After uninstalling....




I see this:

On Justice
Super Goober, Scrankster, Dusty McFluffy, SuperHappyFun and others
Daily affirmation: net helpmsg 4006
I'm going to need a hacksaw. -- Jack Bauer
I just lost my chicken - Bubbles
Aaawwk! I can feel it in my choadies - Hank Venture



I actually intend to keep archived copies of the current and beta clients....just in case. Other than that, yes, that's pretty thoughtless on their part.




Wow... that's just... lame.

Allyriah - 50 Ice/Ice Blaster
Cyrrena - 50 Sonic/Dark Corr
Ally Stryke - 50 Inv/SS Tank
and so many more...