Protector on Google+




Protector Server on Google+

Not sure if anyone uses it or not, I know there are a few people who follow it.

You can pretty much consider that my contact info.

I can be found on Guild Wars 2, Darkhaven server (I think) as Riverdancer.
I may also be on SW:TOR. I can't remember what server, Ebon Hawk, I think. Forum name is Zoot Suit. Or, google+ above.

I made some excellent friends here - ones I would be proud to share a beer with at a bar, play poker with, or just shoot the **** in a coffee shop.

Good thoughts to Disney. Also, buy a Mercedes Lackey book. For those who don't know, she's not only a player, but spearheading the drive to get Disney to buy CoH. Excellent writer, excellent gamer, excellent person.

Much love and peace to you all.