zone, a badge hunt, costume contest: Heroes and Villains of any level can join with Supersidekick ability allowing us to be working together (co-op zone). Only one place is fitting for all that on what is being called the 6th Anniversary event.
The Rikti War Zone.
Over 72 months ago White Plains was destroyed. The Mothership has continuous activity, the Rikti have been establishing a beachhead hold on the area. So we strike them hard, and continuously throughout the day. Multiple high level teams can heed the call from Lady Grey (LGTF 45+) and assault the Mothership through the catacombs beneath the ship, While the main attack force strikes the pylons and the Mothership in a recreation style battle of Alpha and Omega teams. Only this time defeating the invading hordes and driving them back for a time being.
What say you all, Think we liberty folks can put this together in 9 days.
Update for actual days based on schedule event release target day should actually be 20100501-2 (May 1 & 2) (See In game announcements/ home page announcements for detail information)
Some event information: only listing Liberty stuff peeps.- P.E.R.C. Presents Mirror, Mirror!
Sunday, April 25th, 2010 @ in Pocket D
Liberty: 7:45pm EST
- Liberty Server Picture reshoot 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern
Hero and Villains in CoOp zone location TBD (Suggestions for location in the Whole Server thread. Remember zone cap in effect for zones is 100)
- Avatea posted Monday, April 26th - Liberty (4-7pm PST / 7pm-10pm EST)
You may have noticed that things tend to get a little... "out of hand" in-game on our anniversaries. Well, this year will be no exception! On Monday, April 26th and Tuesday, April 27th, get ready for chaos to break loose on a server near you! Don't miss out on this opportunity to band together with your fellow players to defeat giant obstacles, earn merits, badges, XP and maybe even pick up a 30 day anniversary title!
Avatea posted Monday, April 26th - Liberty (4-7pm PST / 7pm-10pm EST)
Depending on your server, report to Atlas Park or Talos Island (if you’re a hero), and Cap au Diable (if you’re a villain)!
- Global Anniversary Address From War Witch (20100428 8:00 pm est)
This year, the baton has been passed to War Witch who will present the 6 Year Anniversary Address to players. At approximately 8pm EST in-game (and shortly thereafter on the website), she will share some words of wisdom that will no doubt reflect on the past and help us all look forward to the future!
And there are lots more of exciting things happening during the 6th Anniversary. So check out the main home page for more information.
American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty
SG founder - P.E.R.C. Presents Mirror, Mirror!
Quote:Yep, I agree with you, Days.I can see where it does make sense if you consider the difference between the fastest possible time 'skipping' a lot of mobs etc. compared to defeating every/most things.
ITF is a nice example. I will take part in speed runs and not complain. I will also take part in runs that aim to kill most of the mobs and not complain because I don't perceive the reward at the end to be tiny.
I also don't do alot of redside cause I don't villain, but the redside content is just not as much as blueside. The reward merits is just yet another noticible difference between the two.
AV -
I don't generally care what AT you play unless I know my main SG support team will not be present. Then I ask very specifically for my team emp/defender, and my damage dealers and this again depends on the mission/session that were are doing. (Also frendship/ prior character/ player teaming exempts AT issues) So to have an arrow/arrow defender with the med pool they are close to the bottom of my team selection. It doesn't make them a bad player or the character ineffective, But my INV/SS tank with the med pool should not be the first line of healing or rezing if there is a defender on the team. Thats my view. Just like my scrapper with provoke shouldn't be the hami taunt tank. Just my 2 merits worth.
AV -
Quote:I checked out the WOW Figurecrafts as My son love that game and really wants a 3d render of his main character. I wouldn't be as extreme as Dumple but the render I did see was blocky and not of the quality I expect from statues of that price. I would definately get 3d renders of many characters for the right quality and price, but custom pieces are expensive. Make it better and affordable and the market is there.I have to stick my nose in here and comment that I've not only seen those WoW figurecrafts, I've held one in my hands. And they're absolutely hideous. I know that WoW doesn't have much in the way of character customization, but the figurecraft looked like it was gnawed out of lava soap by two rabid weasels that hated each other. And then the features were lightly airbrushed within a reasonable facsimile of where they ought to be. IE: pants were pants, but the face was a horrible monstrosity.
I'd love some figures of my own characters...but not like that.
AV -
Quote:I didn't think to grab a demo either night glad you did and excellent work on the demo edit.AV, it's a demo file that was manipulated. Unless I get the character info, I won't be able to merge them.
EDIT: We killed the guy with the briefcase
and Global Shield is dressed as Swimsuit Becca -
Quote:Excellent but can you merge it with Fridays Picture that Matt took, Mine didn't come out so well??Through the wonders of demo editing, everyone was well behaved and stood still.
