Last Run




Spent some time on the first character I created last night. Found a good team on virtue and ran almost a full level worth of missions on Peregrine Isle. It was a blast.
I was here when it started and early this morning I logged onto Virtue and was standing all alone under the Atlas statue. I shouted goodbye to an empty zone. My thanks to all the staff and players that made this game great for all these years. The game took some directions I was not happy with along the way and i took a few breaks, but I always came back. It still has the best character creation, best customization, best movement options, and best management of the way you wanted to play of any game made to date and will likely reigned supreme in many of those catagories for the foreseable future. Me and my children will miss getting together to play COH.
Wishing everyone the best and hope to bump into a few of you again sometime.