Any champs on beta
Almost everyday, but I'm on the Pacific coast, so I'm on around 8 PM PT. We formed a global chan to keep track of incarnates, so feel free to join:
/chanjoin "beta itrials"
Cool. I'm in Cali so 8pm shouldnt be a problem. Figured if I signed in that late I would never get a team. I'll also look into that channel.
Keep signing into beta looking for teams so I can try out some of my 50's that I didnt get to finish building on live and can never find a team. Just now there were 17 other 50's on and no one responded to my requests. Playing these characters at +4 solo is a bit boring cause its not a challenge.

"Sure, I'll take on three +4 avatars of hamidon alone"
So does anyone from champ sign into beta on a regular?