In attendance (left to right starting at the top row to bottom);
BACK FLYING ROW: Odin's Gaze, Princess Healer, Hatred One, empathy-fairy, Tempest Teacup, TriDemonica, Umacat, Peacebringer Erebus, Jasper Morrison, Gabby Hazze, Merry Magi, Tax E Girl
SIXTH ROW: Someguy, Quantum Wave, Royal Squish, Crack Shot Wolf, BatShane, Gamma Titan, Bellah, Abydos, Morrigan Ciadna
FIFTH ROW: Shadow Grasp, Andy Steven Summers, Bengal of Thundera, 2 Gun Pete, Iago Iuvenis, Global Shield, Cion, Autumn Glory, Mommy Dearest, Sudden Chill., Balefire
FOURTH ROW: Mistress Selene, Srs Bsns, Paul Metcalfe, .Grimmjaw, Black Shock, Yuki, Nemu, -dark lady, Echo of Spines, Douja, Impervium Fist, Aether Mithrildawn
THIRD ROW: Sunny Dude, Bhulik, Blitzkrieg, Kid Eros, Mother Nature, Generic Hero 000 431 1096, Aragon the Bold, Foolish-IT, Mystic Fortune, Star Beast, Capella, Cregor of Khel
SECOND ROW: Mystic Flame, Crazy Maverick, Widow Knight, Eternal Green, Stryke Eagle, Raiyna, Captain Crescent, Laseracid, Twilight Princess, Sonarr, Flagrant Fowl, white lynx
FRONT ROW: Pvt James Ryan, Lil.Taylor, Police Woman, Freya Divine, Riot Crush, Wonder Arrow, Draygos, Green Eyed Lady, Tinkerbel, -Darrius, lois1, Gypsy
AV -
Quote:The Sentinel of Liberty SG can run them either way but when its just us we always take our time. We're doing a Posi right now and I think were either regrouping tomorrow or friday night. So yea we do the over a couple session things alot.Flexibilty is a must. On the NSTF Sister Psyche I ran, one of the players was getting ready to have dinner with her family so we ghosted the next to last two missions. RL is always more important.
Besides as long as everyone is enjoying themselves, there is no problem either way.
I really started the NSTF thing because my sister was just getting into the game and was on a ghosted TF and it kinda soured her on TFs because she was really just there as padding and had no idea what was happening. Some missions completed before she even really knew what was supposed to be done. She got the badge, but she didn't enjoy the TF.
That's a shame, because they really are pretty much the kind of stories you read in comics.
Ideally, they really aren't meant to be run in one sitting. The idea is that your SG or friends agree to get togther over a couple of sessions. Of, course I don't think anyone ever does that.
My first ITF, the last thing I said before we logged was "don't quit the task force and we will pick it up next week." Of course one my RL friends/players did that for no reason that he could explain. He didn't even play the toon!
update edit: 20100422 52:23:35 total time to complete Posi.
AV -
GEL send me a link to the picture Maybe we can merge them together from Friday and Sunday.
AV -
I would make a suggestion to do a Picture reshoot with consideration of our westcoast members of Liberty. They have a 3 hour time difference so an 8:00 pm shoot was 5:00 pm there and people were just getting out of work, home from school etc.
Since today is Saturday, I would suggest a Sunday evening shoot, 6pm PDT/9pm EDT.
Any thoughts from our forum crowds?
AV -
Hmm... (SM) sigh
Great Video DR..
Thanks for the great work always.
AV -
Quote:I will endevor to be there 8pm edt and assist with a Tank. For Sewer okay Matt...Well, wasn't hoping for this. But....
Sewer/eden Trial Thursday at 8pm EDT.
I have football in the morning... and my first sewer failed. Will redo. (Before you start laughing and giggling) Exempted to level 38, fighting level 42s.
Valor -
Quote:Deliberately stayed away from religion. It changes lots of things when applied to the questions. And yes the story of Lot a prime example, then there is the story of Christ.Christians believe it is.
But even if your not a believing Christian, would you damn everyone to save a single life? Lot in the story of Soddom and Gamora argued to save the city if he could find ever decreasing numbers of rightous men. A similar argument is presented here.
AV -
Quote:Exactly and we can chase the tail of the dog a millions way, but in truth there is no correct answer. Self Sacrifice is what heroes do, and they do it willingly all the time.I think the question " does killing 1 person to save a world make that a world worth saving " really comes down to a question of absolutes. In superheroic worlds, things are pretty black and white. The real world isn't so simple. Everyone wants to do the right thing. It's figuring it out that is tough.
If you knew, without doubt, that a child was going to grow up to be a Stalin or a Pol Pot, would you be justified in killing him? Any of thier victims would certainly say that you were.
