For those who don't know, Chris Roberts (the guy behind Wing Commander and some other classic computer games) is making his dream game...and he's taking us along for the ride.
Star Citizen will be a massive sandbox "space opera" universe where the players will be able to do almost anything they can think of with their characters. Do you want to be a merchant, a smuggler, a pirate, a miner, a trader, an explorer, a soldier? You can do any of those things and more.
There will be private servers where PvPers can gank all they want, and where modders can build and change things to their hearts' content. The main server will be a massive persistent environment where PvE is the main focus. However, there will always be SOME PvP. Players will be able to set the level of PvP on their characters. Set it to low and the only place you may have to enter PvP combat is in the remote, lawless outer areas of space. Set it to high and you can get into fights just about anywhere.
If you ever played the old Traveller game... If you like Star Wars, Firefly, or any "space opera" science fiction...this could be a place to call home. Star Citizen will be attracting a LOT of RPers. I hope that means there will be a lot of folks from Virtue and from CoH in general migrating there. Alpha testing is due to start in about a year with release set for 2014. You can find me on their forums as "O'Donovan (Irish)." My user ID (global) is ODonovan, since they wouldn't let me have a fada (Irish apostrophe). My callsign will be "Irish."
If we can't be superheroes in Paragon City, perhaps we can still be (to steal from Firefly) "big damn heroes." The best thing is this is being entirely funded by the fans. NO PUBLISHER'S BACKSIDE TO KISS! Imagine Paragon Studios running CoH...but with no evil alien NCSoft overlords to have to deal with! *happy sigh*
Hope to see you folks on the boards and in the game.
For those who don't know, Chris Roberts (the guy behind Wing Commander and some other classic computer games) is making his dream game...and he's taking us along for the ride.
The best thing is this is being entirely funded by the fans. NO PUBLISHER'S BACKSIDE TO KISS! Imagine Paragon Studios running CoH...but with no evil alien NCSoft overlords to have to deal with! *happy sigh*
Star Citizen will be a massive sandbox "space opera" universe where the players will be able to do almost anything they can think of with their characters. Do you want to be a merchant, a smuggler, a pirate, a miner, a trader, an explorer, a soldier? You can do any of those things and more.
There will be private servers where PvPers can gank all they want, and where modders can build and change things to their hearts' content. The main server will be a massive persistent environment where PvE is the main focus. However, there will always be SOME PvP. Players will be able to set the level of PvP on their characters. Set it to low and the only place you may have to enter PvP combat is in the remote, lawless outer areas of space. Set it to high and you can get into fights just about anywhere.
If you ever played the old Traveller game... If you like Star Wars, Firefly, or any "space opera" science fiction...this could be a place to call home. Star Citizen will be attracting a LOT of RPers. I hope that means there will be a lot of folks from Virtue and from CoH in general migrating there. Alpha testing is due to start in about a year with release set for 2014. You can find me on their forums as "O'Donovan (Irish)." My user ID (global) is ODonovan, since they wouldn't let me have a fada (Irish apostrophe). My callsign will be "Irish."
If we can't be superheroes in Paragon City, perhaps we can still be (to steal from Firefly) "big damn heroes."
Hope to see you folks on the boards and in the game.
Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
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