Rhetorical questions:
Is Superstrength plus rage better than Stone Melee plus build up?
If not, is a penalty justified?
Why penalize your customers anyway?
Could you find another way to balance powers than with a penalty?
Just because you copied the Human Torch's Nova blast, did you have to make so many other powers also have zero end at the end? (You really ought to rename Nova, Marvel might sue you.
1) Remove the penalty, its not that good of a power.
2) Reduce the penalty, its too harsh.
3) Remove the penalty, remove the ability to slot recharge enhancements so it can't be made perma-rage.
4) Replace rage with build up, tweak super strength damage upwards so build up will be useful.
I play an Invulnerability/Stone Melee tanker so this doesn't affect me personally.
I wanted to play a Superstrength character, but when I built one, I deleted it about level 5. The animations and sound effects didn't suit my view of superstrength. I never even noticed the damage was weak too, since it was my first character, and I had no basis for comparison.
I tried all the other tanker secondaries and Stone Melee suited me best. Stone fist looks and sound like a super strength punch. You have to be superstrong to lift the mallet, much less swing it!
Who was it that decided that the single most common and popular super power in comics, should be based Captain America instead of Iron Man? I want to throw a car across the street, not a hub cap! (No offense intended Cap, I love you too!)