705 -
Well there's a couple of other sites:
Posters 1
Posters 2
Maybe something like this but updated to be just after the Rikti War:
War Torn
There is also this Soviet War Memorial in Germany:
Tiergarten 1
Tiergarten 2
Tiergarten 3
Tiergarten 4
More info here:
War Memorial 1
War Memorial 2
[/ QUOTE ]
<. .> ooo... Coolness <@.@>
[/ QUOTE ]
Russia is cool! -
I still plan on demorecording all of my characters and their costumes and doing a demo edit to get great screenshots of all their costumes. I plan on creating a character or two just to use as examples of height and size to place nearby enough in some scenes to show the size of my characters since there is no wall with heights marked for a nice mugshot. Since I'm at 112 characters with one that's going to be replaced (once I move all his Halloween Salvage to another character), it's going to require a lot if work. I've set up a Photobucket account for myself for this purpose until I can create my own personal website. I still need to get the hang of these demos though.
As long as I get to pet the lite kitties then I don't mind doing them a favor or two. If they won't let me pet them then all I will do in return is say, "Aw, what a cute kitty!"
Gah! You didn't need to add anymore either. Bleh.
Well, anyway I fixed all the links and everything is as up to date as I can get it unless you guys have more information you can give me. I know I'm probably missing a few of the artists official sites. I know I have a link to poison's website, but I seem to have misplaced the link among my massive clutter of art links. Oh, I can probably see if I can add the link to Gamma Girls Micro Heroes. Anything else I'm missing? -
Now now. Can we leave all of this in the past?
Oh, and still not done fixing the links. -
Ok, I almost have the list up to date, with the exception that some of the links are giving me a lot of trouble and keep linking one address to several names. I'll have to go back in and fix them. Hopefully it doesn't take long.
wait a tic!
Theres a list I'm not on?
say it isn't so!
[/ QUOTE ]
You haven't actually looked at the list then, have you? -
Well, as with everyone else here I have set this as my new desktop. I'm also going to have to update my avatar now to to include Reptilectric. Nice work. Really nice work on this. So, is this a one time thing, or are you ever considering another one? Maybe a non-mini style one?
Well I know Zerry on DA kept an icon bank of a lot of people... you coul dcross check with his list too, I believe it's in his journals somewhere. :P
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Ok, I'll have a look at that as well.
It just occured to me that I have no idea why I took it upon myself to do all this. Go figure. Anyway, I started it so I'll keep at it. This is easy and stress-free compared to trying to get back into drawing and writing. I guess it also makes me feel like I finally have something good to contribute to this great community as well. -
One more thing: Your site has a link to me as "anti-hiro
Armorshot". Not sure where you got the Armorshot part from, or maybe it's supposed to be another link. Either way...it's not me
If yer adding personal sites as well, you can add the my mini toons page
Thanks Personamorpher....great idea!
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I just noticed it and fixed it. I'll add your Mini-Toons page when I go back in later and start adding things. At the moment though I think I really want to get some sleep. -
Ok, I've been updating them as I get them at the moment as I happen to still be online and logged in. I received a huge list from Rowrsie and will have to add everyone from that. There are several duplicates of course so I'll have to sort things out first. I also plan to be adding these people to my ever growing deviant watch list. I don't plan on doing it this very second though as I plan on getting some sleep soon. I'll see if I can squeeze these names onto the list tomorrow.
In the meantime I shall announce my new title as the Keeper of the List!
Ok, I'm kidding about the title thing. I'd pick something much different if I were to choose a title for myself. -
These are all supposed to be our heroes, right? I hope that's not the case. Otherwise pay no attention to the scaly black lizard-man trying to electrocute our panicked artist. I mean, if all those heroes suddenly took notice of the fact that there is a villain amongst them he could be in some real trouble.
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Yeah, he's the only villain...
Just him. Don't mind the blue lady in the fortunata helmet. It's... um, a gift.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok, not as small as group as I first thought. Hmmm... we may have a chance to take out all of the heroes present then if we play things carefully. -
These are all supposed to be our heroes, right? I hope that's not the case. Otherwise pay no attention to the scaly black lizard-man trying to electrocute our panicked artist. I mean, if all those heroes suddenly took notice of the fact that there is a villain amongst them he could be in some real trouble.
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Its a mix of Heroes and Villians. My character, Kilotonnage is in there and he is most definately a Villain.
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Ok, so let's not draw any attention to ourselves, and while they're pre-occupied with Alex we can get a few shots in on anybody that strays from the main group. -
Ok, I've got the first update done. Keep the information coming in so I can keep this list up to date. Oh, and does anyone have the link info to the websites of some of the artists here who no longer post here or play the game?
I see that I wasn't added to that list. I guess people with standards don't always make the popular (and sometimes lowbrow) lists.
[/ QUOTE ]
If I've seen someone post a link to their deviantART page somewhere in this section of the forums or in their signature then I've added them. I've even discovered a few on dA who I haven't seen post here. It may have been that someone posted a link to their profile in the description of one of their pictures or I stumbled across them in another way.
If your name isn't on the list it's because I wasn't aware you had a deviantART page, not because of any ulterior motives. Simple solution? Give me a link to your dA page and I'll add it to the list. Also, if anyone finds any broken links or any of the information is wrong than please let me know. Also, I'd like to add more to the list of non-deviant sites as well. -
I made the list! Do I now have to die?
[/ QUOTE ]
You get to live. Oh, but who's been telling people that you have to die? Tell me who it is, because they at least should die for spreading misinformation. -
Ok, I have the list posted here for the community to view. If if have the time I may repost it here.
These are all supposed to be our heroes, right? I hope that's not the case. Otherwise pay no attention to the scaly black lizard-man trying to electrocute our panicked artist. I mean, if all those heroes suddenly took notice of the fact that there is a villain amongst them he could be in some real trouble.
i's in ur house eatin' ur babies
[/ QUOTE ]
That's nothing. I'm in your house flushing your toilet. -
Another update. Hope to wrap this one up soon:
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Kawaii with a touch of hentai? Well possible implications of hentai.
What? -
All I have are freebies so far! I'm not sticking to one character either! If I made a gallery I'd have a section for everyone's art and characters! I need more money! I'd love to put up a PayPal donation box, but I don't expect anyone to donate it will probably end up costing me money just to have it! One day I'll have gotten my act together! Kittens are cute! Err... yea!
Ok, since nobody is actually answering my sorta question, I think I'm just going to go ahead an post the complete list. I'll have to work on it when I get home though seeing as how I'm at the family's.
Anyway, I think I was basically just looking to see if it would be worth my time to post the list I have already and update it as needed. I thought I'd ask and see if everyone here would want me to provide them with my list. Dang, I think I just said that I was asking if people wanted me to share my list twice, only wording it differently each time. Bah! I still can't seem to shake the habit of saying the same thing a million times when I should be able to say it once. I think sometimes I'm missing some information some of the time I say something too, or misreprestent what I intend or overgeneralize and it takes an entire paragraph to inefficiently get my meaning across successfully.
Err... yeah. -
Mine's lethe-gray.deviantart.com
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I've already got it. -
I have a fair number of the people from the City of Heroes (City of Villains) Screenshots and Fan Art forum community added to my watch list on deviantART. I was wondering if anyone here would mind if I put up a list on my Live Spaces blog with a list of all the artists here with links to their dA sites? I may also include links to various artists official websites if no one has any objections. Would anyone here be interested? Also I may have missed a few so if anyone has their dA name and/or a link to their dA page then could they please help me update my list by sharing that information?