The Sisterhood of Naughty Space Vixens Goodbye Event
Today is the last day the Sisterhood of Naughty Space Vixens will be active. Its a bit sad but I'm happy too and look forward to my event tonight and hope for a turnout to see us go. But we have begun new chapters in other games so our story continues. I will have one last post tomorrow after we close up. Thank you Virtue for having us.
@Forever Zer0
Forever Zero lvl 45 Grav/Kin Controller
Bellonda lvl 50 Bots/traps MM
Mid-Night Marauder lvl 50 DM/Invuln Scrapper
((In character as Bellonda))
Dear Friends and Earthlings,
As you know well by now, the Nothing (The Coming Storm or whatever you want to call it) is on its way to devour Paragon Earth. Being the opportunists we are, we have been quietly moving our loot off Earth to new places in the galaxy and different dimensions over the last few months, and on the 25th of November, we will be closing down our base of operations on Paragon Earth.
We love Paragon Earth, and feel we have been an important part of it (or scourge if you ask some) for the last 6 years, but feel the story of Paragon Earth is over for us ((for now, I have faith I will see it again somehow)) but our stories and adventures will continue elsewhere.
We have made many friends here since we opened our Sisterhood and they have been kind to us. I'd like to return the favor by offering an escape for them from Paragon Earth to other places and dimensions we can reach for them or at least give them a job on our ships and space stations if they have no place to go. We are also taking requests currently for non friends as well as long as they have some skill they can barter with and sign on to join our crews and facility staffs for a short tour of duty. If you don't have the skills but are the teachable sort, we can find a place for you as well. Remember though, we are the unscrupulous sort, so you must bear that in mind if you place your future with us. We tend to have a nasty habit of spacing mutineers.
To those who stay till the end, we applaud and respect you. Maybe you might win the day after all, especially the real super heroes among you and I wish you luck with that. Being realists, we made plans and contingencies early on and have been executing them with some success. And this last goodbye is our final contingency here and all are welcome to show up and have a little fun with us remembering the good times and good times but mostly the good times
So, if you'd like to come join us for our final goodbye, we will be waiting outside the St. Martial base portal at 9pm GMT (4pm EST) on Sunday, November 25th to invite you to our base to leave Paragon Earth or just to see us off before shutting down our chapter here. The Sisterhood begins to depart at 10pm GMT (5pm EST).
This doesn't have to be the end for you, our list is filling out, make your escape and continue your destiny.
-Bellonda T'sasha
Founder and Leader of the Sisterhood of Naughty Space Vixens
Inter-Dimensional Businesswoman, Smuggler and Opportunist
((A little about us. The Sisterhood of Naughty Space Vixens is a group founded in 2006 to work together to make a base. Since then, we have reached Virtue's top 50 list, peaking at 27th place on the prestige list. Our members are mostly creative, fun loving casual players who are supportive of each other and love to PUG and have fun with our fellow teammates. A misconception about us is that we are an ERP group, which isn't the case as we are mostly OOC on our toons and only rp lightly if at all. In fact, when I made the group, I never knew people did that, lol. We had alot of fun on our 6 years here with the CoX community and hopefully we contributed to making it better as was our intention. If you'd like to join us in the future, contact us. We are on Guild Portal and use the Space Vixens global channel on Cryptic games. We have plans on making homes in several games for our players and you are welcome to join us as we continue our story and fun elsewhere. Even so, I will be there for the Final Mapserve on my original toon as will several other sisters and the rest of you all. Good luck and most importantly, Have fun!))
@Forever Zer0
Forever Zero lvl 45 Grav/Kin Controller
Bellonda lvl 50 Bots/traps MM
Mid-Night Marauder lvl 50 DM/Invuln Scrapper