It's really an unaswerable hypothetical. You could arrange the question however you like. What if it was Hitler? Seems like that might be ok. Well, what about Chamberlin or Franco? How about Ghandi or Nelson Mandella? You could always find someone who thinks blotting out someone else is a good idea.
I think a more interesting question is would you sacrifice your life or ask someone that you loved to sacrifice thier life to save a world? If they did would you want to live there?
But how much harder would it be to live in the world if it wasn't you who surrendered to save it but the person you loved. Think about it they save the world for you. How bitter sweet the life you have left would be. Would you try to make their sacrifice worth it. Would you try to make it the world worth saving they believe it was. That would be very hard.
Valor -
Yes exactly my point GG you picked up on it perfectly. Anakin / Vader story went from hero to villain and finally maybe redemption. When Anakin saved his son Luke and stopped the Emperor and in doing so sacrificing his own life the ultimate act, there was some good in him. But was he completely redeemed, or was it as you said default because he had been the chosen one.
But we're readily willing to accept he is redeemed and a Force Ghost with Yoda and Ben. But just because he is redeemed does that make him a hero again?
Yet I condem Ozy for the exact opposite because he kills millions to save the planet. He fell from grace and became the Villain he vowed to protect the world from. What would he have to do to redeem himself and could he ever be accepted as a hero again, and would his team mates ever trust him again? -
Quote:That might be defined as redemption. (The Star Wars SAGA) Sometimes even evil people make the right decision in the end, and they are remembered fondly. But does one good act wipe the slate clean even if its world saving?If committing a sufficiently heinous crime, such as killing millions to save billions, defines you as an evil person regardless of past good acts...
...does committing a sufficiently good act, such as saving the universe from destruction by the Cosmic Horrors (by both intent and deed), define you as a good person, regardless of past evil acts?
We tend to want to forgive, and look for reasons too. Weather it makes him a good person would depend on his moviations like Marcian brought up using Team Dark as the example which started this thread.
The question is did the bad guy / villain save the world simply so he could proceed with his own selfish goals and evil schemes. Or is he now continuing to redeem himself for his past misdeeds and make amends. Its a choice he would be making and everyone would be watching always. Nothing makes villains happier then to watch a hero fail and fall...
AV -
Sorry Steele but Monday May 10th
But I'll share grins.
Valor -
You pose excellent questions and thoughts, Happy to discuss intelligently. And of course my answers are based on the belief that Evil is defined by Action and Intent.
Some interesting thoughts:
Let me bring a few things in; a couple people have answered this, but I want to bring it back.
Even if the act of murdering unsuspecting millions to save billions is evil, is everyone who performs that act an evil person?
Yes on just the stance of the question. What would make it less evil if Superman did it instead of Doctor Doom.
Ozy did countless acts of pure goodness with his massive holdings in finance and industry: charitable contributions, ethical business practices (with some notable exceptions), the development of technologies, employment, not to mention any personal fisticuffs he might have engaged in versus criminals and villains.
During much of the time where he was doing good deeds, he was planning and working toward this evil act.
At some point I believe he became disenchanted with the system and concluded the ends justified the means.
Was he born evil? No
Do his good deeds in any way mitigate the bad? No
Is he a good person?
He would believe he was, just like the Punisher believes he is with his war on organized crime.
Does it matter?
Hmm a question I would have to expand on. Matter to whom, Him or Me. Qzy believes everything he did he did for the good of mankind, for him the end justified the means. Frank Castle aka the Punisher feels the same way. And Castle is an escaped criminal from Rikers having stood trial and been convicted for his crimes.
Should Ozy go to prison (where he can presumably do no more evil or good)?
Yes, No one is above the law.
Should the truth about his act be exposed even if nuclear doom awaits as the price ("never compromise, even in the face of Armageddon")(should he stand trial)?
Yes, think about this the conspiracy theory and when the other nations found out they might assume it was a disguised act of war which would be worse.
Should the other heroes 'let this one slide' under the circumstances/considering the alternatives?
Okay That would assume that I felt Ozy was still a Hero. I dont his actions and intent in the definition is evil. His deeds are evil and that makes him a villain. Should a hero allow the villain to simply escape, he betrayed and even killed members of his team. Of course some people would believe that was okay also.
Should Ozy be condemned for things he might do in the future to maintain world peace?
His actions have established him as a villain, and to be honest OZY is actually a Supervillain. If nothing else he is a person of interest and needs to be watched, to ensure the continued safety of the planet
On the subject of murderers being evil...
Okay first on the term murderers, a Murderer is a person who has committed the act of murder.
Murder is defined as: (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/murder)
Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson.
Just some things to consider on the specific subject of 'killing a person without their foreknowledge, outside of actual ongoing combat, because in your mind they are a threat or have committed a capital crime'...
Military/SWAT snipers? Does not apply see definition above.
Government Assassins? Only in movies and books in those they are sanctioned by their respective Govts and if caught in the act they would be/are disavowed and left to fend on their own as criminals.
A person attempting to escape a kidnapper/captor? Self defense
A person defending against a home invader (assuming they do not know whether the invader is armed or means harm)? Castle Law/Self Defense
A person under a mortal threat to themselves or family should they not murder (for instance, committing murder in order to ransom a loved one)?
Dicey, but They would still be guilty of murder. Frank Castles family was on a picnic in central park and caught in a crossfire and killed. Thus the Punisher was born.
My philosophy is that in the absence of omniscience, telepathy, etc, the ethics of a person must be defined in terms of what they believe about the circumstances of an act as well as their overall pattern of behavior, rather than the heinous quality of an individual act.
I haven't seen the Blair Witch Project, but my understanding is that if an ugly old woman had stumbled upon the campers at the wrong time, they might have deliberately killed her with no evil intent.
The legal considerations of such an act, in my mind, are separate from the moral ones: even if the person who regularly commits murder honestly believes they have a good reason every time, they might still need to be imprisoned for the good of society as a whole...whether they 'deserve' it or not.
I havent seen that movie either so I cant comment on that. What I could say is If they discussed what they would do if they found the witch and then acted on that upon stumbling on to a old woman that would be action and intent and could be construed to be an evil act.
Bring back the original question:
my answers are based on the belief that Evil is defined by Action and Intent. -
Okay out manuvered, by the Sisters I was trying to figure out how we would be able to form up our teams, as I don't have anyone doing the freakshow war then blam.
When: Sunday, April 11, 2010
Time: 4:00 PM PDT **Please Note - different starting time
Where: Ouroboros
What: Flashback Story Arc - The Freakshow War
Levels: 30 - 34
Reward: 33 Reward Merits + a great story!
Excellent job on the clues. I give you full marks on your O.W.l.s.OW
Team Valor will be lead by Gallent Blade or Global Shield. See you there!
AV -
Alrighty, this is a um segway/threadjack sort of...
In for fun/culture Marcian Tobay started a thread asking a reverse question sort of, and I have been drawn into it a couple times.
That Thread is titled "Is Evil defined by action intent both or neither?"
link to my post: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=206
I will ask the same question here:
If killing one person saves the world, is that a world worth saving?
I stated clearly in that post what my intention was I believe.
Has the definition of Kill changed from what I posted?
The ensuing disscussion ... has me asking this question here.
Am I so off base and unconnected with society, do people really believe killing someone is a good deed?
Valor -
The end never justifies the means. I'm idealistic that way.
Ozzy didn't tell all the people he murdered (killed) that they were dying for a good cause he just did it. Once you are told and you believe its true then you willing do just that and that changed the complete meaning of the question.
We polizerized to both sides of the discussion and I too also stand by my comments. And where I'm from, yea Murder and Kill are thought of as described. In my opinion there is nothing accidental about killing someone to save the world.
I will agree to disagree.
AV -
Quote:I don't think it was obvious because I didn't asked that. Your statement also implies for knowledge that you would be told or have some other knowledge that you have to die to save the world. No one is told that they are going to be murdered. They simply start to eat their hamburger or drink their soda or attempt to get into their car and are killed. They will never know why.
Originally Posted by American_Valor
You say "And before I ask: yes I would be willing to be that one person." which person is that the triggerman or the victim.
I didn't say self sacrifice, I said Kill one person. Two very different things.
What do you think? I said I think it's perfectly ok to kill one person in order to save the world. That's my stance. The obvious next post is "would you feel the same if you're the one that has to die?" And I intended to head that off at the pass, as it were: yes, I would feel the same if I were the one that has to die in order to save the world. One life (any life, including my theoretical wife or child, my sister, my parents, &c.) for 6 billion? Yes, I have no issues with that.
Really, it's not that hard to figure out what I meant.
I will leave it at that and not even address the rest of that comment which I have many issues with..
Quote:Originally Posted by American_Valor
You say "large numbers" How large is a large number? How many people is it okay to kill/ murder to save the world. At what number does it become bad. I can answer that question for me and my family. That number is zero. To kill/murder even one person is a price which is just too high.
Did you even read my post?
Quote:The moral ambiguity for me comes with killing large numbers of people to save the world, and where do you draw the line? That's a much harder question to answer, and I'm not sure I could answer it.
I stated before this thread is titled:
Is "Evil define by action, intent both or neither?
Yes, Evil can be and is defined by both; Action and Intent.
I don't know you except from these exchanges. Your statements and intent no matter how noble you believe they are, they are not. I would call you Villain and state you are about evil deeds.
American Valor -
Clueless I'll be on early so I can follow the people who are clued